NationStates Jolt Archive

Sex In Public Act

03-11-2003, 16:24
:arrow: All UN representatives:

Please support my Sex In Public Act and encourage others to do the same. This act of human rights will allow for free expressions of affection among all creatures human or non human, gay or straight, kinky or well not so kinky. :wink:

Please Support Us

The Common Man Representative of Bohemianism
03-11-2003, 17:43
It's hard enough keeping our sidewalks clean as it is.
Who would ever want to ride a taxicab if this passes? We'd all be in the front seat.
03-11-2003, 17:44
We in Gurthark have relatively few restrictions on sexual behavior, even in public. However, we do not feel that this is a legitimate international human rights issue. Once people enter the public sphere, the government has some right to regulate their behavior. So long as the regulations are non-discriminatory (e.g., do not ban homosexual public sex while allowing heterosexual public sex, or do not allow men greater public sexual freedom than women) and do not stretch into the private sphere, we in Gurthark do not support international legislation against them.

Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
03-11-2003, 19:37
we have our own ways of doing things around in public causes way too many traffic problems..let alone the abuse of small dogs and random horses in the parks
03-11-2003, 20:19
The Dictatorship of Griffindon cannot even believe that this vote was tied before we cast our ballot.
New Clarkhall
03-11-2003, 22:03
I empathise with you Griffindom. Sex in public my foot. The people of New Clarkhall might not care what the Bohemianisms do in their nation, but in our fair land, we still have some decency.
03-11-2003, 22:05
I agree 100% with you two. Sex is private, not public!
The Global Market
03-11-2003, 22:20
Since nobody owns public land you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you want there that doesn't directly interfere with someone else's rights. Sex in public may be disgusting, but it should be LEGAL.
03-11-2003, 22:24
We of Frostyservantia feel that people have the right to do whatever they want as long as it does not infringe upon the equal ability of all to utilize this right. Even though, for obvious reasons, we do not condone public sexual acts, we cannot deny people their right.
03-11-2003, 23:34
If a person wants to commit a sexual act on a street in Telenius they will not be stopped.
03-11-2003, 23:56
Honestly would you REALLY like to see people FUCKING on the streets?
I don't care if you let people show affection and if they want to have sex outdoors I think it is fine if it's done where no one can see it, or where there is very little risk of being seen. But permitting SEX on the Streets is just TOO MUCH.
04-11-2003, 00:02
Not to mention unsanitary.
04-11-2003, 00:06
Since nobody owns public land you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you want there that doesn't directly interfere with someone else's rights. Sex in public may be disgusting, but it should be LEGAL.

We in Gurthark are behind you 80%.

Rather than thinking public land belongs to *nobody*, we in Gurthark think it belongs to *everybody*. Therefore, our government faces the question: How to allow people to do what they like with the land that is (partially) theirs, without removing other people's ability to enjoy the (same) land that is (also partially) theirs?

We in Gurthark think that aesthetic offense is a fairly minor harm, which is why we have elected to keep public nudity and sexuality legal--the social cost of outlawing it is greater than the social cost of allowing it. (We feel differently about, for example, smoking in enclosed public areas, which requires others to suffer physical damage--rather than just aesthetic offense--if they wish to use the public land. And we feel very differently about actions such as pollution which *destroy* the public land.) But we do think it is something that should be allowed as part of a calculus, which is why we're not willing to support this proposal.

Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
04-11-2003, 00:14
Rational Self Interest
04-11-2003, 00:51
Honestly would you REALLY like to see people f--- on the streets?Sure, unless they're fat or ninety years old. In that case, I'd look at something else. If someone wants to have sex in public, there's no particular reason not to allow it. If people don't want to watch, they don't have to. If they feel like cheering, jeering, or giving suggestions, that's ok, as long as they don't obstruct traffic.
04-11-2003, 01:18
04-11-2003, 01:54
It's legal in Plenitia

of course it dosent change anything, just because its allowed dosent mean everybody does it.

It only happens when two exibitionist are in love and well what are the odds of that:)

Pascal Leduc
04-11-2003, 02:17
It should be allowed. As Rational Self Interest said, there is nothing that forces people to watch, it is perfectly as long as they do not cause too much disturbance or block traffic.

Plenetia had the right idea too. Just because it's allowed, doesn't mean that everybody will do it, that you will see streams of people having sex on the sidewalk. Most people are too shy for it, and it will only happen if you have two very exhibitionist people that want to engage in sex. In which case, they should be allowed to do what they want, and not discriminate against these people.

