NationStates Jolt Archive

Removal of all civilian owned firearms.

26-11-2003, 02:30
We the great State of Rooferlonia are calling upon our brothers and sisters of the UN to create a proposal to endorse the use of military force to remove unlawfully owned firearms from civilian homes. Our scholars and statesmen have been gathering data and have concluded that an unarmed society is a polite society and that an unarmed society is less likely to rise up in revolt against their benevolent leaders. I am calling upon you to help us make our point heard and understood.
Below is a list of firearms approved for civilian ownership by the Greater Leadership Council of the Jingoistic States of Rooferlonia:
New Kingman
26-11-2003, 02:48
Any attempt to disarm my citizens will be responded to with a severe military response possibly including the use of nuclear weapons.
26-11-2003, 03:05
I was wasnt talking about disarming your people Kingman. I was referring to getting the UN to approve the use of military force by a member state to disarm citizens within its own borders. Even without UN approval its still an easy thing to do.
BTW the PMS(Prime Minister Select) of Rooferlonia Guiseppe Marks has one of the worlds largest and most elegant firearms collections in all of the West Pacific, if not the world.
The Global Market
26-11-2003, 03:07
We the great State of Rooferlonia are calling upon our brothers and sisters of the UN to create a proposal to endorse the use of military force to remove unlawfully owned firearms from civilian homes. Our scholars and statesmen have been gathering data and have concluded that an unarmed society is a polite society and that an unarmed society is less likely to rise up in revolt against their benevolent leaders. I am calling upon you to help us make our point heard and understood.
Below is a list of firearms approved for civilian ownership by the Greater Leadership Council of the Jingoistic States of Rooferlonia:

200 million people killed by government in the last hundred years. 750,000 people killed by civilian gun ownership. I think that's enough said.
New Kingman
26-11-2003, 03:32
I was wasnt talking about disarming your people Kingman. I was referring to getting the UN to approve the use of military force by a member state to disarm citizens within its own borders. Even without UN approval its still an easy thing to do.
BTW the PMS(Prime Minister Select) of Rooferlonia Guiseppe Marks has one of the worlds largest and most elegant firearms collections in all of the West Pacific, if not the world.But he does not have the musket used to fire the first shot in the battle of Montsegur.
26-11-2003, 04:17
Our scholars and statesmen have been gathering data and have concluded that an unarmed society is a polite society and that an unarmed society is less likely to rise up in revolt against their benevolent leaders.

So we're going to remove the ability of the people to defend themselves for the sake of being "polite?" Right. That's not a very good deal, and I'm not even sure I see how a lack of guns would make people polite -- unless, of course, you meant that the people would be polite to your well armed secret police.

And, in my book, people tend not to rise up against "benevolent" leaders. If you're concerned about revolution, you should consider altering your government, not the people.
Oppressed Possums
26-11-2003, 04:18
If people want to light their arms on fire, bring marshmallows.
26-11-2003, 15:39
Any attempt to disarm my citizens will be responded to with a severe military response possibly including the use of nuclear weapons.

Same here! except the part about nuclear weapons.

I was wasnt talking about disarming your people Kingman. I was referring to getting the UN to approve the use of military force by a member state to disarm citizens within its own borders. Even without UN approval its still an easy thing to do.
BTW the PMS(Prime Minister Select) of Rooferlonia Guiseppe Marks has one of the worlds largest and most elegant firearms collections in all of the West Pacific, if not the world.

And after that why don't we pass a resolution to protect tyrants and get UN approval for governments to use military power to force their ideologies on their people.

Sic Semper Tyranus
26-11-2003, 16:01
I have to agree with Santin. If the government, especially a benevolent one, must fear it's own cittizens, something is very wrong.

Fire arms in the hands of someone who knows how to use them are no danger. If the government were to put the money towards gun education, safety, as well as back ground checks for the owners of the guns instead of putting its money into removing them entirely, we would not have a problem what so ever.

