NationStates Jolt Archive

Repeal "Legalize prostitution"

07-10-2004, 15:36
The United Imperium of Crossman disagreed with this when it came to be and we still disagree with it today. We are outraged that the UN would allow something of this nature to be passed. This completely impedes on national sovereignty to make our own laws. As we have said before, let nations who agree with it make it legal for themselves, but do not force it on all members. It is wrong and unjust.

Please, help me save all of our nations sovereignty and repeal Resolution #46. Repeal "Legalize Prostitution".
Powerhungry Chipmunks
07-10-2004, 15:53
And in an international body which is concerned with global health through the Required Basic Healthcare, Global AIDS Initiative, No Embargoes on Medicine, Increased Access to Medicine, World Blood Bank, Female Genital Mutilation, Needle Sharing Prevention resolutions, this is an awfully backwards working resolution.

Good Luck in this!
Mora Tau
07-10-2004, 15:56
My dear naive comrades--

If prostitution were outlawed, then a lot more people would be raped wouldn't they? I know I certainly would prefer to see the odd brothel than be constantly afraid of being attacked. Use your head, little brothers.

07-10-2004, 15:59
My dear naive comrades--

If prostitution were outlawed, then a lot more people would be raped wouldn't they? I know I certainly would prefer to see the odd brothel than be constantly afraid of being attacked. Use your head, little brothers.


I do not wish to outlaw it, I wish to leave that decision to nation's themselves. This is too remove it entirely from the UN and leave the lawmaking to individual nations.
07-10-2004, 15:59
Use your head, little brothers.

Excuse me?
07-10-2004, 16:01
If prostitution were outlawed, then a lot more people would be raped wouldn't they?

And no, I don't believe so. You have the same chances of that from people who can't afford a prostitute.
Powerhungry Chipmunks
07-10-2004, 16:02
My dear naive comrades--

If prostitution were outlawed, then a lot more people would be raped wouldn't they? I know I certainly would prefer to see the odd brothel than be constantly afraid of being attacked. Use your head, little brothers.

This is madness, not reason. It's like saying that if hazings were illegal we'd have more murders, since it's everyone's right to take out their violent feelings on someone. No, more people would not necessarily be raped. And even if this were the case, that doesn't mean that this action should be MADE legal in all UN nations. The UN precedents on issues such as this are much more in the direction of outlawing it as a medical risk than of legalising it.

If anything this resolution is a demographical statement. It provides proof to the number of horny, teenage boys that play the game...
07-10-2004, 16:06
If anything this resolution is a demographical statement. It provides proof to the number of horny, teenage boys that play the game...

OOC: LOL. Horny and lonely.
07-10-2004, 16:41
07-10-2004, 17:13
My dear naive comrades--

If prostitution were outlawed, then a lot more people would be raped wouldn't they? I know I certainly would prefer to see the odd brothel than be constantly afraid of being attacked. Use your head, little brothers.


I'm sorry, but on what evidence are you basing this supposition?

All that would happen if it were outlawed is there would be a lot more people who are breaking the law.
07-10-2004, 17:44
Thank you.
Tuesday Heights
07-10-2004, 18:34
As we have said before, let nations who agree with it make it legal for themselves, but do not force it on all members.

Legalizing prostitution worldwide makes sense, as prostitution is an international problem and as such, should be recognized as either being completely legal or illegal in the eyes of the United Nations.
07-10-2004, 18:53
It provides proof to the number of horny, teenage boys that play the game...

Because of course, no adolescent can possibly think further than their own sex drive to consider that there is a compelling argument centred on both the practical health and safety benefits of bringing the sex trade out of the underground, and the principle that no government should interfere in consensual adult sex, whether the participants want to involve money or not.
07-10-2004, 19:05
I it come up for a vote, I will vote for the repeal.

James Martin
U.N. Representative from the Republic of Nboa
Texan Hotrodders
07-10-2004, 19:53
I too, support this repeal.

Remember this everyone-

National Sovereignty: It's Like That "Tolerance" Crap on a National Level
07-10-2004, 21:38
I guess you could say that.
07-10-2004, 21:39
I it come up for a vote, I will vote for the repeal.

