NationStates Jolt Archive

PLEASE HELP: Ship-Disabling Weaponry

20-10-2003, 18:56
Due to the recent escalation of a rather unique war, wherin our enemies are made up of possessed beings, many of which are Capsulians, We are in desperate need of weaponry that can disable a starship.

Please, We ask you to offer any sort of technology of this kind that you have.

OOC: This is only Semi-IC
20-10-2003, 19:09
20-10-2003, 19:11
Could you not target the engines?
20-10-2003, 19:17
CC Speaking: Capsule Corporation ships use a Plasma Heat-Pile system, the engines take up a good chunk of the aft section... heavilly armored.
Big Long Now
20-10-2003, 19:19
While we have not gone into starships ourselves or produced space weaponry, the Big Long Now Space Agency (BLNSA) has studied the weapons needed to disable a ship.

We think that an electric pulse delivered through a fluxuating frequency can bypass the shields after finding the frequency and strike the hull, sending a mass electric surge through the systems and shorting them out. All starships require computer technology to work things, including the engines, and without the engines, they cannot go anywhere, giving you time to escape or to destroy the target now that you have the frequency to their shields.

When the electric pulse is sent to the shields, and it cannot go through the shields, there is a small amount of feedback to determine if it passes through or not. You will recieve no feedback if it goes through, and the system can use that to stay on the frequency.

Good luck and we hope our research can help.

Kurt Westen
Director of the BLNSA
20-10-2003, 19:24
Except one obvious problem... EM Shielding... Capsule Corporation ships are especially shielded due to their use of Magnetic weaponry, Farad Weaponry, and plasma weaponry... so obviously an EMP would have no effect.
20-10-2003, 19:32
>> Perhaps I can help.

>> Generally, I do not involve myself in conflicts between organic units, but in this case, I may have a solution. I am an intelligence composed entirely of a collection of artificial entities. Amongst these are nanoscopic repair drones.

>> If you could come up with a way of delivering them to your ships, perhaps through a missile, they could infiltrate the ship's systems and disable it from the inside.
20-10-2003, 19:53
Probally the most reliable way would be to seek out and hire weapons-grade telepaths to knock the crews out, or a psionic weapon of similar effect.

We're currently developing such, but we're not very far along.
Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah
20-10-2003, 19:56
((OOC: Kanuckistan, post a reply to the "formation of a nation" thread, or your ship will be utterly destroyed. Of course, it's your choice.))
20-10-2003, 20:03
We have slicer cannons, research purchased from the Eastern Bloc, which fire a half million terrawatt laser stream, while ungodly in its power consumption *we require the raw power of a quantum singularity to power these things* it can be used to surgicly strike your ships, slicing cleanly thorugh engine rooms, removing the entire sublight engine section, or simply cutting the ship into small peices. While not exactly what you are looking for, it would allow you to salvage more from your ships, and should you be able to fire through your engine rooms *I would hope you know where they are located on your own ships* you could disable the ship in a single shot. If you are not worried about loss of human life aboard the ship, my ally Valinon has several types of radiation missiles that you can use to destroy all biological lifeforms on the ship. I wish you the best of luck in your search, and if the Takian government can be of any assistance, feel free to ask.
20-10-2003, 20:32
LOL actually it's te opposite. We don't care about the ships, we wish to keep the crews alive.
20-10-2003, 20:38
lol, well lets see, the slicers would still work if you could shoot straight through the power supplies, that would keep the ship mostly pressurized and keep it from killing the crew. . . otherwise hacking into the ships AI, if any exists would help, or boarding with crews armed with stunners to disable it from inside. I'll likely think of more as time progresses, what kind of shielding/armor are we talking about?
20-10-2003, 20:57
CC Speaking: Capsule Corporation ships use a Plasma Heat-Pile system, the engines take up a good chunk of the aft section... heavilly armored.

OOC: Good thing that is OOC speaking. Wazzu TransCorp has been building heat pile engines since before Capsule came around (and putting them in ships since IRL August 2nd) believes it is still a uniquely held technology. Should it learn otherwise, it (and perhaps Wazzu) would take action against what would obviously be industrial espionage.

