NationStates Jolt Archive

Banning of Public Male Nudity

13-12-2003, 17:35
I just read the proposition about Banning of Public Male Nudity, I totaly agree with this idea but I feel that the punisment is absolutey rediculous. Especially after the recent passing of the resolution to end Barbaric Punishments.
This just my own personal opinion, I think it is a great proposition and will be happy to approve,
Shavana if the castration section is amanded.

Thank you

General Garrett J. Jessup
15-12-2003, 08:33
I just read the proposition about Banning of Public Male Nudity, I totaly agree with this idea but I feel that the punisment is absolutey rediculous. Especially after the recent passing of the resolution to end Barbaric Punishments.
This just my own personal opinion, I think it is a great proposition and will be happy to approve,
Shavana if the castration section is amanded.

Thank you

General Garrett J. Jessup

Why do you guys think that your dangly bits are unattractive? Unless public nudity is compulsory then you don't have to display them.
Free Outer Eugenia
15-12-2003, 10:17
A sexist inhuman proposal that is an attack on both personal and local sovereignty.
15-12-2003, 13:33
Hey, if you make it so the guys cant have their parts hanging out, then the women-folk shouldnt get to strut their stuff either. Not fair. Guys get all the fun, but as usual the women get nothing to look at but clothed men and naked women. Typical sexist male. How about YOU cover up your twig and berries and everyone else just leaves them where ever they lay, or hang in this case.
15-12-2003, 13:40
This is totally ridiculous and inhumane. Nudity is not bad male or female, War is.
15-12-2003, 13:44
This is totally ridiculous and inhumane. Nudity is not bad male or female, War is.
15-12-2003, 13:56
A sexist inhuman proposal that is an attack on both personal and local sovereignty.

We are totally in agreement

15-12-2003, 15:41
There is no compelling reason which can justify international regulation of attire.
15-12-2003, 15:46
i beleive that i would rather see women than men nakie, but i think its unfair becausse i wouldnt mind swinging my load around every once in a while.
15-12-2003, 16:14
Well i think that we should all be allowed to walk around naked if we want to without punishment. If people dont like it they can look away. What is wrong with showing a bit of flesh anyway? It is healthy and u can get a tan, (and risk skin cancer or sumat)
15-12-2003, 16:28
i also always wondered why in movies, commercials, ... there are loads of nekkid wimmin but the guys are always "coincidentally" covering their stuff behind something...
i m a guy and not gay so its not that i really wanna see it or so, but i can imagin women do think its sexistic that they always have to go naked and men not...
18-12-2003, 16:24
In Galuau we made nudity compulsory, it's not forever, but it is necessary that people stop writing and saying obnoxious comments as this one, therefore we believe in the confrontation of religious and estetical dogmas. Nudity its natural for males, females, transgenders, queers, may not accept it but it is not a big issue, Education is a big issue. :wink:
Catholic Europe
18-12-2003, 16:30
Should any nudity be allowed in public?
Oppressed Possums
18-12-2003, 18:47
What constitutes nudity and what exactly is a public place?

Do restrooms count? What about locker rooms? Open air baths? Your own property that is viewable by the public...
Boreal Tundra
18-12-2003, 22:45
As Boreal Tundra allows public nudity, we would be obliged to vote against this resolution. If the resolution is passed, we will be happy to comply....

Noting of course that immediately prior to implimenting the resolution, all areas within the boarders of Boreal Tundra will be deemed private property of The Crown and thus exempt from the ruling.

Arianna Delassa
Minister for Health and Welfare
20-12-2003, 08:30
Hey, if you make it so the guys cant have their parts hanging out, then the women-folk shouldnt get to strut their stuff either. Not fair. Guys get all the fun, but as usual the women get nothing to look at but clothed men and naked women. Typical sexist male. How about YOU cover up your twig and berries and everyone else just leaves them where ever they lay, or hang in this case.

