NationStates Jolt Archive

Coalition of the Unwilling

29-12-2003, 03:48
The Confederacy of Benicius is but a small nation though boasts a considerable defence force which is complimented by regional forces. Recent technological advancements by Benician scientists have allowed the nation to begin development of Ion based weapons systems. These are a purely defencive measure in light of the dangerous world we now find ourselves in. War is not favoured by the Benician leadership, rather we prefer trade and commerce to flourish. We ask fellow peaceful nations to join in a "coalition of the unwilling" to oppose war and support economic prosperity. Only in defence should we war and to that end, the Benician leadership is willing to share newly manufactured Ion defence technologies with member states.
29-12-2003, 04:02
The Stellar Empire of O Re Sa Ma shares this ideal and would gladly join the Confederacy of Benicius in the Coalition of the Unwilling.

The Empire consists of only one solar system, with just three habitable planets, a gas giant, an asteroid belt and a main sequence star, with numerous moons and space stations. Although it posses no capital ships, The Empire is well defended by it's large fleet of Dragon Star Fighters, boasting defensive systems such as the Ashigaru ECM system.

The Stellar Empire would sell these powerful defense systems to it's allies at a vastly reduced price (current financial situation prevents giving away items), so as to aid in repelling agressors.