NationStates Jolt Archive

Interest in a Free Trade Association?

11-03-2006, 09:02
Just wondering if there is anyone apart from me who would like to form a free trade/Cobdenit doohickey like the GTT, NSO, DEFCON, et hoc genus omne.
Before I set it up, I would like to see if there is enough interest to make it worth my while. The Basic Aims of the society will be:

-To promote the abolition of tarrifs, levies, protectionist sales taxation, and market skewing subsidies
-To bring about free movement of goods and services across international boundaries
-To find a compromise between the free movement of labour and the economic and security downsides of such a policy
-To not interfer with the purely internal economic policy of nations, so long as such internal policies do not adversely effect the aims of the society
-To destroy the communist menace

Anyone? Please? A Browny for everyone who joins!

EDIT: Any idea's for a clever acronym?
The Most Glorious Hack
11-03-2006, 10:00
EDIT: Any idea's for a clever acronym?Hmm...

World Agency for Numanistic Kontrol
11-03-2006, 10:07
The best I could come up with was the:

Cobdenite & Reaganist Association for Free Trade In Nations, Excluding Socialist States

St Edmund
11-03-2006, 11:30
The best I could come up with was the:

Cobdenite & Reaganist Association for Free Trade In Nations, Excluding Socialist States


"Free Trade In Nations"? Well, I suppose we might have one or two minor colonies for sale if anybody wants to make an offer... ;)
11-03-2006, 12:23
EDIT: Any idea's for a clever acronym?
CAPITAL: Cobdenite Association of Parties Interested in Trade and Assocaited Legislation.
Love and esterel
11-03-2006, 12:52
LAE is interested, we favour free trade.
We just think that the abolition of protectionist measures has to be a smooth process with several planned steps in time, in order economic entity to be prepared.
Also we favour to grant economic developing nations some flexibility in time, for some few sector they may need.
11-03-2006, 15:10
Delegation for the Advancement of Free Trade ;)
11-03-2006, 18:47
We're in.
Palentine UN Office
11-03-2006, 19:32
The best I could come up with was the:

Cobdenite & Reaganist Association for Free Trade In Nations, Excluding Socialist States


You had me with the word "Reaganist." :D Deal me in, and lets win one for the Gipper.
11-03-2006, 20:15
How about we love free trade
11-03-2006, 21:01
CAPITALIST: Congress for Anti-Protectionist International Trade and Advancement of Large Industrial Speedy Trade
11-03-2006, 23:20
Sounds good, and how about we make the Auto Free Trade Agreement the first act of this shiny new association? ;)

Steve Perry, GCRC,
Dancing Bananland
12-03-2006, 02:39
I don't like it, it allows to much freedom on the part of large corporations to expand into poor countries and take over, as well as opening the door for economic powers to abuse and bully weaker/smaller nations. I mean, Canada entered that agreement with US and Mexico, and there getting screwed for it. I'm certain that their should be investigations or laws against unfair tariffs (like the ones on Canadian softwood lumber) but a total demolition of thees would really hurt many countries. I mean, economic takeover is just as real as physical takeover. A nation should be able to protect itself and it's businesses from larger competitors, I mean, I don't want a bunch of corporations from another country buying up all the businesses in my country.

Sanctions and tariffs etc... when employed fairly and legally, level the playing field and protect smaller and/or developing nations from economic behemoths. I am opposed in every way to whatever resolution becomes of this.
12-03-2006, 03:00
I don't like it, it allows to much freedom on the part of large corporations to expand into poor countries and take over, as well as opening the door for economic powers to abuse and bully weaker/smaller nations. I mean, Canada entered that agreement with US and Mexico, and there getting screwed for it. I'm certain that their should be investigations or laws against unfair tariffs (like the ones on Canadian softwood lumber) but a total demolition of thees would really hurt many countries. I mean, economic takeover is just as real as physical takeover. A nation should be able to protect itself and it's businesses from larger competitors, I mean, I don't want a bunch of corporations from another country buying up all the businesses in my country.

Sanctions and tariffs etc... when employed fairly and legally, level the playing field and protect smaller and/or developing nations from economic behemoths. I am opposed in every way to whatever resolution becomes of this.

12-03-2006, 03:21
We can statwank with the best of 'em. And we will not rest until there is a special-interest group for every single UN category. Count us in.