James Martin
U.N. Representative from the Republic of Nboa

Then please urge your regional delegate to endore the proposal in the UN now.
07-10-2004, 23:17
The United Imperium of Crossman disagreed with this when it came to be and we still disagree with it today. We are outraged that the UN would allow something of this nature to be passed. This completely impedes on national sovereignty to make our own laws. As we have said before, let nations who agree with it make it legal for themselves, but do not force it on all members. It is wrong and unjust.

Please, help me save all of our nations sovereignty and repeal Resolution #46. Repeal "Legalize Prostitution".

This is the thing I never understand about repeals. Do you have hordes of prostitutes roaming your streets? Do you think that if you make it illegal they will vanish? Or is it just something you object to because you feel it is wrong?

The basis of the original resolution was that people, sometimes, are desperate and if they can't make money legally, they will make it illegaly.

If prositution is made illegal then it will just go underground, and in the same way that prohibition multiplied organized crime, this will give birth to another criminal empire.

Is that really what you think is best for the member states of the UN?
07-10-2004, 23:21
The United Imperium of Crossman disagreed with this when it came to be and we still disagree with it today. We are outraged that the UN would allow something of this nature to be passed. This completely impedes on national sovereignty to make our own laws. As we have said before, let nations who agree with it make it legal for themselves, but do not force it on all members. It is wrong and unjust.

Please, help me save all of our nations sovereignty and repeal Resolution #46. Repeal "Legalize Prostitution".

You realise that this would make it possible to outlaw porn in any nation that forbids prostitution?
07-10-2004, 23:35
You realise that this would make it possible to outlaw porn in any nation that forbids prostitution?

If that is what a nation wishes to do.
08-10-2004, 00:02
You realise that this would make it possible to outlaw porn in any nation that forbids prostitution?
You mean that they can't outlaw porn already?

Anyways, I support this repeal because I feel that this issue is best left to the individual nations to decide.
08-10-2004, 00:08
You mean that they can't outlaw porn already?

Anyways, I support this repeal because I feel that this issue is best left to the individual nations to decide.


And thanks for the support.
08-10-2004, 01:04
You mean that they can't outlaw porn already?

Anyways, I support this repeal because I feel that this issue is best left to the individual nations to decide.

I was just pointing out that while making prostitution a criminal act might seem like a good idea, there could be unintended side-effects :}
08-10-2004, 05:01
I will support the repeal on the grounds of this being a case of the United Nations overstepping its boundaries. Prostitution is not a human right - it is a job. The United Nations has no authority to decide whether or not a country should or should not allow it. I am not making a value judgement on whether or not I believe it should be allowed. I am merely saying it is not the United Nation's place to decide.

I will urge my representative to vote for the repeal.

The Holy Empire of Lhalexing
08-10-2004, 06:39
I was just pointing out that while making prostitution a criminal act might seem like a good idea, there could be unintended side-effects :}
Repealing this resolution doesn't mean that prostitution automatically becomes illegal, it just means that the individual nations get to decide whether or not they want prostitution in their nation.
08-10-2004, 07:45
While I do not see legalized prostition as a particularly effective measure (After all, if you regulate prostitution, there will still be prostituion which is not within the legal boundaries) it certainly helps to decrease the as-rampant spread of STD's, so even though it probably won't have quite the effect we would hope, it might help and it can't hurt.
08-10-2004, 09:26
whilst I voted against this resolution when it first came into existence, I can appreciate some of the fundamental problems this was trying to resolve.

IF this repeal was ever to pass, I would hope that a resolution which urged nations to make efforts to bring women out of prostitution through education and welfare, encourage police forces to persue the organised criminal organisations resposible for encouraging the trafficing of women and prostitution would be introduced in it's place.
08-10-2004, 09:28
If you make prostitution illegal, you shunt money into the hands of criminals.

Why? Because prostitution will always be around. Someone will make money on it. Selling sex has been around since time immemorial. Some say marriage is merely a form of prostitution. But I digress on that point.

