NationStates Jolt Archive

Joccia implements new UN mandate

03-02-2004, 10:28
The Kingdom of Joccia has complied with the latest UN resolution. The laws enacted to comply have ensured that all prostitutes are now registered.

The Department of Social Well Being has made the executive decision that all prostitutes are subject to exploitation of the worst kind. This exploitation is either accepted by the said prostitute, or enforced upon them. In either situation the Minister for Social Well Being has decided that any prostitute must be suffering and unable to make a competent decision.

Under the terms of the Legalisation of Euthanasia, and the Laws that were passed to support the UN Mandate, the Minister for Social Well Being has decided that all prostitutes have a right to have their suffering ended.

All prostitutes in Joccia have been humanely terminated.

The Law as set out is available for perusal below. Joccia will continue to comply with all UN Resolutions no matter how stupid they may be.

1. Whereas a person with mental health problems is seen to be suffering and cannot be guaranteed a cure - they shall be terminated and their suffering shall cease.

2. Whereas a person of retirement age -70 years in Joccia - shall be deemed to be of no further value to the state and shall be deemed to be suffering - they shall be terminated and their suffering shall cease.

3. Whereas any person shall be involved in protest, form part of a repressed minority group, be of a sexual or religious persuasion, which is seen by His Majesty's Government to be abhorrent, they shall be deemed to be suffering and shall be terminated.

4. Whereas persons included in any of the above sections are deemed to be unable to make any rational decision, hence their adherence to their chosen abomination, or by age, or by mental illness, they shall be deemed to be unable to make their own decision to volunteer for euthanasia and the respective clause within the UN resolution shall come into force.

5. It has been commanded that henceforth His Majesty's Minister of Well-being shall be, in law, the next of kin to the entire population of this nation, saving only the Royal Family and persons involved in the Government and from time to time those whom the King or his successors may choose, and that he may devolve this right to the persons rightly employed by the Department of Well-Being.

P. Peabody Minister for Social Well Being
03-02-2004, 10:40
That was a bit extreme brother Joccia. No efforts of rehabilitation? *shakes head* Mass slaughter does begin to fall within the lines of international law I fear. There are limits to the wielding of the sword, and times when eventually your sword will be granted to another if you are unjust in its wielding.
03-02-2004, 10:52
That was a bit extreme brother Joccia. No efforts of rehabilitation? *shakes head* Mass slaughter does begin to fall within the lines of international law I fear. There are limits to the wielding of the sword, and times when eventually your sword will be granted to another if you are unjust in its wielding.

I'm sorry, dear Kokablel, but the UN Resolution gave us no option. One cannot rehabilitate a person from following their lawful profession. The UN has decided, in it's unquestioned wisdom, to interfere with the sovereign rights of independent nations. I can only thank the inestimable Grande for giving us the means to deal with anything the UN can dream up.

If you look at the terms of the Euthanasia Resolution as passed by the UN, you will find we are acting perfectly within International Law, and we would expect the UN to support and, indeed, uphold Joccia in her interpretation of that law.
03-02-2004, 15:25
Having had discussions with Kokablel we are aware that they were only trying to warn us of reactions from other states.

We can assure Kokablel that their worries are unfounded - none of the nations who subscribed to this resolution could really give a damn what happens to a few thousand prostitutes, they just wanted to look cool.
03-02-2004, 16:40
One of the many reasons we did not accept this measure was that lack of responsibility.
03-02-2004, 16:58
The smugly self-rightous yet morally ambiguous nation of Berkylvania would like to humbly suggest that reacting to idiocy with further idiocy is perhaps self-distructive. However, as we have always wanted to see a nation taken by farce, we appreciate your example and are sending social researchers immediately to study the effects of your highly reactionary policies.

Now, we must get back to preparing our proposal on banning gay nuclear weapons in committed relationships with other gay nuclear weapons from adopting child prostitutes who have been euthanized for campaigning for the dissolution of the UN.
03-02-2004, 17:07
Well, Hurrah! I think.

Your social researchers will be welcomed with open wallets! Obviously, should they come to erroneous conclusions and say bad things, we would have to conclude that the balance of their minds was disturbed and... well y'know
03-02-2004, 17:09
One of the many reasons we did not accept this measure was that lack of responsibility.

Well spotted chaps (or chapesses) take alook back at some of the recent ones that got through!!!
04-02-2004, 14:34
Having had discussions with Kokablel we are aware that they were only trying to warn us of reactions from other states.

We can assure Kokablel that their worries are unfounded - none of the nations who subscribed to this resolution could really give a damn what happens to a few thousand prostitutes, they just wanted to look cool.

See! told you so...
04-02-2004, 18:14
The ever inquisitive and slightly skeptical nation of Berkylvania respectfully suggests that, while a certain portion of the nations that voted for the resolution may be simply "Countries of Poon," run by 12 year olds with rampant hormones and bad judgement, still other nations may have had legitimate reasons.

