NationStates Jolt Archive

lacking support

09-12-2003, 11:04
I do hope I'm not doing here anything illegal but rather than sending a message to all delegate I'd like to talk to you about my proposal.

It is called "worldwide recognised diploma" and it mainly implies the idea of a test that would be taken after 12 years of school and would be the same for all countries, that would make it easier for students to study in a foreign country.

thank you if you support it.
09-12-2003, 13:37
dude u have one post how about you wait a month
09-12-2003, 16:29
dude u have one post how about you wait a month

I didn't think there was any ruling on how long (how many posts) it shoud be before someone submits a proposal.
09-12-2003, 17:37
Binary boy just wants to be an asshole thats all