NationStates Jolt Archive

SUBMITTED: (ONE DAY LEFT) Outlaw gambling.

15-11-2006, 01:28
I have mand a UN proposal to outlaw gambling

this is what it looks like

Outlaw gambling
A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: NorthSouthLand

Description: Gambling is a horrid activity.

Gambling can help the government with taxes, but the people of this world are too stupid to notice that it is impossible to win at gambling.

Gambling should be outlawed.

If it is outlawed we would have less people going into debt, and more successful and wealthy people.

The world should be a successful place, so outlaw gambling.

~UN Delegates~
please approve this proposal it has one more day to be voted on.

the proposal is on page 1 of the proposals list
15-11-2006, 02:47
Damn, it really is on page one!

NorthSouthLand, old salt ... it's pretty much a given that your proposal will expire unapproved unless it hits the front page with at least 80-90 approvals. You've got 13. Next time, start your campaign a bit earlier.
15-11-2006, 03:24
With all due respect to NorthSouthland:

Gambling is a dead horse. The indivdual nations can determine what the want when it comes to gambling...and besides...Im suprised this hasnt been deleted smacks of the illegal to me.
15-11-2006, 03:33
Im suprised this hasnt been deleted smacks of the illegal to me.

Why? What appears to be illegal?

Timothy Schmidt
Bob Flibble's PA
15-11-2006, 03:49
first off it doesnt mandate anything.

Gambling should be outlawed

If this thing...I wont insult the word resolution by calling it that, were to pass the essental effect would be.

UN: "Gambling should be outlawed"

What happens?

Gambling magicly becomes a criminal offense.

and I Said its a dead horse which should put in the "Bloody Stupid" category.
15-11-2006, 04:54
and I Said its a dead horse which should put in the "Bloody Stupid" category.
Which is why I'm a mod, and you're not. I do have a tendency to catch the illegal ones, even when I'm just posting advice in the thread. The Gambling category is one of the original categories that Max put in the game. I assure you he didn't think it was a 'dead horse' at the time.

Honestly, are you just a troll, or do you take the time to make your UN representative intentionally trollish? Your act is wearing thin, Ellelt, and I wish you'd tone it back quite a bit.
15-11-2006, 05:26
first off it doesnt mandate anything.

Yes it does, read the last line of the proposal.
The world should be a successful place, so outlaw gambling.(emphasis mine)
This when combined with the "Gambling/Outlaw" category would effectivly outlaw gambling.

and I Said its a dead horse which should put in the "Bloody Stupid" category.Just because a proposal doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of passing doesn't make it illegal or stupid.
15-11-2006, 06:10
Which is why I'm a mod, and you're not. I do have a tendency to catch the illegal ones, even when I'm just posting advice in the thread. The Gambling category is one of the original categories that Max put in the game. I assure you he didn't think it was a 'dead horse' at the time.

Honestly, are you just a troll, or do you take the time to make your UN representative intentionally trollish? Your act is wearing thin, Ellelt, and I wish you'd tone it back quite a bit.

I assure the mod that I am not a troll, just a very opposed to this proposal, and happen to be quite sick at the moment...had the flu all week.

Im sure that at the time Max put it in it wasnt a dead horse...but after studying the history of gambling legislation...even on the off chance that this should pass for some bizzare reason, it has a big glaring repeal aimed right for it. Which makes it a dead horse now. If it hasnt Maybe I should work on a blocker...because whats the point of writing proposals if they only get repealed the next week?

Besides what business of the UN's is it if people wanna play craps in a back isnt...leave that up to the nations to deal with.
15-11-2006, 06:18
I assure the mod that I am not a troll, just a very opposed to this proposal.
Then perhaps you should limit yourself to relevant information, instead of pulling the 'illegal', 'dead horse' and 'bloody stupid' excuses out of your ass.

You've been here about 2 weeks and you've already accumulated an Official Warning for flaming. Most of these players have never been warned over several years. You're assuming that your 2 weeks of play time gives you the history and authority to ignore the conventions of our various forums and post whatever the hell you want. They don't.

Long story short: clean up your act, while it's still YOUR choice.
The Most Glorious Hack
15-11-2006, 06:30
Pretty hard to do a blocker with a Legal/Illegal category.