~*~The Empire of Syntyche~*~
26-11-2003, 16:34
Seriously I don't see why governments should have to fear their own people if they are then they're a louzy government as far regular old citizens if it weren't guns they'd kill some other way!
26-11-2003, 16:43
We the great State of Rooferlonia are calling upon our brothers and sisters of the UN to create a proposal to endorse the use of military force to remove unlawfully owned firearms from civilian homes.
I don't know about the civilians in Rooferlonia, but the civilians in Hambry lawfully own their firearms. It sounds to me that you've already taken a vital liberty away from your citizens if they all have "unlawfully owned firearms." I don't doubt you should sit in your guilded capital and be afraid, very afraid, at the people you're repressing.
Catholic Europe
26-11-2003, 17:08
Catholic Eurpe believes that those who are in the military and police only should be allowed to have guns. Civilians should not be allowed to have guns.
26-11-2003, 18:45
Citizens SHOULD be able to have guns, what if someone were to come in your home and try to kill you? whould would you do, ask them nicely to leave?
26-11-2003, 19:32
Perhaps if you are worried about someone coming to your house to try and kill you, you could think about either (A) Better home security, or (B) stop annoying people that badly. :)
27-11-2003, 16:00
The Country of Rooferlonia has a crime rate of 0.85% and we also have a very low recidivism rate because of the great lengths we go to "rehabilitate" our criminals. If a person is caught stealing, murdering, pilfering, buggering they are immediately taken to the courts where they are immediately sentenced to hard labor by a magistrate. In lieu of serving twenty years at hard labor the criminal is also given the choice between serving the twenty years at hard labor, having every bone in their body broken and receiving an immediate release or going into our glorious "Medical Research Corps" where the criminal will help our esteemed cadre of doctors determine how the human body reacts to certain ailments and infirimities and being released within six months(if they were to survive that long).
BTW our well armed and trained Rooferlonian Constabulary Force has no reason to be secret or discreet. And our normal citizens have no reason to fear the men of the RCF, the RCF is only interested in political subversives, labour unionists and other agitators and disturbers of the peace.
27-11-2003, 17:05
Not to play on a cliche, but you're sounding a lot like the Nazi party with the above statement. Do some history research. That's exactly the laws and situation Germany had before WWII started. Specifically look up the "Night of the Long Knives."
27-11-2003, 17:17
We ELEFTHERIOTES intend to clean up with our AK47 and 74 tripod mounted belt fed heavy mid ranged machine guns. We intend to clean up the barbarians, heathons and all such demeaning filth from the planet. Our unofficial moto after "Death to Barbarians" is Cleanliness is next to Godliness and we do intend to clean up! The extremly patriotic populace of our nation all feel the same way.
27-11-2003, 18:46
What about hunters? Should they be disarmed as well? Of course not, that would be madness
New Babel
27-11-2003, 20:07
naw... let them ban them in their own nations. maybe the criminals will do us a favor and shoot the proposer.

the only thing you'd be doing is sanctioning criminal activity by banning guns... you make it a lot easier for them... since they don't obey the law anyway, they'll still have guns, and they'll know that law-abiding citizens won't have them... it makes breaking into someone's house much safer...

Rooferlonia must be owned by the mafia. it's a great plan if you're the bad guys... disarm the good guys, since the good guys are the only ones who obey laws anyway. die die die.
27-11-2003, 20:32
ban guns. teach the art of using a stout and sturdy stick. i have many, and many have notches!

sticks are great......whhhoooooooooooooossshhhhhhhhTHWAK! :D

with my stick. in the country of pinhatas. i am king.
27-11-2003, 21:05
Well in my 3 day old country it goes a little something like this:

If you don't have a gun, you're stupif you better get one. You see if everyone has a gun with them criminals won't act because the good citizens have their defense weapons. One of our traditions is that on a boys 10th birthday he is to recieve an eight millimeter

Isn't that sweet?
New Babel
27-11-2003, 21:25
now that i disagree with also... sounds like you FORCE them to own guns practically. and besides, that's completely irresponsible. :roll:
27-11-2003, 21:39
Whats with all the facism?
27-11-2003, 21:46
I was wasnt talking about disarming your people Kingman. I was referring to getting the UN to approve the use of military force by a member state to disarm citizens within its own borders...

Members of the UN already have the right to prohibit gun ownership, and to enforce that decision by whatever means they wish (including military force). Do we really need yet another UN resolution giving members the right to do something they can already do???
28-11-2003, 02:30
now that i disagree with also... sounds like you FORCE them to own guns practically. and besides, that's completely irresponsible. :roll:

It's not forced it's just recommended, what if only one person in that nation had a gun? Think of all they'd be able to do
28-11-2003, 02:36
The Great Nation of Putergeeks suports the right to keep and bear arms.
28-11-2003, 05:29
an unarmed society is less likely to rise up in revolt against their benevolent leaders
Rikal will vehemently support this proposal and may preempt the resolution and begin disarming its citizens by milit... we mean at the local level.
28-11-2003, 06:08
The government of Raulia (still not a UN member) endorses the use of military force to remove unlawfully owned firearms from civilian homes (in fact we've already seized all civilian weapons and forbid civilian possession or use (unless in licensed sporting activities).

The government of Raulia also appreciates how an unarmed society is less likely to rise up in revolt against their benevolent leaders.

Once we get in, and secure recognition from at least one other state, we will vote for the proposed resolution.