If you don't like it, don't look.
04-11-2003, 03:50
Honestly would you REALLY like to see people f--- on the streets?Sure, unless they're fat or ninety years old. In that case, I'd look at something else. If someone wants to have sex in public, there's no particular reason not to allow it. If people don't want to watch, they don't have to. If they feel like cheering, jeering, or giving suggestions, that's ok, as long as they don't obstruct traffic.

I don't think it's necessarily something that you might WANT to see, but rather something you wouldn't mind seeing. Think about it. Sex isn't such a bad thing. The only reason we think sex is so taboo is becasue much of our values are based on Victorian England, which is in turn based on Catholicism. TYhe only reason we think sex is taboo is that's what we were taught. There's no realy substance behind it
04-11-2003, 08:53
:arrow: All UN representatives:

Please support my Sex In Public Act and encourage others to do the same. This act of human rights will allow for free expressions of affection among all creatures human or non human, gay or straight, kinky or well not so kinky. :wink:

Please Support Us

The Common Man Representative of Bohemianism

The Great Nation of Putergeeks does not support this Act.
04-11-2003, 08:58
The thing that concerns us are the children. It's best that children aren't sexualized so young.
05-11-2003, 16:07
The Great Nation of Putergeeks does not support this Act.

This is because they are to busy sexing up their computers. :twisted:
05-11-2003, 16:08
Get in there my son !!! :D
05-11-2003, 16:35
Sexual activity is already legal in Dalradia, but is only ever practiced when no-one is about as it is considered anti-social, somewhat defeating the point of it being in public if you ask me. Why not stay in a nice comfy bed, or on a firm work-surface?

This is not an issue for the international community though, so the Imperium would have to abstain if this ever made it to a vote.

the Minister for Internal Affairs
on behalf of th Holy Emperor
Robert Cameron IV
05-11-2003, 17:18
Sex is disgusting. Sex should be banned. That would stop all the world's problems. No child abuse, no rape, no AIDS.
05-11-2003, 17:28
whilst i agree that freedom is extremely important certain safeguards have to be in place to prevent the corruption of children do we really want our children to be witnessing sexual activity whilst they are on the way to school. Of course not so whilst i agree to full private freedom of sexual activity i.e. any act that takes place between consenting adults is fine but only whilst people are in their own homes
05-11-2003, 17:30
Sex is disgusting. Sex should be banned. That would stop all the world's problems. No child abuse, no rape, no AIDS.
That's akin to "No humans, no war.". And how would propose continuation of the species? Artifical reproduction?

However I can not support this act as it would also need extra money for the clean-up bills. And sure as hell ain't gonna be coming out of the taxpayers pocket if I want to stay in for another term. STDs would reach pandemic proportions. And it would be far too timeconsuming and bureucratic to ban people with STDs from having sex in public.
05-11-2003, 20:15
I think this is ridiculous personally. What business does the U.N. have regulating the moral standards of sovereign nations? What business does anybody have to tell the Resplendent Dawn's government what it should allow in this regards? This is just an attempt to enforce some nations' standards and beliefs on other nations which is clearly wrong. Besides, in the Holy Empire of the Resplendent Dawn, public land does not belong to nobody or to everybody, it belongs to the state, and the state may regulate how people behave on it.

As a side note, the Resplendent Dawn government is also extremely frightened of the 95% of citizens who are deeply involved in more traditional religions, who would oppose this policy. And we do have elections every once in a while...
05-11-2003, 20:33
These corrupt "moral standards" are just a hindrance to true human development. Bohemianism stands up against moral oppression even in the face of overwelming odds. We stand as a beacon of hope in the darkness of oppressive belief systems.

Let your inner animal free!

