NationStates Jolt Archive

Ferrussia addresses UN assembly (please respond!)

27-11-2003, 22:36
UN Headquarters, General Assembly Building

The Ferrussian Ambassador to the United Nations stood amongst debate over the recent passing of the Labor Union resolution. Grabbing the microphone, he tapped it first to be sure it was working.

"Ferrussia," he began, "is reeling. I've recieved word that the stock market crashed a good 683 points today. Economic outlook for the fiscal year in Ferrussia just dropped to an across-the-board loss in every major industry. The recent "Author's Union", formed under and inspired by the Union resolution, has recently demanded 50% royalty rates for every author in the Union! This means the entire Book Publishing industry, the heart of Ferrussia's economy, must increase prices just to make ends meet!

"The point I bring, my fellow nations of the UN, is that this sort of resolution is not only damaging to our great nation - setting our national budget plans back an estimated 15 years - but is thought acceptable to more than half of the active United Nations! We cannot allow such travesties against our national soverignty - perhaps the UN would like to tell us exactly how to run our military next!

"Ferrussia has always believed in democracy. But this is not democracy - this is lunacy! Ferrussia is Ferrussia, not Free Soviets, or any other country. We cannot be infringed on like this. As such, the People's Republic of Ferrussia will be officially withdrawing from the United Nations, unless the UN can come up with something to at least attempt to alleve the damage done. If such a proposal does not come as the next vote, we will officially resign from the UN.

"We send a plea to other sensible nations to join us, and we will vote with our feet! If the United Nations is too lost in the "betterment of the world" to take care of its member nations, then it is not the place for any self-respecting nation! Let the United Nations become it's own country - Ferrussia will not take part in such a doomed organization!

"Again, I plea to any sensible nation to propose something to stem the tide of soverignty-stealing resolutions, and make the UN a better place - or else to be done with it once and for all! Ferrussia will not stand for this, and we hope the world is not so deluded as to allow this power-hungry organization to remain with your support!

"I have more important business to attend to than this... this travesty of a democracy! My assistants will answer any questions."

With that, he walked out of the General Assembly room.
The Dark Pheonix
28-11-2003, 00:39
I beleive this belongs in international incidents, though I agree completely with the sentiment.
The Global Market
28-11-2003, 00:44
Putamus Viam Semper Esse - There is Always a Way
28-11-2003, 02:39
It would suck if you left I think we need all the help we can get against the communists which basically dominate the UN
28-11-2003, 06:30
Let's create a capitalist newspaper which would talk about latest events and devote special attention on upcoming proposals. This would get more people to spend more than 2 seconds deciding, and provide capitalists an easy reference on how they should vote.