NationStates Jolt Archive

the anti-free trade proposal

17-09-2003, 01:34
Delegates, please consider accepting this proposal:

To stop the stealing of jobs away from rich nations to poorer ones we must pass this for the following reasons:

I: Improvished nations will only become more improvished if they continue to rely on other countries for money, This means all the profits will go outside the country while the work is being done inside. The only way we can stop this cycle is to stop this and let these country's geniuses make there own companies, adding to the wealth of their nation.

II: This will stop taking jobs away from the larger
countries therefor helping their economy, allowing them to support the smaller nations with more forgein aid.

The great Republic of The Unoriginals hope you will at least consider this proposal.
17-09-2003, 01:44
You are no economics major. Stop relying on retoric.

The Global Market
17-09-2003, 02:11
On the other hand I AM an economics major.

Third-world countries with the most free trade... Vietnam, China, Indonesia, have the LEAST starvation. Sorry you're stupid.
17-09-2003, 18:09
On the other hand I AM an economics major.

Third-world countries with the most free trade... Vietnam, China, Indonesia, have the LEAST starvation. Sorry you're stupid.

Yet those three countires have some of the most atrocious human rights abuses in the world, in terms of employment, etc.
17-09-2003, 21:33
I'm an engineer and no economist but as i see it not all free trade is bad. The only type of free trade i consider damaging is free trade og agriculteral goods, as this relationship only benifits larger nations like my own as we subsidise our farmer and sell on our good to poorer countries for less than thhey can produce it. All other forms of free trade is cool with me however. So i can't endorse this proposal.
18-09-2003, 03:09
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.
18-09-2003, 04:15
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.

We the People's Republic Of Amyth would like to agree with this statement and add that not only manual labour jobs are leaving the country. We have noticed lately that the major financial institutions have started outsourcing financial skilled labour to cheaper nations. Second world nations and Upper Third world nations have schools and educated people too, and with the lower cost of living and wage requirements even the skilled jobs can start moving out of the First world countries. Where will they be then?
18-09-2003, 15:49
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.

That's all irrelevant. Companies have every right to hire people wherever they want to and locate their factories wherever they want. There is no valid reason to force them to remain in a certain location.
18-09-2003, 23:09
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.

That's all irrelevant. Companies have every right to hire people wherever they want to and locate their factories wherever they want. There is no valid reason to force them to remain in a certain location.
oh and i completely agree, however why should our countries support the same countries that are destroying our economies.
19-09-2003, 00:33
No one's saying they should--they simply shouldn't disallow companies from moving their operations elsewhere.
The Global Market
19-09-2003, 00:37
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!

This is because we don't need as many workers. The American worker is 15-20x more productive than a typical third-world worker thanks to better technology and training. The US still makes a good deal of manufactured products.
19-09-2003, 13:57
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.

OOC Rochester is dying because Xerox and Kodak are lousy companies that did not change with the times.
19-09-2003, 15:08
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!

This is because we don't need as many workers. The American worker is 15-20x more productive than a typical third-world worker thanks to better technology and training. The US still makes a good deal of manufactured products.

The PROA would like to note:

The average chineese worker makes $0.20 per hour (source "company profiles/working conditions: factories in china producing goods for export to the us" So times that by 20 ($4.00 per hour) and you still got cheaper labour than the us ($8.00 per hour for similar work, source us department of labour). We think there are enough chineese to make up the difference...
19-09-2003, 15:18
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.

OOC Rochester is dying because Xerox and Kodak are lousy companies that did not change with the times.

At any rate, what kind of bullshit are you trying to put over on us now? That Xerox and Kodak are obligated to ensure that Rochester remains the thriving community it once was? My god, you're stupid.
19-09-2003, 15:21
okay, "the global market", if your an economic power than why in hell would you want to have smaller countries to take away your industrial jobs? Look at America for the worst case senario, we have allmost NO industrial jobs left here, they all went to mexico, china, malaysia, ect. Heck, if technology jobs hadn't been in great demand at that time we would have surely fallen into a depression, do you want that for your country? surely not!
As for "MalPractica"'s coment(above) agricultural is probably the only GOOD free trade. Simply because the economic power houses can keep up because food rots and with technology they don't need as much labor. However to let you understand I have created a little sceanario:

"Your the govenener, of lets say, Alabama in the USA. Now Alabama's major export is umbrelas made by "Company X". The minnimum wage in Alabama is, lets say, $5/hour however because of unions and such "Company X" pay all it's workers $6.50/hour( and your managers even more). Now, lets say, Malaysia comes along, here is a third world country that has a very low minimum wage and allmost no unions; Malaysia says to "Company X", which has fallen on hard time since a strike at their factory, "Come here and you only have to pay your workers 15 cents/hour. What is "Company X" to do? They move. And then, guess what? a newspaper picks up the story, suddenly all of Alabama's companies are moving their production to Malaysia. And what are the workers to do? They can't life on that kind of money and they didn't go to college for anything other than umbrella manufacturing(not a real degree). They're screwed and since you have umemployment pay your entire state is also screwed! Now do you understand the evils of free trade?

BTW, im not talking out of my ass, I live in Rochester, NY a dying city. Its dying because Kodak(film) and Xerox(copying machines) are out-sourcing labor and can't compete with forgien competors.

OOC Rochester is dying because Xerox and Kodak are lousy companies that did not change with the times.

At any rate, what kind of bullshit are you trying to put over on us now? That Xerox and Kodak are obligated to ensure that Rochester remains the thriving community it once was? My god, you're stupid.

Not at all, they did a bad job and Rochester is where they happened to be located.