NationStates Jolt Archive

Helicopter Procurement, nations invited to tender

21-11-2003, 20:02
(OOC: The object of his is not to post large amounts of photos and stats but to attempt a realistic selection process where more than just performance is conisdered. Rember to give reasons and make your post an IC post rather than just a data sheet.)

The Sultan's Minister for Defence has announced a program to purchase helicopters from abroad that will be used by the Marines, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard. Currently each service uses a variety of airframes some performing teh same roles. After the cancellation of the Future Joint Helicopter for funding reasons and failure of the Joint Service Tiltrotor it is hoped that purchasing an already proven design and modifying it for Kahtani use is the most cost effective solution esepcially as many of the helicopter types in question are approaching the end of their service lifes.


All entires must provide specifications, pictures and costings in order to be entered. Also rasons as to why a partuclar type is suitable for a particular role may improve chances of selection.

Only realistic designs will be inluded.
Only large nations who are well known and respected will be able to enter.

The numbers listed to below are subject to change and additional requirements may be added.


- 120-130 Military Utility helicopters for 20-3
40 troops to replace CH-46 Sea Knight and SA330 Puma helicopters.

- 20-30 Special Forces Helicopters to replace MH-60 Pave Hawks

- 40-50 Attack helicopters to replace AH-1F Cobras

Air Force:

- 20-30 Military Utility helicopters for 20-3
40 troops to replace UH-60L Black Hawks

- 4-6 VIP helicopters to replace VH-3 Sea Kings

-20-30 CSAR helicopters to replace MH-53 Pave Lows

Royal Marines

- 30-40 Military Utility helicopters for 20-3
40 troops to replace Sea King Commando Mk4s

- 20-30 Attack helicopters to replace AH-1W Super Cobras

Coast Guard

- 20-30 SAR helicopters to replace Super Frelon and Sea King types.

It is likely that different services may choose different airframes even for the same requiremtn type.

(OOC: The object of his is not to post large amounts of photos and stats but to attempt a realistic selection process where more than just performance is conisdered. Rember to give reasons and make your post an IC post rather than just a data sheet.)
21-11-2003, 21:08
OOC: is it Ok if i post links? if i post even just main stats in addition to my blurbs then theis could be a super lengthy post, if you don't want to the links then i'll edit it to include the details and pics.

-From: Crookfur Arms Direct marketing

-to: Kahtan Ministry of defense procurement board

Dear Sirs
We are delighted to hear that you feel yourself to be in a psotion to solicit proposals for the equipping of the various helicopter requirements, we hope that some of our proposals will find acceptance with you.

The stats for all aircraft mentioned here can be found on these pages (actually 1 page but different internal links):

As to your requirements:


Military utility Helicopters:
Here we would like to offer a rahter different type of craft, the CFHN24A Kestrel medium transport rotodyne. While not as manouverable as a conventional helicopter or as quiet in the VTOL phase the Rotodyne is faster and far more efficient in level flight. the Kestrel is only capable of carrying 16 troops internally but has an external slug load capacity in excess of any helicopter in it's class (so i can modify the airframe for more room if you want). As a matter of course the Kestrel features all the latest electronics equipment but if required it's open systems architecture make modifications simple.
We would estimate aquistion costs to be in the $210-250million range, with any modifications required of course costing that little bit extra.

Attack helicopter:
A more conventional yet still outstanding offering is made here in the form of our K-47 Goth gunship. Featuring a coaxial rotor system the goth is extremely manouverable with outstanding performance. In terms of weapons and electronics system the Goth covers all your needs with millimetric radar and laser targeting included as standard and compatability with an enormous range of weapons means that the goth is easily adaptable and capable of engaging a huge range of targets. On going ownership costs are as with all Crookfur products rahter low with easily maintainable systems and efficent engines.
Aquistion costs would be in the $430-600million range

Military Utility helicopters : again we would offer a version of the Kestrel modified to your specialist requirments.

