NationStates Jolt Archive

Birth control an exclusive right of the upper-class!

31-05-2007, 09:40
Fellow Leaders,
I'm planning to launch a UN-proposal,
but haven't had the time jet to check out all the existing laws to know for cetain witch existing laws will have to be revoked first before my proposel has any chance of getting on the agenda.
Or if any other hick-ups are in the wording of the proposal to dissallow it of getting on the aggenda (if I get enough support that is).

The proposal in question is the following

Birth control an exclusive right of the upper-class!

A) Economical Reasons:

1) To forbid birth control for the masses.
• It’s a sure way of ensuring a continuing inflow of cheap (low schooled) labor, without the risk and problems of racism and integration.
• Furthermore Darwin’s theory of evolution tells us that only the fittest will thrive (survive). Or in other words only the smartest, the strongest and/or the cleverest of the inhabitants of the overpopulated ghettos will succeed in overcoming the harsh conditions of their birth-habitat to join the ranks of the upper-class. Thus ensuring our nations with only the ‘fittest’ new blood to breed into its governing-few, thereby confirming its superiority in regard to the masses.

2) To allow birth control for the upper-class.
• Disallowing birth control for the upper-class would spread the wealth to thin.
• These people have already proven their superiority to the masses, due to their pedigree. Yet the rules of Darwin’s theory of evolution still count, even on this higher level. And although the competition will be at least as fierce as within the masses, it’s more of the dueling kind then of the mass combat kind, so fewer competitors are needed.

B) Health Reasons:

1) To forbid birth control for the masses.
• Natural selection and the chaos-theory ensure us that for every disease there is at least one person who is immune to it, by allowing, even encouraging the masses to breed like rabbits, we will increase our chances of finding the immune one among our inhabitants, and distilling a cure from his immunity system.

2) To allow birth control for the upper-class.
• If the number of upper-class citizens rises any further, their will be no space left in the housing regions of these citizens to allow for natural features like parks, gardens, trees, lawns, golf-clubs, … . In other words the last few patches of greenery would disappear with disastrous effects towards the climate of the planet as a consequence.
• Since the masses are already enlisted to breed towards an improved immunity system, the scientific improvements and findings there can be implemented on the upper class, thus negating the need for them to behave like rodents.
The Librarians
31-05-2007, 10:22
"While my secretaries cannot find any prior resolutions that would strictly forbid the passing of this resolution, this resolution would clearly be in breach of the "Grossly Offensive" ( United Nations proposal ruling and thus cannot possibly be passed.

In addition, both the idea of forbidding an economic segment of a population from practicing birth control, and the reasoning used to support the proposal, are utterly reprehensible to all persons with a shred of common decency within them."

~ Margaret Andrea Morgan Cheltenham
Ambassador-Elect to the United Nations
The Librarians

OOC: Margaret A.M. Cheltenham is only Ambassador-Elect for now because the game has yet to allow The Librarians into the UN; I'm waiting for the confirmation email. Should be a few hours now!
31-05-2007, 11:41
So editing the proposal and naming it increased taxes on birth control, while adapting the arguments would stand a chance to get as far as staying in the proposal listing long enough for delagates to endorce it, and the rest of us to vote on it?
31-05-2007, 11:56
Opposed. All this talk of a "master race" sounds disturbingly familiar.

Thankfully, the UN has it's own rules of evolution. The most insane proposals completely bereft of common sense inevitably fail. This is an example of evolution in progress.

You think you'll get enough support for this? Seriously?
Imperial isa
31-05-2007, 11:58
who put's taxes on birth control ? and as my UN Nation is a 100% tax one it's just a waste of time
The Librarians
31-05-2007, 12:30
"Somehow I just can't see the United Nations supporting taxation on birth control. You are of course free to pass whatever laws you wish in your socially undeveloped backwater, but attempts to press this bizarre and malsocialized ideology upon the world are doomed to failure, and thank heaven for that."

~ Margaret Andrea Morgan Cheltenham
Ambassador-Elect to the United Nations
The Librarians
31-05-2007, 14:18
I seem to remember seeing something like this filed under "Silly Proposals" which is exactly where this cock-a-mamie idea belongs.

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
The Genoshan Isles
31-05-2007, 17:33
Draft this proposal, and we'll send it to the bottom.

The Honorable Marcus Diegaus III, KCMC, CC
Envoy Extraordinary
Deputy Representative to the United Nations
The Federation
31-05-2007, 18:25
If you want to execute left-handed men named "Earl" in your country, that's fine. Don't go yammering about it in a Proposal. Yes, this includes screwing with a 'majority' group. Killing all whites is just as bad as killing all jews. Or blacks. Or poor people. Things such as eliminating "all rights for $group", forced deportation of said group and the like fall under this too.I was considering putting this in the silly proposals thread, but anything with forum in it is blocked at my office :(
31-05-2007, 21:56
We'd be unalterably opposed to this for the following reasons:

1) Birth control, and whether to offer it or not, should be a decision exclusive to the individual nation, not enforced by the UN. Some nations may well have religious, moral or ethical opposition to being forced to offer - or not offer - birth control options.

2) The fact you are choosing to delineate which classes "deserve" birth control options is inherently offensive to us.

3) This is just an asinine proposal.

- Jinella Agaranth, Ambassador
Freakin Awesome Land
31-05-2007, 23:33
I think your idea is incredibly backwards! Birth Control should be available to lower class citezens. As you said, the rich have proved their worth, so why would we want less of them. Making birth control exclusively to the rich means the poor population will grow, and we will have to pay so the poor can collect welfare!

Griffen Anarka
UN Representative
01-06-2007, 00:27
This seems like a good propsal. I especially like the "survival of the fittest" point you make. :D

My only objection would be as to how the proposal would affect a goverment such as my own where EVERYONE is of the same class and social standing.
01-06-2007, 02:32
I was considering putting this in the silly proposals thread, but anything with forum in it is blocked at my office :(

You don't have to, thanks to me it's already there (, and in fact was there before this thread was started.