NationStates Jolt Archive

Proposed International Court System

18-06-2004, 15:56
The Keyet ambassador to the U.N. has recently made a proposition for the creation of an international court system. This post is to draw the attention of regional delegates to that proposal and win support of it. So that you do not have to go off looking for it when you might not even support it, I have pasted a copy of the proposal below. Thank you.

"I wish to propose an amendment hereby establishing an International Court System which shall resolve disputes and conflicts between U.N. member nations, thus reducing the frequency of armed conflict.
The court once established shall not act as a supreme court, and will not be allowed to rule on issues involving a single nation's interests. It's sole purpose is for resolving disputes between multiple nations, all members of the U.N., to decrease the use of military force.
This resolution will restrict the right of a member nation to declare war upon another member nation. Providing instead a peaceful resolution to their problems (backed by cooperative international might should a nation decide to ignore the court's decision). I'm sure most of us can agree that this is a good thing as it would save many lives.
Of course individual nations shall not be required to make use of the court unless conflicts disolve to the point of military force. Most of the time nations shall still be free to deal with their peers on their own with out interference. The court would only be there to provide peaceful resolutions when the individual nations are unable to do so on their own."