Of course, by telling you this I am OOCly giving Capsule the option of keeping it ICly secret...but I would assume that CapCorp would be warry of what happens when another corporation catches it in theft....
20-10-2003, 21:03
our acid bath missles make holes in the hold which cause implosion
20-10-2003, 21:10
CC Speaking: Capsule Corporation ships use a Plasma Heat-Pile system, the engines take up a good chunk of the aft section... heavilly armored.

OOC: Good thing that is OOC speaking. Wazzu TransCorp has been building heat pile engines since before Capsule came around (and putting them in ships since IRL August 2nd) believes it is still a uniquely held technology. Should it learn otherwise, it (and perhaps Wazzu) would take action against what would obviously be industrial espionage.

Of course, by telling you this I am OOCly giving Capsule the option of keeping it ICly secret...but I would assume that CapCorp would be warry of what happens when another corporation catches it in theft....Wow, good thing I am already on your ignore list ;) You can't just say "Oh, I ignore you because half your tech is "unrealistic" and yet i will unignore you just so I can fight you for copyright infringement on common technology that I copyrighted" :)

I've been using heatpile systems since july.
20-10-2003, 21:12
our acid bath missles make holes in the hold which cause implosion*scratches head* and this would preserve the crew... how?
20-10-2003, 21:14
they will be crushed to death unless they have a floor detainment unit

just use emp
20-10-2003, 21:18
CC Speaking: Capsule Corporation ships use a Plasma Heat-Pile system, the engines take up a good chunk of the aft section... heavilly armored.

OOC: Good thing that is OOC speaking. Wazzu TransCorp has been building heat pile engines since before Capsule came around (and putting them in ships since IRL August 2nd) believes it is still a uniquely held technology. Should it learn otherwise, it (and perhaps Wazzu) would take action against what would obviously be industrial espionage.

Of course, by telling you this I am OOCly giving Capsule the option of keeping it ICly secret...but I would assume that CapCorp would be warry of what happens when another corporation catches it in theft....Wow, good thing I am already on your ignore list ;) You can't just say "Oh, I ignore you because half your tech is "unrealistic" and yet i will unignore you just so I can fight you for copyright infringement on common technology that I copyrighted" :)

I've been using heatpile systems since july.


1: Point out where I ignored you. I haven't. I've insulted you a few times for stupidly huge and seeminly powerful ships from a tiny nation, but never ignored you.
2: Point out where the technology is "common." Who else uses it, where? I've never seen it.
3: Read carefully. I said that TransCorp has been putting them in ships since August 2nd. It has been experimenting with and testing them since before Capsule Corporation existed...since before July. Unlike some n00bs, I don't imediately claim ubertech...I build up over time.
20-10-2003, 21:38
We could design an immensely powerful gravity well generator that could completely disable the ship's maneuvering (OOC: CC is Raysia?! whoa... o.O)
20-10-2003, 22:10
20-10-2003, 22:13
CC Speaking: Capsule Corporation ships use a Plasma Heat-Pile system, the engines take up a good chunk of the aft section... heavilly armored.

OOC: Good thing that is OOC speaking. Wazzu TransCorp has been building heat pile engines since before Capsule came around (and putting them in ships since IRL August 2nd) believes it is still a uniquely held technology. Should it learn otherwise, it (and perhaps Wazzu) would take action against what would obviously be industrial espionage.

Of course, by telling you this I am OOCly giving Capsule the option of keeping it ICly secret...but I would assume that CapCorp would be warry of what happens when another corporation catches it in theft....Wow, good thing I am already on your ignore list ;) You can't just say "Oh, I ignore you because half your tech is "unrealistic" and yet i will unignore you just so I can fight you for copyright infringement on common technology that I copyrighted" :)

I've been using heatpile systems since july.


1: Point out where I ignored you. I haven't. I've insulted you a few times for stupidly huge and seeminly powerful ships from a tiny nation, but never ignored you.
2: Point out where the technology is "common." Who else uses it, where? I've never seen it.
3: Read carefully. I said that TransCorp has been putting them in ships since August 2nd. It has been experimenting with and testing them since before Capsule Corporation existed...since before July. Unlike some n00bs, I don't imediately claim ubertech...I build up over time.hmm... right... ok. 1) you ignored me any time i ever used FTL... so i ignroed ytou back... that was some little fight a few months ago, oh well. 2) I've been using them on my ships since july, I was unaware that it was copyrighted. 3) Sorry, i don't beleive in "advancement" in your view... I don't really have that much uber tech, all my technology is somewhat realistic and rthought out and has restrictions and penalties as to prevent people from shouting out "godmodder"... and my ships are not big. -I- get after people with big ships :P

