NationStates Jolt Archive

NationStates Economic Ratings - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
03-11-2003, 00:11
Linkaton - AC
07-11-2003, 11:05
Yammo- AF
07-11-2003, 11:27
Vulcanus = AA

(Our industry rose with the expense of civil rights and such, but there's coming a change to that..)
Song Tan
07-11-2003, 17:01
Song Tan- AA
Five Civilized Nations
07-11-2003, 17:03
08-11-2003, 00:10
Automastan: AA
11-11-2003, 03:20
Dillberries - AF
Pain and Misery
11-11-2003, 03:24
this is useful. thanks
11-11-2003, 03:39
this is useful. thanks
You're very welcome. :D

...then again it has been over a month since the last update. *Taps Foot*
I'm really sorry about the huge delay, but I have been really busy these past few months, with school starting again, among other things. Looking back at the stacks of replies, I feel kind of bad for totally forgetting about this for such a long time. I suddenly remembered about this just now when I recognised it under the forum heading on the index page (thanks to Pain and Misery :wink: ). I suppose I will need at least a few weeks to clear the backlog and set up some kind of new system - let's say I'll be done by Christmas Day (HKT). Hopefully I'll be ahead of schedule and finish this a lot earlier.

P.S. Kind of sad that quite a number of nations have disappeared due to inactivity or other reasons... :(
Drakonian Imperium
11-11-2003, 07:18
OOC: That cool, we all should understand (I know I do). The Imperium is AA! Anyway, here my idea (again):

Thinking back on high school Economic's Class days (actually, only a few months ago), seems like forever with college about to start. I thought of something you might want to add to your listings, Ruccola.

Somewhere in this section, I thought:

The nations above have already shared their economic status with me. Any nations interested in being added to this list should post their economic status on this thread. The rating system is explained below:
AA = Frightening
AB = All-Consuming
AC = Powerhouse
AD = Thriving
AE = Very Strong
AF = Strong
BA = Good
BB = Fair
CA = Reasonable
CB = Developing
DA = Struggling
DB = Weak
EA = Fragile
EB = Basket Case
F = Imploded

Besides the UN rating there is also, how the economy is run. Is yours a command, free trade, traditional, or mixed. Your type of economy is listed::
1 = Free Trade
1.5 = Mixed Leaning Toward Free Trade
2 = Mixed
2.5 = Command Leaning Toward Mixed
3 = Command
3.5 = Command Leaning Toward Traditional
4 = Traditional

and below this, you would want:

Investment Information
Category A~ –> Perfectly safe and low-risk
Category B~ –> Safe and medium-risk
Category C~ –> Reasonable and moderate risk
Category D~ –> Not recommended and moderately high risk
Category E~ –> Not advised and high-risk
Category F~ –> Steer clear

Category 1~ –> Pure Free Trade, No Government Interference
Category 2~ –> Mixed, Limited to Mediocre Government Inference
Category 3~ –> Command, High to Total Government Control
Category 4~ –> Traditional, based on Custom and/or beliefs that control the Economy

I actually had some assignment that had me rate modern nations economies in my class. And anyway I thought, that it might be a good addition to the Thread. You might also want to, if you add my idea, for a short time add a little "(New and Updated)" bit to the Thread title. Anyway, thought you might approve.

Drakonian Imperium is a Mixed Economy (Category 2, Exactly)

Glad to see, your back, and yep it's sad to see the old ones dissappear. Hey, Nanaka is back! Anyway, thanks for spending the time on a update.
11-11-2003, 08:00
The Holy Republic of Argyres - AA
Five Civilized Nations
11-11-2003, 15:36
5CN is AB now...
11-11-2003, 15:39
Vandenhoogenban- AD
11-11-2003, 15:40
Jeruselem is AD ... we love $$$$$$
11-11-2003, 15:56
Fradustanis - BB :cry:
The Evil Overlord
11-11-2003, 18:24
The Evil Overlord should be AA now.

Copiosa Scotia
13-11-2003, 03:11
We're AA now.
13-11-2003, 03:47
Thunderstrike - BA
15-11-2003, 15:30
Milesia - AA
16-11-2003, 03:23
Democratic Republic of Rockfort= AF
16-11-2003, 03:41
16-11-2003, 03:45
Convict-F. I thought frightening was bad so I changes a bunch of decesions and look what I have now. :(
19-11-2003, 03:01
The Holy Republic of Swen- AC
19-11-2003, 03:15
McCountry: AA
Unum Veritas
19-11-2003, 03:16
Unum Veritas: AA
25-12-2003, 00:39
East Romit : BA
25-12-2003, 00:43
The Empire of NouvelleTerre - AF
North Germania
26-12-2003, 21:33
N.G. - AB
The Zoogie People
26-12-2003, 21:51
The Zoogie People - BA
Its colony,

The Zoogies - AC
Magnus Valerius
11-01-2004, 06:56
Magnus Valerius - AA
11-01-2004, 07:10

(Just so you know...not that it matters or's just that i would like to be on the front page of this wonderful thread....and so here I am...begging...please...include me)
11-01-2004, 09:48
11-01-2004, 09:49
Freedom Fighters-NRA-AE
17-01-2004, 17:13
Corneliu =CA for now
17-01-2004, 17:22

AC (Powerhouse)
Tasty Foods
17-01-2004, 17:22
Tasty Foods:

The Zoogie People
17-01-2004, 17:28
The Zoogie People:

AD (Thriving)

Chinese Army:

AA (Frightening)
03-04-2004, 20:32
Nanakaland = BA
Nova Empyrea
06-04-2004, 00:06
Since the last time there had been changes over changes in Nova Empyrea. Its now rated AC.

(is this list still in use and beeing updated?)
06-04-2004, 00:29
Jordaxia AB
06-04-2004, 03:02
Kilean- AA
06-04-2004, 04:59
06-04-2004, 05:02
29-04-2004, 10:33

Tarqys - AF

Thank you,

C Edward Adams
Commonwealth of Tarqys
Chris gueulette
24-06-2004, 17:17
12-09-2004, 02:07
Garglemesh- AA
12-09-2004, 02:16
Jordaxia - AA
Das Rocket
12-09-2004, 02:19
Das Rocket- AB
Harris Tweed-AB
12-09-2004, 02:23
Morathania-Powerhouse Economy-AC
Ginaz Mercenaries
12-09-2004, 02:34
Fenure: AA