NationStates Jolt Archive

Marine Safety (Submitted)

Of Cascadia
19-05-2005, 20:29
RECOGNIZING the need for each nation to govern and protect its waters from dangers such as, but not limited to, pollution, piracy, over fishing and marine accidents.

NOTING that pollution of and dumping untreated waste in rivers and oceans causes’ health and environmental problems in that and other nations' waters.

NOTING that piracy in both national and international waters can be a problem for maritime trade.

NOTING that over fishing will cause depletion of an important source of food and economic activity for all nations and cause severe environmental damage.

FURTHER NOTING marine accidents cause trade losses and damage to the environment.

DECLARES that the following will be made law in all member nations:

(1) The UN shall create a United Nations Underwater and Marine Agency (UNUMA) that will carry out this resolution.

(2) This agency shall be divided into four departments.

(a) Environment: Stop and prevent pollution of all waters . Also cleans up existing pollution and preserves marine habitats and life.

(b) Research: Researches the life in and waters of the seas and waterways.

(c) Marine Safety: Regulates the building, operation and salvaging of all ships, ports and other maritime sites and equipment. Also patrols international waters to rescue people and prevent piracy.

(3) All nations will take all steps necessary to protect the waters under their control from the above dangers.

(4) Each nation shall cooperate with UNUMA and all other nations in matters regarding the seas and waterways that do not endanger each nation’s security.

(5) UNUMA shall be funded by donations from member nations. All nations can choose if they want to participate in UNUMA.
19-05-2005, 20:46
Is this under international security or environmental protection?
Of Cascadia
19-05-2005, 20:51
It's under environmental protection, since each nation already probably has a Coast Guard, UNUMA would just allow cooperation between them. It would probably be involved mostly with environmental protection.
19-05-2005, 21:02
I am not a moderator, and as such, this is not an official post.

However, looking at The Most Glorious Hack's Final Draft of UN Proposal Rules, a proposal is not allowed to do what this is doing - specifically, create only a committee, and nothing else. I do not know if those rules are being enforced yet, but I would strongly recommend that you change your proposal so that it's doing more than just creating UNUMA.

And also, while you say it's divided into four departments, I only count three.
19-05-2005, 21:46
Oh...this isn't a bill to protect marines from the ineptness of national leaders who send them into a war over non-existant weapons of mass destruction??
19-05-2005, 21:50
Oh...this isn't a bill to protect marines from the ineptness of national leaders who send them into a war over non-existant weapons of mass destruction??
*Confused for a few minutes... gets joke... chuckles... a little...*

Edit: *Then stupid me realizes that was a jab at Bush and starts ROFL*
19-05-2005, 22:55
(1) The UN shall create a United Nations Underwater and Marine Agency (UNUMA) that will carry out this resolution.

(2) This agency shall be divided into four departments.

(a) Environment: Stop and prevent pollution of all waters . Also cleans up existing pollution and preserves marine habitats and life. Covered under The Law of the Sea (

(b) Research: Researches the life in and waters of the seas and waterways. Covered under The Law of the Sea (

(c) Marine Safety: Regulates the building, operation and salvaging of all ships, ports and other maritime sites and equipment. Also patrols international waters to rescue people and prevent piracy. Covered under The Law of the Sea (

(3) All nations will take all steps necessary to protect the waters under their control from the above dangers. Covered under The Law of the Sea (

(4) Each nation shall cooperate with UNUMA and all other nations in matters regarding the seas and waterways that do not endanger each nation?s security. Covered under The Law of the Sea (

(5) UNUMA shall be funded by donations from member nations. All nations can choose if they want to participate in UNUMA. Illegal. No UN resolution can be made optional. Participation is mandatory. Funding is mandatory.Sorry, it's already been done. Law of the Sea should never have been passed, as it tries to do many illegal things ... but it's there now, and covers all of this in adequate detail.

Work on repealing Law of the Sea, and perhaps this one could work with minor modifications.
20-05-2005, 00:11
Ah. Didn't even catch all that.
Of Cascadia
20-05-2005, 20:03
Thanks for the feedback. I'll post another thread to draft a new resolution.