The Comman Man Representative of Bohemianism
05-11-2003, 22:47
06-11-2003, 00:10
06-11-2003, 00:10
But you must agree that their should be a ban in the area around schools. Do you want perverted three year olds? Do you?
The Global Market
06-11-2003, 01:29
That's up to the individual school; that's their property
06-11-2003, 01:31
or technically the governments property depending on the situation, and thus falling under the gvmts. jurisdiction
06-11-2003, 03:38
Whilst I would agree that this wouldn't fall under the juristictional area of the UN I'd still be interested in seeing this pass. Point to note, this doesn't ban anything, it merely permits it. As far as "perverting" children goes, if they see sex on a regular basis it'll remove the stigma associated with it and make it simply an expression of affection; a heavy duty kiss, if you will. I'd much rather my children saw people shagging in public than arguing in public and I know which I'd be pointing out as the less well mannered exercise.
Oppressed Possums
06-11-2003, 03:59
I say this is a very bad idea. One day you're going to say "Screw you" and someone is going to take it as an invitation.
06-11-2003, 09:10
I do not understand why we have to keep the species going. Heck knows that the earth would a better planet without us screwing it up. And why do we have to care about having future generations? Why can't we just think about ours? Just have fun, live fast adn die young and don't care about what happens when your gone because, well, you're dead!
06-11-2003, 12:34
After extensive research into this issue, incuding but not limited to, door to door surveys, and government experiments involving actual public nudity and or sex, the Federal Government of Nyborg as well as the Nyborg Department of Public Health, and the watchdog group Nyborgians Undressed Deserve Exhibitionism, or NUDE have come to a consentual agreement that no legislation is needed in Nyborg. Nyborgians very nature is to mind ones business and most Nyborgians hardly notice public sex, let alone nudity. This delegate has little option but to request this issue be dismissed.
06-11-2003, 12:56
Since nobody owns public land you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you want there that doesn't directly interfere with someone else's rights. Sex in public may be disgusting, but it should be LEGAL.

Rubbish. The Crown owns public land (it owns private land too ultimately since in the vast majority of real-life nations there is no allodial land ownership). It has a right to legislate what happens on its land.
06-11-2003, 17:44
Public nudity in Ganymerica is allowed in all cases and public sex is allowed in the outdoors, but forbidden within a radius of one hundred meters of living quarters and in clear sight from transport lines.

Ganymerica would not vote for this, mainly due to the fact that this would be imposing moral standards on other nations. Ganymerica does not recognize the right to have sex on the sidewalk as a universal human right, but rather thinks this should be up to each nation to decide.
The Global Market
06-11-2003, 17:49
Since nobody owns public land you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you want there that doesn't directly interfere with someone else's rights. Sex in public may be disgusting, but it should be LEGAL.

Rubbish. The Crown owns public land (it owns private land too ultimately since in the vast majority of real-life nations there is no allodial land ownership). It has a right to legislate what happens on its land.

You have the right to legislate what happens if someone's rights are violated. Otherwise, this is what we call, "Oppressive Government".
06-11-2003, 18:01
Rubbish. The Crown owns public land (it owns private land too ultimately since in the vast majority of real-life nations there is no allodial land ownership). It has a right to legislate what happens on its land.

You have the right to legislate what happens if someone's rights are violated. Otherwise, this is what we call, "Oppressive Government".

This is what we call rule by divine right. :twisted:
The Global Market
06-11-2003, 18:04
Rubbish. The Crown owns public land (it owns private land too ultimately since in the vast majority of real-life nations there is no allodial land ownership). It has a right to legislate what happens on its land.

You have the right to legislate what happens if someone's rights are violated. Otherwise, this is what we call, "Oppressive Government".

This is what we call rule by divine right. :twisted:

lol. Well, you know an old Chinese proverb: Living Gods always seem less divine once their armies have left :lol:
The Drama Isles
07-11-2003, 01:42
We in the Drama Isles don't really want to, as one fellow succinctly put it, "see people f--- in the streets." Therego, we impoze a sensible degree of moralism on our citizens, meaning that we don't allow sex in public.

Freedom of speech is nice, but moans don't really qualify as speech, do they?
The Drama Isles
07-11-2003, 01:43
The Drama Isles
07-11-2003, 01:43
07-11-2003, 02:54
The thing that concerns us are the children. It's best that children aren't sexualized so young.

And that worked soooo well for stopping the spread of STDs, oh wait... no it didn't. In fact, it caused STD rates to go up, teen pregnacy to go up, and rape rates to go up.

It has to be one of those things you have to look at from another perspective, think of sex as guns. We shouldn't teach children aobut guns, that way we won't have crime or gun accidents... yeah... :roll:
07-11-2003, 03:18
It has to be one of those things you have to look at from another perspective, think of sex as guns. We shouldn't teach children aobut guns, that way we won't have crime or gun accidents... yeah... :roll:

There is a slight difference between sexual education and people having sex in the streets.