NationStates Jolt Archive

This Resolution does nothing at all....

25-12-2003, 21:18
"Nations may do this however they wish, from subsidizing their drug industries, to having their state provide more medicine and distributing it abroad."

Now, with that said, here is my plan for increasing access to medicine: I will use my army to invade the nation that proposed this, and then i will utterly destroy them, sacking their cities and whatnot. Once I am done with that, I will sell _their_ medicine to other countries, because I am increasing the medical aid my country sends out. Otherwise, I will send one person a month into a foreign nation, to throw single Tylenol pills at random homeless people.

Besides, if every country has to rush to spend the most money on foreigners who have the common cold, how much money do you think they will have to spend on things that actually matter? Each of us is a leader of our nation, we must be strong, not weak. If you waste your money on foreign problems, you weaken your own nation, and I believe you were elected to NOT weaken your nation.

-Kusanagi Noakusei
25-12-2003, 21:27
I agree with this post; the divine certainly does not agree with this resolution.
Oppressed Possums
25-12-2003, 21:28
No one has yet addressed the issue of what medicines should be available. If you have "medicinal marijuana" in your country and 99% of the other nations do not, you can force them to under this resolution. That just seems wrong to me.
25-12-2003, 21:32
(Pronounced Bill-ten-ick Chir-chi-ahn)

I agree, your idealism is astounding--not that idealism itself is bad, however idealism without pragmatism is useless! As is this disgusting body called the UN.
25-12-2003, 21:40
The UN is too hierarchial. Anarchism!

Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.
The state only exists to serve itself.
Racism-the other stupid ideology
Peace, love, and girls with small waists and really big butts!
I'm male. Note the pic
of attractive women.
25-12-2003, 21:41
Which is why, as the representative of an ancient, once-hidden region, have voted against this proposal.
25-12-2003, 22:23
It really isn't so much that I dislike the democratic process, I would actually prefer that foreigners adopt that, because it makes them weak and susceptible to chaos and strife...I just dislike when they attempt to force their beliefs on my nation, and attempt to force me to provide aid for weaker nations who cannot even take care of themselves. Perhaps these nations should figure out how to spend their own money, rather than dictate how other nations spend their own money. Every nation should have the power to govern itself, and decide whether or not it wants to help out the countries who have ruined themselves. This UN is taking away the sovereignity of nations, and thus is a blight upon the land. If this continues, I shall have no choice but to withdraw from this body of blind fools, and take advantage of the weakness they inflict upon each other.
26-12-2003, 01:48
If there is anyone out there that needs additional mediines, just ask! There are enough benevolent nations in the world that would come to another's aid. You don't need a UN resolution to be nice. Gee! Talk about micro managing!
26-12-2003, 02:42
Medicine is a racket.

Jail the racketeers and control the trade.
26-12-2003, 17:58
Come to think of it, also, the premises that this proposal relies upon (disease kills millions of consumers, workers, etc) are for the most part false. Diseases often kill large amounts of poor nations, nations without doctors, and old people. While the old people might indeed be consumers, there are plenty more to be had, and as for those poor people in under-developed nations, well, chances are they won't be buying anything or working anywhere important anyway. Also, I really doubt that those any of those people would be a scholar, because their family is too poor to give them education and whatnot. And as a last retort, they're all foreigners, which makes them worthless to me.
26-12-2003, 20:31
We shouldn't even be debating this issue. It is, quite frankly, stupid. Nothing can come from it, good or bad, since it doesn't ask for any certain thing to be done. VOTE NO