You also prevent health care from properly responding as these people will avoid places that would report them to the police for such actions. This increases the risk of epidemic - preventable epidemic.

On the other hand, if it remains legal, it remains taxable. If prostitution remains legal, the health hazards can be better monitored, the people can be better educated on the hazards, and health care can better respond to problems before they become Problems.

Vastiva does not support repeal.
08-10-2004, 09:32
Some say marriage is merely a form of prostitution.

Other say that working for someone is a form of prostitution.
I am not entirely opposed to this point of view.
08-10-2004, 15:21
Repealing this resolution doesn't mean that prostitution automatically becomes illegal, it just means that the individual nations get to decide whether or not they want prostitution in their nation.

I understand that - but if you make it illegal it can also be used to make any type of sex for money illegal, including porn.

So someone could support this resolution, and end up having porn banned in their nation as a side effect they didn't intend.
Powerhungry Chipmunks
08-10-2004, 16:30
I understand that - but if you make it illegal it can also be used to make any type of sex for money illegal, including porn.
And it would then be under the individual nations jurisdiction to do so. If it's up to the nation, it's up to the nation. Of course the way a nation decides (legal or illegal) is going to have side-effects and consequences, but that doens't mean that it isn't an issue for the individual nation. If it's their decision to make they must take resopopnsibility for those choices (that statement almost sopunds like belongs on the "ban abortion" thread)

So someone could support this resolution, and end up having porn banned in their nation as a side effect they didn't intend.

Not necessarily. If it's up to a nation to decide the legality of prostitution, it'd be up to the nation to decide the legality of other something like a porn ban as well. Unless that right to decide is "immunized" (to use Frisbeeteria's wording) by the UN. There'd be no "unintentional" banning of things, since the individual nation could decide what's best for itself.
08-10-2004, 17:24
whilst I voted against this resolution when it first came into existence, I can appreciate some of the fundamental problems this was trying to resolve.

IF this repeal was ever to pass, I would hope that a resolution which urged nations to make efforts to bring women out of prostitution through education and welfare, encourage police forces to persue the organised criminal organisations resposible for encouraging the trafficing of women and prostitution would be introduced in it's place.

This seems to be much more in the interests of the United Nations, which is to say promoting a standard of living for an often prejudiced sector (women). The execution of your proposal would be much more difficult than just passing a blanket resolution like legalizing prostitution and hoping that it somehow achieves some of those goals.

The moral issue of whether or not prostitution is right is not what is being debated. What is being debated is a nation's sovereignty over its own people.
08-10-2004, 18:13
And it would then be under the individual nations jurisdiction to do so. If it's up to the nation, it's up to the nation. Of course the way a nation decides (legal or illegal) is going to have side-effects and consequences, but that doens't mean that it isn't an issue for the individual nation. If it's their decision to make they must take resopopnsibility for those choices (that statement almost sopunds like belongs on the "ban abortion" thread)

Not necessarily. If it's up to a nation to decide the legality of prostitution, it'd be up to the nation to decide the legality of other something like a porn ban as well. Unless that right to decide is "immunized" (to use Frisbeeteria's wording) by the UN. There'd be no "unintentional" banning of things, since the individual nation could decide what's best for itself.

Argh!! (sorry)

I am not saying that a single nation would do it accidentally.

What I am trying to get across (which might now be a totally moot point) is that Nation A could repeal (or pass) a resolution with one thing in mind, and then find that Nation B is now using the new found status to do something that Nation A never considered (and finds wrong and bad)

Quite why I am arguing about this is beyond me, but I thought it was important when I started :}
09-10-2004, 05:53
althought the United Socialist States of Snoogit cannot vote for this repeal, we must also disagree with the legalization of prostitution.

Regardless of how people are viewed, it is the UN's duty to assure the safety, and well being of its Citizens. currently in my nation, we already are seeing the bad effects of prostitution on our fragile eeconomy. Children as young as 8 are performing lewd acts to compelte strangers for only 8 Snooros (roughly equivalent to 8 UN cents)

We cannot allow such horrible monstrosities to take place. Even though we are a socially progressive nation, we must take active stances against such action.