NationStates Jolt Archive

Princess Susan to marry Zihkav

31-08-2003, 17:17
The high Princess Susan will marry the ruler of Zihkav in his city. If you wissh to be invited please ask.
31-08-2003, 17:18
31-08-2003, 17:21
I am sorry as I have said I am Dislexic. Sorry who to invite.
I will change it.
The King of Aust Boarded a jet bound for Zihkav carry by 4 female slaves in the royal uniform. It crused into the warp portal
31-08-2003, 17:24
Well anyway, lets get on with this.

A ceremonial escort marched out of Zakarlevgrad to the place the princess had arrived.
"Does she really needs a escort?"
"Its part of the ceremony and their could be elven terrorists"
"But why a escort of 100.000? Besides, didn't we lock up all the elves?"
"Well some could have escaped"

The escort marches back to Zakarlevgrad bringing the princess with them.

Ooc: Aust, lets get the RP going.
31-08-2003, 17:25
ooc: Our ruler is named Mikail Zakarlev, Dominator of Zihkav, Chief of Technology and Armament for the Phyrexian Coalition by Decree of Yawgmoth, the inefabble and i could think of more titles like this.
31-08-2003, 17:29
The Princess walked into the city behind her marched 20 slaves sing her prasers. The guard she was asined mached next to her gracefully she mounted the opentopped car that was to carry her to the arena. The slaves picked it up and carryed her off. Behind her came her farther in a simerler veacal.
31-08-2003, 17:32
The arena is being prepared.

OOC: Aust, alright, sorry i'm going to do some director business.
Okay, now i want a look on the princess' thoughts and that of her father.
31-08-2003, 17:34
Our representative, Grima Wormtongue would be willing to conduct the marriage ceromony if you are willing for this to occur. In the spirit of cooperation, we hope you accept our offer. Saruman himself cannot attend due to the fact that his spirit is seperated from his body and is confined by magic to the top of Orthanc. He is still ruler though.
Thus has spoken the voice of Saruman

Saruman the White
Lord and Keeper of the Tower of Orthanc and the Ring of Isengard

The Dark Fiefdom of Lord Saruman the White (
31-08-2003, 17:36
Sorry, but we reject.
It is a tradition rulers of Zihkav are married by high-born Zihkavian officials only.
But you may send Grima as a delegate.
31-08-2003, 17:37
Sorry, but we reject.
It is a tradition rulers of Zihkav are married by high-born Zihkavian officials only.
But you may send Grima as a delegate.
That shall suffice, let it be done.
Thus has spoken the voice of Saruman

Saruman the White
Lord and Keeper of the Tower of Orthanc and the Ring of Isengard

The Dark Fiefdom of Lord Saruman the White (
31-08-2003, 17:38
Our representative, Grima Wormtongue would be willing to conduct the marriage ceromony if you are willing for this to occur. In the spirit of cooperation, we hope you accept our offer. Saruman himself cannot attend due to the fact that his spirit is seperated from his body and is confined by magic to the top of Orthanc. He is still ruler though.
Thus has spoken the voice of Saruman

Saruman the White
Lord and Keeper of the Tower of Orthanc and the Ring of Isengard

The Dark Fiefdom of Lord Saruman the White (
Sure you can come. But our king is king theoden so there may be some friction. If you want a wife I have one of my daughters avalible in the Marrage! Thead. hat is the wedding gift I need to know for the peposes of the RP
31-08-2003, 17:39
Which wedding gift?
You mean the one given by me or what?
31-08-2003, 17:42
No the one from Sauruman. You may give one but as the groom you are giving yourself anyway.
31-08-2003, 17:47
Lets get the rp started folks!
31-08-2003, 17:48
Your turn I did the bit when she mounted the Vecal
31-08-2003, 17:50
Can I send a few Diplomats to observe the ceremony?
31-08-2003, 17:51
The vehicles and soldiers went to Zakarlevgrad.
Suddently, a gunshot could be heard and a soldier fell down dead.
The soldiers start firing into the tree the shot apparently came from.
A dead elf falls down and is kicked away by the soldiers.
The colonne continues its way...

ooc: Please post the thoughts of the princess and the king Aust.
31-08-2003, 17:52
Can I send a few Diplomats to observe the ceremony?

Okay but keep them away from the arena if you don't like blood.
31-08-2003, 17:52
Can I send a few Diplomats to observe the ceremony?
31-08-2003, 17:54
Ok I will have them armed thought just incase.
31-08-2003, 17:56
Ok I will have them armed thought just incase.

They will have to give in their weapons before they enter, if they refuse, we'll just chop their hands off so they'll be unable to use their weapons.
31-08-2003, 17:56
2The soldure fell imidutly the king pulled out a pistol and dived into cover his guard pulled out sub-macine guns and fired into the trees. A elf fell out dead. The princess stared at the dead man looking at his fetures. Poor Guy she thought. Then she looked at the elf. Blood elf. She had seen public excutions and was not shocked. Faster she cryed to the slaves. As she said it the bodies where pulled awy by slaves.
31-08-2003, 17:58
*Seats in Director chair*

Alright, now i want some of the princess' thoughts about being married out.
31-08-2003, 18:01
Gotta leave now.
Continue RPing everybody.
And note our military shoots on elves.
31-08-2003, 18:02
Who is this man she thought what sort of nation am I being marryed into? What will my jobs be? Will I be able to see my farther? Well I'll be a good wife whatever! She leaned over and asked the diplomate.