I like Cluich's name suggestion best, followed by Saf's and Ceo's takes on "CAPITAL."
12-03-2006, 04:40
Well, for PR purposes, we should call it Free-trade Association of Industrial Racketeers. FAIR TRADE baby!
12-03-2006, 23:45
How about we finish it and make it really evil:

Free-trade Association of Industrial Racketeers Trying to Reduce the Advancement of Developing Economies
12-03-2006, 23:50
How about we finish it and make it really evil:

Free-trade Association of Industrial Racketeers Trying to Reduce the Advancement of Developing Economies

Perfect. I am thrilled with the prospect of joining such a noble cause.
13-03-2006, 15:42
We can statwank with the best of 'em. And we will not rest until there is a special-interest group for every single UN category. Count us in.

I like Cluich's name suggestion best, followed by Saf's and Ceo's takes on "CAPITAL."

Already got DEFCON for international security. Why not one for fair trade?
13-03-2006, 18:11
Not fair trade, FAIR TRADE!

I'll post the forum link as soon as I can be arsed.
14-03-2006, 19:25
Linky linky clicky clicky. Register with your nation's name! (
14-03-2006, 19:28
Gruenberg has joined.
14-03-2006, 20:02
The Republic of Teruchev also joins this exclusive club of the Captains of Industry.

Steve Perry, GCRC
14-03-2006, 20:11
We'd join, but our left-wing, proto-communist government retains some suspicions of the principles of free trade.

Though we'd like to assure Teruchev that we still support his excellent automotive free trade proposal and that he need not fear that ideology will unnecessarily cloud our national interest and the national interests of others.

May the blessings of our otters be upon you.

Leonard Otterby
Ambassador for the Republic of Compadria to the U.N.
15-03-2006, 02:23
Ceorana joined.
Palentine UN Office
15-03-2006, 03:59
The Evil Conservatives have arrived.:)
15-03-2006, 04:36
Will we be able to retain membership if we place economic sanctions on individual nations provided they have violated UN resolutions (including sanctions placed against non-UN members)?
15-03-2006, 06:47
Will we be able to retain membership if we place economic sanctions on individual nations provided they have violated UN resolutions (including sanctions placed against non-UN members)?

Free trade should be reciprocal. I see no objections in blocking trade with non-members.
15-03-2006, 06:48
Free trade should be reciprocal. I see no objections in blocking trade with non-members.
We strongly support blocking trade with non-members. Fuck them! Fuck them right in the ear!
15-03-2006, 13:27
We strongly support blocking trade with non-members. Fuck them! Fuck them right in the ear!

I fear for my puppets' ears. :eek:
15-03-2006, 15:27
I have joined. I am willing to trade fairs wth anyone. :p
15-03-2006, 17:24
We'd join, but our left-wing, proto-communist government retains some suspicions of the principles of free trade.

Though we'd like to assure Teruchev that we still support his excellent automotive free trade proposal and that he need not fear that ideology will unnecessarily cloud our national interest and the national interests of others.

I am confused. If you are supporting that proposal, you are likely to support other free trade resolutions, which would mean that you are a free trade kind of guy. Does it mismatch with other affiliations? ;)
15-03-2006, 18:02
Free trade should be reciprocal. I see no objections in blocking trade with non-members.

To extend upon this (which is important to my government, as we are seriously considering membership) if a nation, let's use Joccia, were to begin a campaign of genocide, but also be a member of this organization, would it be legal for my government to impose economic sanctions on Joccia in order to get them to stop their campaign of genocide?
15-03-2006, 18:35
I should think so, especially if the original resolution mentions placing sanctions.

Join the forum, and when we feel we can get to the stage when we can discuss a total UN FTA, then we'll probably include sanctioning
15-03-2006, 21:54
I am confused. If you are supporting that [Auto Free Trade] proposal, you are likely to support other free trade resolutions, which would mean that you are a free trade kind of guy. Does it mismatch with other affiliations? ;)

It must be an otter thing.

...a total UN FTA

15-03-2006, 22:00
We'll get there one day, perhaps peice by peice by slowly legalising all trade, such as an Automobile resolution, the food one, perhaps a services one, etc..
St Edmund
16-03-2006, 20:24
St Edmund has joined.