NationStates Jolt Archive

plez vot for out proposal - toilett paper for all!

07-01-2004, 17:02
The Most Serene Republic of Etanistan, seeing the quality of UN resolutions of late, has turned over our entire resolution-creation board to 17 semi-literate pre-teen alcoholics. Here are the fruits of their labor:

toiilett paper for alle

'cuz its no fun to not have toilett papier, ya know?/ thaz why i say lets have some tp for evrywan on th planet earth i mean cuz why have anye othr plenent unlesss som of you r on mars or somthin and im sure some of yo r so lez sy is mars an midle earf two and alle uther palenetts to
07-01-2004, 17:10
Could we have a translation, please?

Lord Evif, Goobergunchian UN Ambassador
Founder of the DU Region

[ooc: I RP Lord Evif as having no sense of humor.]
07-01-2004, 17:10
This has got to be one of the most retarded threads I've ever seen! You also need to take some typing lessons. Your proclamation needs to be pulled!
07-01-2004, 17:39
I was hoping that this was a joke topic and that you didn't actually submit such a proposal. I was mistaken.

The UN Proposed Resolution "Toiilett Paper for Alle" was deleted because it was not worthy of the UN's consideration.

This is the second bad UN proposal that you've submitted. If you do it again, you will be permanently ejected from the United Nations.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
NationStates Game Moderator
Catholic Europe
07-01-2004, 18:09
Hmm, it would be a good idea but unfortunately it's been deleted.

Believe me, everybody should have toilet paper. I've ben to Thailand where they generally don't use toilet paper - I realy do feel sorry for them and anybody else who does not have toilet paper.
07-01-2004, 21:03
I was hoping that this was a joke topic and that you didn't actually submit such a proposal. I was mistaken.

The UN Proposed Resolution "Toiilett Paper for Alle" was deleted because it was not worthy of the UN's consideration.

This is the second bad UN proposal that you've submitted. If you do it again, you will be permanently ejected from the United Nations.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
NationStates Game Moderator

First, anyone who read the rather coherent beginning would know this and its accompanying proposal were meant as jokes, but jokes with a point. There are plenty of real resolutions that are just as horrendous as this resolution that not only remain undeleted, but actually acheive quorum.

Second, this is the ONLY such proposal our country has made. We made one other proposal that was deleted, but it was deleted on entirely different grounds. It was called Tolkien Appreciation Day and we agreed with the moderators that it technically referred to the "real world" and was unworthy. Why, we ask, is the current proposal any more unworthy than the stuff we see everyday? Let the intelligentsia of the UN decide whether it is worthy!

Third, why can't the moderators take a joke? Jeez.
07-01-2004, 21:13
This has got to be one of the most retarded threads I've ever seen! You also need to take some typing lessons. Your proclamation needs to be pulled!

The government of the Most Serene Republic of Etanistan will pass your message on to the 17 semi-literate pre-teen alcoholics who wrote this proposal. While we urge the participation of all members of our society, we would remind all nations that the most recent incarnation of the proposal-drafting board represents what is, in fact, a few members of a very small minority of our otherwise rational, intelligent and well-educated society.

- Jonathan Wakazi-Molenque, Undersecretary for Associate UN Affairs, Department of UN Relational Matrises, Most Serene Republic of Etanistan
07-01-2004, 21:30
The mods have no humor because they have to read through piles of this stuff. They see the same kind of jokes, the same kind of humor all the time. You wouldn't understand unless you've been a moderator before. As for myself, I speak from experience. I'm a moderator on the Earth's Special Forces forum. ESF is a Dragonball Z based half life mod (while I hate DBZ, the mod is very well done and fun to play) so you can guess the kind of fans and the amount of traffic we get. I have closed so many of the same kind of topics and gotten ppl banned for the same reasons god know how many times over. Thta's why the rules are in place for resolutions and why mods won't take a joke.

08-01-2004, 16:22
The mods have no humor because they have to read through piles of this stuff. They see the same kind of jokes, the same kind of humor all the time. You wouldn't understand unless you've been a moderator before. As for myself, I speak from experience. I'm a moderator on the Earth's Special Forces forum. ESF is a Dragonball Z based half life mod (while I hate DBZ, the mod is very well done and fun to play) so you can guess the kind of fans and the amount of traffic we get. I have closed so many of the same kind of topics and gotten ppl banned for the same reasons god know how many times over. Thta's why the rules are in place for resolutions and why mods won't take a joke.


So it was deleted precisely because it was a joke, whereas other proposals that are just as horrendous can remain undeleted as long as someone honestly writes in an attrocious manner. That hardly seems fair. Joke resolutions should be taken just as seriously as proposals that look like jokes to all except those who wrote them.

- Juwanna Harbin Gilak-Volde III, Associate to the Low Commissioner for Comedic and Grammatical Affairs, United Nations Delegation, Most Serene Republic of Etanistan
08-01-2004, 16:46