CUT! What does the dimlomate say. What is your king doing? What does he think?
31-08-2003, 18:40
Zihkav please answer these questions when you get back then leave stuff for me if i'm not on
31-08-2003, 18:53
The son of Blade Master Sharim has arrived on this great day by a helicopter bearing the symbole of the growing nation. Tel Kattar Sharim quickly made his wait to the reception and introduced himself to the leader of this great nation. Bowing and offering a gift for the leader.

"Please accept this offering of great ties between our nations"

He offers a Cerimonial Crystal sword which was forged for occasions such as these.
31-08-2003, 18:57
Thank you crys the dimlomate and passes it to a slave. come with me for the contedt is about to begin and it would not be good if you arrived late.
31-08-2003, 19:04
Bowing towards the diplomate Sharim quickly follows behind the man. Keeping quite and to himself, speaking only to a few other nation diplomates that approach him. Some tensions running high since the recent attack upon the Refugee ships.
01-09-2003, 11:14
Who is this man she thought what sort of nation am I being marryed into? What will my jobs be? Will I be able to see my farther? Well I'll be a good wife whatever! She leaned over and asked the diplomate.

CUT! What does the dimlomate say. What is your king doing? What does he think?

Diplomat: "I cannot say it m'lady. Lord Mikail will tell you if he wants to."
What my king is doing: Well, oppressing the people. Yup.
What he thinks i cannot say. But i can describe how he looks like:
-2 meters tall
-White skin color
-Blonde hair
-Big pointy stick in pocket to torture people with
-Age: 22
-Personality: Kinda evil
01-09-2003, 21:20
Mysterfyed the lady entered the arina and sat on a lether chair. The King sat next to her with a blast of the trumpit the show began.
01-09-2003, 22:11
As this was happening a sniper cross hair skimmed the crowd before finding the Kings head.
"This is October 1. Master 1 in sight. Permission too open fire"
"Roger that October 1. Permission granted."
The sniper made sure the cross hairs were were still on the kings head. Then he sqeuzed the trigger.
02-09-2003, 11:26
As this was happening a sniper cross hair skimmed the crowd before finding the Kings head.
"This is October 1. Master 1 in sight. Permission too open fire"
"Roger that October 1. Permission granted."
The sniper made sure the cross hairs were were still on the kings head. Then he sqeuzed the trigger.

ooc: Which king?

ic: A assasin was spotted. Security immediately attacked him.
02-09-2003, 21:35
They dragged the sniper before the King. "Behead him....No!" He smiled Cruly at the young mans face."Take him to the arena and leave him to the gladeators." They dragged the young men off Kicking and squeaming "You Won't get away with this!"
"I already have my frend I allready have." The guards dragged another person towards him. A young boy about 9-10 years old. "We found this one with the man, he's his son." Below the Assain was chopped to peaces his dying scream cut through the air. The boy begain sobbing. Pity shook the kings heart and he decided not to excequte him. "Find out why they attacked us, through any means then if he is still able, brand him and give him to my wife to be a dry-servant." He leaned back in his chair and whatched the boodshead as a hundred gladeators charged at each other and began to fight under cheers from the crowd. The scean was replecated on giant boards set around the stadia. "Farther," said the princess. "May I have him,2
"The Boy"
"If you wish so."He motioned to an aide, "Send word that the boy is to be branded with the princess crest and sent to her not to my wife."
"Yes, Sir"
03-09-2003, 00:32
OOC:It aint that easy too get rid of a member of the Current Gaurd. A guard memeber can take on 2 men with machineguns and come out unharmed. The gladiator would havebeen killed.

IC:"Sir the assasination attempt failed.Oh and the idiot brought his son. The son has been taken prisoner."
"Well we have consquences for countries who take away our people."

To Aust
From General Sam of the Red Tide Stratigic and Speacial forces
We are well aware that you have 2 of our fine citizens in your hold. We demand thier release or we will have too take drastic measures too punish you. Like lets say... A ICBM full of VX nerve gas inside the middile of that stadium.
03-09-2003, 12:40
OOC:It aint that easy too get rid of a member of the Current Gaurd. A guard memeber can take on 2 men with machineguns and come out unharmed. The gladiator would havebeen killed.

IC:"Sir the assasination attempt failed.Oh and the idiot brought his son. The son has been taken prisoner."
"Well we have consquences for countries who take away our people."

To Aust
From General Sam of the Red Tide Stratigic and Speacial forces
We are well aware that you have 2 of our fine citizens in your hold. We demand thier release or we will have too take drastic measures too punish you. Like lets say... A ICBM full of VX nerve gas inside the middile of that stadium.