VIP helicopters:
a specialist VIP version of the Kestrel can be produced (far far more comfortable than a helicopter with an almost vibration free operation) we woudl estimate this enhanced version (better coms and a tricked out interior) to come with a total aquistion cost in the $52-80million region (depending on fitting levels).

Royal Marines:
Military Utility helicopters:
here would offer either the Kestrel with some modifications (floats, shipboard recovery winch systems, rescue hoits) or our CFHN23A Gannet Medium Naval Rotodyne, the Gannet is more a multi purpose naval aircraft with search radar etc, the radar system can be removed to allow room for specialist modifications if you require.
Aquistion cost would depend on the exact option chosen but we estimate it to be in the $350-620million range

Attack helicopters
here we would offer a navalised version of the K-47 Goth (basically floats etc if required) the cost would be similar to that of the army option

Coast Guard:
SAR helicopters:
Here we would defiantly offer the Gannet, the increased endurance and more stable platform vastly increase SAR operational capacity.
Cost would be in the $310-470million range.

All our above proposals are of course subject to revision based on feedback from yourselves, we have left aquistion costs vague until we feel we understand your exact needs better. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to make contact, we will be happy to make clarifications or offer more detailed specifications on any of our options. If you see any of requirments as appealing but perhaps not meeting your exacting stnadards then feel free to request custom modifications and or redesigns (for example if you like the rotordyne idea and want soemthing different etc etc).

We await your reply with great anticipation.


The Crookfur Arms Direct Marketing (international) department.

Crookfur Arms, your freindly Neighbourhood Arms dealer.
21-11-2003, 21:19
Two helicopters have been submitted by the Bisonic Hishnik Design Bureau:
Mi-35M heavy helicopter gunship
Hi-58 Advanced Attack Helicopter

Both are vying for the attack helicopter selections, both have excellent payloads and both are protected from 12.7mm AP rounds (the Mi-35M is a flying armored bathtub apart from the tail), both have modern electronics, the Hi-58 is a "Stealthy" helicopter, the Mi-35M can also carry 8 troops and is a "kill-anything-that-moves" type of helicopter. Both can, if necessary, drop 500 lbs bombs. Various payment plans will be considered.
United Elias
22-11-2003, 00:56
To the Relevant Representative of His Majesties government, Royal Sultanate of Kahtan:

It is our understanding that you are aiming to minimes the amount of different airframes in service with the armed forces and therefore we feel we have the perfect solution although a conventional one.

Utility/SAR/SOC/CSAR Helicopter

The Elias Aerospace Corporation's EA-24 helicopter ( is the basis of our proposal as although it is larger than some of the types you intend to replace we would reason tha having fewr, larger airframes makes much more economic sense partuclaly when consdiering serviciability and maintenance. However should your nation feel that smaller helicopters are needed in certain roles, we also offer the EA-22 helicopter ( This is effectivek very similar to teh EA-24 in evry aspect bar size and the various type designations are interchanageable between the two.

The advantage of our propsoal is hat all the relevant requirements of your nation are met by off teh shelf versions that can be delivered without modifications and therefore at market prices.



Special Forces

Air Force


-EA-24B (very nice interior graphic of this on the thread)

-EA-24J (Brand new version)

Royal MArines

-EA-24C perhaps with modifications or EA-24G

Coast Guard

For the attack helicopter requirement the EA-32 ( is ideal for the role of replacing the AH-1 as it of similar size and configuration while being technologlically superior.

As you can see costings have been deliberately left out since we do not have the exact numbers you require or indeed if there are any modifications your nation wishes to make. However since these helicoptershave been produecd on a very large scale unsurpassed in NS we belive that we can offer a per unit price and cability balance that is unbeatable.

Another suggestion si that if the decision was taken to to replace every type, we could be contarcted to upgrade exisig designs providing thee is a sufficient airframe life to make this viable. EA has some experience in this field and is shortly going to ne aarded a contract to upgrade over 120 Mi-17s for the Elias Air Force Reserve.

Director of Aviation Marketing

Ministry of Defence Procurement and Export,
Federal Dictatorship of United Elias