NationStates Jolt Archive

New fleet!

27-10-2003, 14:59
~Public message to all nations - Carlos Sterengi~
At the moment after a disastorous terrorist attack destroyed a navy stronghold with a neuclear blast totalling 400 ships and killing near to 300000 innocent people and counting. Well straight to the point we are developing new ships but in fear of neuclear bombs destroyng them we need help in developing them any nation that does so will have rights to produce the ships and any assistance when needed.
Carlos Sterengi Head of the Gigliovia Navy
~End of message~
27-10-2003, 15:00
Feeling pity for you, we would love to help build a new fleet.
27-10-2003, 15:03
Feeling pity for you, we would love to help build a new fleet.
~Message to Freedom Country~
we appreciate all of your help you can give and don't pity us pity those terrorist organisations once the fleet is complete. Anyway once again my thanks
Carlos Sterengi
~End of Message~
Five Civilized Nations
27-10-2003, 15:05
The Five Civilized Nations after considering the request have decided to hand over to Gigliovia several warships to act as the Space Fleet...

The following number of warships have been dispatched...

Four Archimedes Class Cruisers,

three Hurricane Class Battlecruisers,

three Kazansky Class Frigates,

and a Clisthenes Class Fleet Carrier.

--Naval Secretary, Armad Delaz
27-10-2003, 15:05
Building will start as soon as plans are delivered.

The fleet will be on continous close guard.
27-10-2003, 15:08
~Alistair McCray - Head of Gigliovia Senate~
We all wish to thank both Five Civilised Nations and Freedom Country and lets hope this shall never happen again!
~End Message~