Listen up you bastard. We are located in ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE.
You can get things up here through special "Warpholes" , but you DO NOT KNOW THEIR LOCATIONS!

So, in short, you cannot nuke me.

But i can nuke you and certainly will if you continue to do these things.
03-09-2003, 17:07
03-09-2003, 17:15
So, in short, you cannot nuke me.

But i can nuke you and certainly will if you continue to do these things.

. . . . . . . . . . . . ?
03-09-2003, 23:49
OOC:GODMOD! Thats like saying your invincible. Congratulations. You are
04-09-2003, 11:17
You understand me wrong.
You can try to nuke me but i am in ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE.
Meaning that i exist, but not on earth or in space.
I have placed Warpholes where you can get to the other plane, but these are hidden. You can nuke me by launching a nuke at one of them, but you do not know their locations so cannot nuke me. I , however, know the locations, so i am able to nuke you. Am i clear?
04-09-2003, 11:25
You understand me wrong.
You can try to nuke me but i am in ANOTHER PLANE OF EXISTENCE.
Meaning that i exist, but not on earth or in space.
I have placed Warpholes where you can get to the other plane, but these are hidden. You can nuke me by launching a nuke at one of them, but you do not know their locations so cannot nuke me. I , however, know the locations, so i am able to nuke you. Am i clear?

That's foolish, friend. Planes of existance are all well and good, but being unassailable isn't going to float with very many people, I'm sure.
04-09-2003, 15:15
They CAN get in there. All they need is to locate a warphole which won't be so easy, but once you locate one, you can invade and all the stuff, and you lack the technology to make one.
08-09-2003, 20:09
OH and by the way DON'T try to attack Aust we are one giant underground city. The only people who live on the surface are slaves. If you nucked us you would kill slaves haha. The surface of Aust is fertile but has meny volcanos to stop them from killing us we built underground. There is one heverly defended entrance (5 miles long only accesable to people. Not maned only remotly contoled gun turits. Two machine guns on each turrit) To get stuff to the surface we ride in pods on magma flares or shuttles on thermals. Ther are two ports E1 and E2 These have 100,000 men defending them and are hidden underground. Even if you did break in all the shuttles have a remotly controled self destruct device. We do have planes/ships/nucks these come up in the shuttles. Good luck on attacking us. P.S The man was killed he was unarmed and stripped of cloaths while the gladiators tore him apart, The boy is now a manservant to the princess. Do not attack or we will toucher him and make rades on you. Now on with the wedding.

OCC: What was red tides motave
08-09-2003, 21:24
OOC:Money(dont know how).Yes hemay have been stripped of his clothes. But A Current gaurd member would kill the gladiator easily... or at least alot of them before being taken down. Also about your city being underground.... Nothin a bunker buster nuke combination cant handle.
09-09-2003, 21:04
The citys. 5 miles down. The Rocks Granit. The assasin was chained to a post.
OCC: What was your motave.
09-09-2003, 21:28
The vehicles and soldiers went to Zakarlevgrad.
Suddently, a gunshot could be heard and a soldier fell down dead.
The soldiers start firing into the tree the shot apparently came from.
A dead elf falls down and is kicked away by the soldiers.
The colonne continues its way...

ooc: Please post the thoughts of the princess and the king Aust.
OOC: Ehhh... no elf would be dumb enough in that situation to:
A) Not use a silencer.
B) Not shoot at someone actually important, like, say, the princess, or one of the Zihkavi officials.

Just some comments. Carry on.

10-09-2003, 09:16
The vehicles and soldiers went to Zakarlevgrad.
Suddently, a gunshot could be heard and a soldier fell down dead.
The soldiers start firing into the tree the shot apparently came from.
A dead elf falls down and is kicked away by the soldiers.
The colonne continues its way...

ooc: Please post the thoughts of the princess and the king Aust.
OOC: Ehhh... no elf would be dumb enough in that situation to:
A) Not use a silencer.
B) Not shoot at someone actually important, like, say, the princess, or one of the Zihkavi officials.

Just some comments. Carry on.


He stole his pistol from a guard. It didn't have a silencer and he couldn't buy one at the gunstore cuz Elves are being SHOT ON SIGHT!
And he was really desperate.
10-09-2003, 09:23
OOC: In that case he'd have probably tried to sneak out of the country using the pistol as a last-ditch defense. Failing that, he'd probably still go for someone important, at least in this lovely situation where the opportunity to do so quite considerately presented itself. ;)

But, never mind. I'll assume he ranks (ranked!) among the very few Elven dumbasses. Sirithil nos Fëanor
Elentári of the Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar
"If it is to be war between us, it shall be war to the knife and the knife to the hilt."
~Foreign Minister Duke Paolio, The Outlands
We Love the Iraqi Information Minister (
13-09-2003, 20:53
Lady Sisi I apoligise for the slughter of elves I am personly frendly with elvin nation and one of my greatist allies, Elvindom, is populated by elves. I do hope that you will accsept this appoligy. I invite you to come if Zihkav agrees. Now lets get on with the RP
21-09-2003, 08:31