NationStates Jolt Archive

Lets kill all the fascists...

12-10-2003, 20:39
Why not?

The world would be a much better place fascist vote for the liquidation of fascism proposal. :wink:
12-10-2003, 20:44
let's not kill anyone, but re-educate them instead.
12-10-2003, 20:45
fascists are simple people, they only understand their way and are too closed minded to adopt a new one....I say one bullet in the head will be sufficient
12-10-2003, 20:51
killing is NEVER the answer
12-10-2003, 21:03
But the fascists want to do the same to the Jews (and every else, etc.). Don't sink to their evel. Peace, man.
13-10-2003, 02:04
We in Quebec Nouveau express our distaste for violence, in any form, which is not to say that we have never sunk to such depths in our own history. However, oustering of Le Fascistes is a subject we as Democratic Socialists feel very strongly about. And what's more, as a people of Francais-Canadien lineage, the very baselines of Fascisme go against everything we believe. So yes, we believe they should be gotten rid of, if not by re-education, then by proactive force.
Tactical Grace
13-10-2003, 02:14
I suspect that the only thing which will be killed is your proposal. Please read the "Before you make a proposal..." sticky.

Tactical Grace
Forum Moderator
13-10-2003, 02:15
Being the leader of a fascist nation myself, I am completely oppossed to this resolution. Fascism is merely a form of government, like democracy or communism. Also, not all fascists are anti-Semitic, those would be the nazis, and it's unfair to group nazism and fascism together.
13-10-2003, 02:56
people sould never be killed for their belives. if we were to kill them for their belives we would be no different then the nazis'.
American Militarists
13-10-2003, 03:34
For once, I'm going to have to go along with Aviea. Not all fascists are Nazis. Some of them are just authoritarian, but not really that repressive or genocidal (ex: Peron). Let's just go after the really evil nations out there, like the Nazis or Stalinists.
The Singular
13-10-2003, 03:40
Instead of that

Just round threm up and give them to SCIENCE/MEDICINE and
let tem CHANGE THEM AS THEY SEE FIT :twisted: :lol:
:twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:!: :!: :!: :P :P :P
13-10-2003, 03:45
I've got a better idea--let's NOT punish people for what they think.
13-10-2003, 03:51
I've got a better idea--let's NOT punish people for what they think.

But it's what they do that causes the problems, or what they want to do if they ever get given the chance. In the last 48 hour on UK TV there has been reports about a bombing campaign aimed against German synagogues and a nasty fire bomb attack on a refugee advice centre somewhere in the English midlands. You cant debate with or change these animals minds as the whole belief system only allows the leaders to think and the masses to act. Kill them all.
13-10-2003, 04:51
Being the leader of a fascist nation myself, I am completely oppossed to this resolution. Fascism is merely a form of government, like democracy or communism. Also, not all fascists are anti-Semitic, those would be the nazis, and it's unfair to group nazism and fascism together.

This is historically true. fascists may be closer to populists than to Nazis. One problem with basing power upon grassroots popular coalitions is that the resulting ruling will of the people may seem unelightened. Populist rule in the southern US would probably look like a redneck free-for-all. But the racism would not be essential to the party structure; it would be a byproduct of it.
13-10-2003, 06:21
Killing people is already illegal, regardless of the reason (except for self-defense, of course). Punish them for what they actually do (when and if they actually do it). To punish them for what they think is completely evil, as is anyone who supports such a notion.
13-10-2003, 10:33
Two great quotes from Enlightenment philosophers sum up the issue nicely.

The first comes from JS Mill, expousing "that the harmful actions of society should be curbed, but not the harmful opinions; as by the total expression of opinion, society arrives at the truth",

The second from Voltaire, "I despise what you say, but will defend to the truth your right to say it."

Anyone should be allowed to say anything, as there is currently no absolutely objective standards of truth in the world, however once those thoughts spill to action, they should be stopped immediately. Let the Neo-nazis rally in the streets (relying on people to see them for the nutters they are), but ban the gas chambers and the books burning.
13-10-2003, 16:26
Don't ban the book-burnings...if they want to burn books they own, they have every right to do so.

Also, there IS objective truth--but if you choose to refuse to accept that truth, that's perfectly fine. It's not a very good idea, but if you want to do it go right ahead.
13-10-2003, 17:15
They're not burning my books. Not Terry Pratchett.