NationStates Jolt Archive

The UN has no tangible benefit

Misty Creek
02-06-2004, 14:56
The recent proposals to the UN have shown that this is a oppresive organization that fosters unnessary burdens on its members states. In light of these actions, The Most Serene Nation of Misty Creek encourages all to decline their continued membership in the UN as a protest of poorly constructed, obstructionist proposals that interfere with the individual rights of each nation-state.
02-06-2004, 17:10
We will not relinquish our rights in the UN
The Black New World
02-06-2004, 18:16

UN representative,
The Black New World
Do you know what ‘gay science’ is?
Meet The Reps (
02-06-2004, 18:25
if the current resolution passes my region's delegate and I will both resign form the UN
02-06-2004, 23:30
I always considered being in the UN part of the fun and challenge of nation building.
02-06-2004, 23:54
Exactly which proposals tick you off? Why not :shock: PROPOSE SOMETHING YOU LIKE.
02-06-2004, 23:55
02-06-2004, 23:55
Tuesday Heights
03-06-2004, 00:23
Perhaps, if the UN was taken more seriously, then, so many nations wouldn't be leaving nowadays? Oh, well. :?
03-06-2004, 04:54
Perhaps, if the UN was taken more seriously, then, so many nations wouldn't be leaving nowadays? Oh, well. :?

I concur.
Voting, both by delegates for proposals and then the "General Assembly" is sporadic at best.
03-06-2004, 04:57
Is the concept of benefit something that can be labled as tangible?
03-06-2004, 04:58
We Thoughtsmiths will be resigning our memberships if the current UN resolution is passed.
03-06-2004, 05:07
How does this resolution even make sense. It is an organization for micro-nations. Not for real world.
If the vote passes that doesn't mean its going to affect the real world, all women will automatically be able to abort. All it will affect is non-exsistent people, your country is part of a mass producing computer program, as much as some might refuse to admit too.
Lets do the sensical thing.
Unfree People
03-06-2004, 05:08
I always considered being in the UN part of the fun and challenge of nation building.
My thoughts exactly - the UN resolutions are kind of dumb, but it gives slow regions something to debate, usually, and it makes for an interesting dynamic in regions without founders.
03-06-2004, 08:33
If you are convinced that leaving the UN will benefit your nation, then leave. There's nothing holding you back. Goodbye, and Good Luck in your future endeavours.