I must agree with my sister here. Even though the idea of naked women wandering around appeals to my chauvanistic side, I dont really need to see naked women on the street. What if it is cold? What if the person is 400+ pounds? Do I need to see that? I am sorry if I offend some of the overweight people, but I dont really need to see an overweight female OR male on the street in the nude. Nudity is inefficient anyways. Too many risks. Like accidently cooking yourself. Not to mention the advantage of clothing when lets say....You are working on a building. Not to mention that, nude people are much more open to disease than non-nude people. And what if you came upon a family member nude? That would freak me out and I would probably rip my eyes out, and live at Starbucks for the rest of my life, not to mention need some serious therapy. And therapy is pretty expensive.
20-12-2003, 11:03
What constitutes nudity and what exactly is a public place?

Do restrooms count? What about locker rooms? Open air baths? Your own property that is viewable by the public...Technically, a "Public Place" is any place openly accesable to the public. This includes state-owned land and commercial businesses such as shops and pubs, but not privatley-owned land such as your back garden, even if it is viewable by the public.
20-12-2003, 11:45
i fail to see what is wrong wiht the body that nature has given us. if you are ashamed of it, then it can only ever be as a result of social or psychological pressures. a ridiculous proposal, harking back to victorian times.

Oppressed Possums
20-12-2003, 16:44
What constitutes nudity and what exactly is a public place?

Do restrooms count? What about locker rooms? Open air baths? Your own property that is viewable by the public...Technically, a "Public Place" is any place openly accesable to the public. This includes state-owned land and commercial businesses such as shops and pubs, but not privatley-owned land such as your back garden, even if it is viewable by the public.

So, if I own all the land in my country, then everything is public.
23-12-2003, 06:42
Sweet. That means everything in my country is public land. Good thing to be aware of.
Catholic Europe
23-12-2003, 11:31
Sweet. That means everything in my country is public land. Good thing to be aware of.

Well, that's probably correct. This means no one would never be able to be naked - not even in the shower. :o :lol:
23-12-2003, 15:13
Hehehe. But all the land in my land is mine too, meaning there CAN be naked people all over the place because I dont care! I live in a large palace where there arent a whole lot of people anyways, so I wont see them. Muha. :P
23-12-2003, 16:42
*streaks through thread*
23-12-2003, 17:32

Maybe we should change our position and support this proposal, after all.

Catholic Europe
23-12-2003, 17:47
Hehehe. But all the land in my land is mine too, meaning there CAN be naked people all over the place because I dont care! I live in a large palace where there arent a whole lot of people anyways, so I wont see them. Muha. :P

What if you did see them? :wink:
24-12-2003, 09:58
Then I would see them. :o

Normally I would shoot them. But the U.N. did pass that proposal about cruel and unusual punishment. Damn. I guess I will just have to deal with it. :)
24-12-2003, 10:29
Screw y'all, my wang should be able to hang gleefully in the summer's breeze. ;)
Catholic Europe
24-12-2003, 13:56
Then I would see them. :o

Normally I would shoot them. But the U.N. did pass that proposal about cruel and unusual punishment. Damn. I guess I will just have to deal with it. :)
Well, it's not that unusual of a punishment. :wink: :twisted:
24-12-2003, 15:58
:lol: Get ya tits out for the lads!!! :lol:
24-12-2003, 15:59
Screw y'all, my wang should be able to hang gleefully in the summer's breeze. ;)

Careful you don't take someones eye out with that
24-12-2003, 16:05
This is a ridiculus topic. People should never walk around naked in public. You people have taken a stupid, nonsense idea and turned it into a war against sexism, and nobody in their right mind wants to see an overweight sumo wrestler losing his pants. This is just a stupid topic. I hope I didn't offened any of you sickos
24-12-2003, 17:11
This is a ridiculus topic. People should never walk around naked in public. You people have taken a stupid, nonsense idea and turned it into a war against sexism, and nobody in their right mind wants to see an overweight sumo wrestler losing his pants. This is just a stupid topic. I hope I didn't offened any of you sickos

Oppressed Possums
24-12-2003, 21:24
This is a ridiculus topic. People should never walk around naked in public. You people have taken a stupid, nonsense idea and turned it into a war against sexism, and nobody in their right mind wants to see an overweight sumo wrestler losing his pants. This is just a stupid topic. I hope I didn't offened any of you sickos

No one said you have to stare.
25-12-2003, 07:25
Really. You obviously didnt read the title if you thought this was a REAL debate. *rips off shirt* Lets all streak! *streaks*