Currently, prostitution is outlawed in most countries. Has this stopped it? Obviously not. All it has done is increase the risk to those involved and increase the burden on law enforcement. By legalizing this practice, it might be possible to increase the safety of the environment for women (or men) choosing to participate. Additionally, increased federal revenues might be generated from government taxation.

I do not offer you concrete numbers (although, one might be able to generate them from real world cities where prostitution is legel, such as Amsterdam or Reno), merely the suggestion that there are other reasons to legalize prostitution than callous disregard for human life. Although, to consider these arguements might interefere with your smug sense of self-satisfaction, so I completely understand your utter disregard for them.
05-02-2004, 10:56
Dear, dear, Berkylvania, where would I be without your soothing sanity. We of Joccia are not particularly opposed to persons selling sexual favours. In most relationships it happens to a greater or lesser degree. We are opposed to the exploitation of the people involved.

Far more than this, we are totally against the current type of intrusive "personal belief" proposals, which are being inflicted on nations. Most of these would be better introduced as "issues" allowing each country to choose, based on the beliefs of that country. It is provable that a large part of the votes are cast without reference to the arguments put forward in the Forums, and this is why I believe that resolutions with loopholes the size of the Channel Tunnel are passed.

Since Grande's effective legalization of Genocide by their Euthanasia bill, was passed, even though a number of countries pointed out that it could be misused, we of Joccia are exploiting the loopholes to allow us to effectively ignore those resolutions which impinge upon our national sovereignty.

It would seem, in general that this is only apparent to those with a similar view-point to our own, and as such is a largely pointless exercise. Those bleeding heart, or smug self-righteous countries who put forward these inane proposals and vote them through, cannot see beyond their own stereotypes and see Joccia as just a naughty right-wing nation, Maybe even ....shh...NAZI....!!! They do not understand the irony involved.

At some point, I hope, Joccia will be able to stop appearing to be a slaughtering mad dog nation, but only when the supposedly "concerned" nations take action to stop the killing.
09-02-2004, 18:31
The snow packed yet steadily sledding nation of Berkylvania apologizes that it couldn't respond sooner, but adverse weather conditions shut down most of our government sector.

We understand your position, Joccia, and perhaps we strayed a bit in our last communication by offering potential justification for a yes vote on legalized prostitution. In fact, Berkylvania agrees with your distaste for the recent onslaught of aptly named "personal belief proposals". It was our contention, however, that two wrongs do not make a right and that having the knowledge of a thing does not always synch up with having the wisdom of the thing.

Yes, most of the resolutions recently crossing the desk of the UN have large (hideously large, in some cases) loopholes that lead one to believe they are drafted by a roomful of immature monkeys recovering from a three day banana daquri bender. This is without dispute. Indeed, you have managed to use the legal shortcomings of two pieces of recent fluff to create a nightmarish scenario. The Machiavellian aspect of our culture salutes your ingenuity and sincerely hopes that you will find your legalized mass murder still just as funny in hell.

You see, that was our initial point. Yes, these pieces of legislation are wide open for actions such as yours (some of them). However, the fact that you choose to exploit these loopholes casts more scorn on the morality of your society than the originators of the proposal.

Any legislation is potentially open for abuse. States with moral fiber know this and make a concious choice to adhere to the spirit of the resolution as passed. Morally questionable states, however, are constantly seeking out any opportunity to turn such unfortunate lapses in policy either to their advantage or into a grandstanding gesture rivalling a department store temper tantrum thrown by a five year old.

All nations must make a choice on how to behave, regardless of laws they don't agree with or can see how to manipulate.

I too hope that at some point Joccia will stop being (not just appearing) a 'slaughtering mad dog nation'. Until then, we Berkylvanians will look upon you as we look upon our slightly retarded citizens who have just managed to learn how to cut their own food: pride in your obvious relishing of your limited intellect, hope in a better tomorrow where you won't be forced to suffer the ravages of a limited intellect and a small moral scope, fear because you've learned how to use a knife, and speculation as to if you will have to be punished before you learn how to use the knife correctly.
10-02-2004, 10:05
Today, King Mac the Third of Joccia made an historic public announcement to the People of Joccia

“Whereas the United Nations has seen fit to legalise Euthanasia in International Law, and, whereas Joccia is a member of the United Nations and is bound by the resolution. We have today issued legislation pursuant to the above. This legislation supersedes and revokes any precedent legislation on the subject of Euthanasia.

Every individual person in Joccia has the right to make their choice with regard to resuscitation, or attempted resuscitation of their body should death occur, or receiving life prolonging treatment where little or no hope of recovery is in evidence or the prolonging of life in a comatose state where the condition of the brain is deteriorated or unknown. This is to be signified in a “Living Will”, which must be witnessed by two persons, and registered with a notary or solicitor.

No person or persons shall have the right to make any such decision concerning the life or death of another.

Any person suffering from a chronic or terminal illness, who believes that their suffering is beyond their capacity to endure may request such treatment as will alleviate that suffering, even if such treatment results in death.

In the case of a person who is unaware of their state by either mental debility or coma, the relatives or other concerned persons shall have no rights to request termination of life.

The preceding law is effective immediately.