NationStates Jolt Archive

founder question and issues with logging into the forums...

Nationalist Sozy
02-09-2006, 01:20
Question 1:

I forgot the rules to refounding a region. When nation "a" (the founder of region "x") dies, can nation "b" (originally from region "xx") just hop in and request to become the founder?

Question 2:

My large nation has problems getting on the forums. Ever since it moved to jolt, really. And that's a long time ago. Firstly, my main nation in jolt is called "imported_Sozy" while its real name is "Sozy". My NationStates password doesn't seem to work either.

my nation's password does work in NationStates, the same doesnt work in Jolt.
02-09-2006, 01:49
Question 1:

I forgot the rules to refounding a region. When nation "a" (the founder of region "x") dies, can nation "b" (originally from region "xx") just hop in and request to become the founder?
No. Refounding means all the nations in a region leave, update happens and the region is deleted, and someone creates the region anew. Not by transfer of Founder status.

For Question 2.. If you've changed your password, the Jolt one will probably be the original one. The imported bit (I believe) was due to there being another record with the same name, and at one point imported was being tacked on. (Now it's [NS])