Anyway, my point is, sorry. i didn't know it was copyrighted somehow. I'll think of another name to call my system :P i through out random words I've heard lol j/k

Can I simply pay you off with a healthy bribe or royalty? :)

EDIT: Also, I usually spend a long time researching equipment IC... lol the engines however... I just didn't feel it was necessary to research them that much, not really a big deal... plus I just had it as some basic starting tech... I don't really think it's that complex. Most of my researching went into powerplants and weaponry and shields etc.
20-10-2003, 22:28
CC, Wazzu, I'd simply call it convergent evoloution; happened with a few notible inventions iRL, so there's precident.

And patents would only ICly hold legal sway if/when both nations signed on to a common patent orginization/treaty.
20-10-2003, 22:28

hmm... right... ok. 1) you ignored me any time i ever used FTL... so i ignroed ytou back... that was some little fight a few months ago, oh well.

No, I don't ignore FTL, I just don't use it. The sticky point is that I believe a ship's usefullness depends on the resources poured into such a large nation building fewer and smaller ships will have better ones. So claiming super-strong shields, multiple FTL drives, diamond hulls, and 1-shot kill weapons is something I don't take seriously from smaller nations (or any nations really).

2) I've been using them on my ships since july, I was unaware that it was copyrighted.

Not copyrighted really, more of a trade secret. TransCorp (and corporate controlled Wazzu) already dislikes weapons dealers, stealing a trade secret would be bad, selling it would get the idea.

3) Sorry, i don't beleive in "advancement" in your view... I don't really have that much uber tech, all my technology is somewhat realistic and rthought out and has restrictions and penalties as to prevent people from shouting out "godmodder"... and my ships are not big. -I- get after people with big ships :P

Not just ship size, but how many built...though pretty much everyone builds a lot compared to Wazzu.

Anyway, my point is, sorry. i didn't know it was copyrighted somehow. I'll think of another name to call my system :P i through out random words I've heard lol j/k

Can I simply pay you off with a healthy bribe or royalty? :)

No need to think of something new, just don't spread it around. Bribes and royalties are not needed unless TransCorp finds out about it, and maybe not then...depends on RP...and it would be throughly RPed.
20-10-2003, 22:33
CC, Wazzu, I'd simply call it convergent evoloution; happened with a few notible inventions iRL, so there's precident.

And patents would only ICly hold legal sway if/when both nations signed on to a common patent orginization/treaty.

OOC: "Convergent evolution" (well, convergent development) is quite possible, but hasn't been seen with this technology elsewhere yet. TransCorp had it before Capsule Corp came around, so would consider it stolen whether it really was or not (TransCorp wouldn't know better and would think any evidence otherwise to be contrived).

Not a matter of patents really. TransCorp is one of several corporations that run Wazzu. The engine in forign (espeically forign corporate) hands means potential lost profit (from TransCorp and Hermes Spacelines). It also means potential proliferation as far as the Wazzu government (what of it there is) is concerned.

It wouldn't be the first time a nation or corporation waged war to protect a valued technology...just the first time Wazzu did so.
Furry Folk
20-10-2003, 23:03
OOC: How about using a mass driver to throw super jumbo version of the long rod penatrator the M1 tank fires? slam one of them into the bridge or drive section of a ship will take it out of action right quick
20-10-2003, 23:17
Wazzu: I don't, man, look at my fleet stats ( sometime lol i have over 500 million pop and yet i have the following "big" ships:

(please note, this is wartime so I had to activate some extras)

1 Kryptonite Cruiser (800 meters)
6 Kryptonite-Class (Variated) Cruisers (800 meters)
18 Kolob-Class Carriers (625 meters)
24 Moroni-Class Support Cruisers (750 meters)
12 Patriarch-Class Cargo Transports (750 meters)

I certainly would not consider that godmodding if I were fighting against me... heck, I'd say we're undermanned for a nation our size :) I know plety of people half my size with armies of ships twice that size and twice as many... why don't you pick on them? :)

EDIT: Oh, and my armor isn't impentrable, neither are my shields... yes, I do have a "one-shot kill" weapon... but most people do lol I actually put penalties on it to make it fair though.