NationStates Jolt Archive

A Bonus for Larger Nations

24-11-2004, 16:06
When you reach 500 million people, you get to create your own nation pre-title and you submit issues. Now that the game is getting older, and there are many larger nations, it would be nice if there were bonuses for even larger nations. Maybe there would be one bonus and 1 billion, one at 2 billion, and one at 3 billion.
I suggest a few bonuses:

Ability to create a longer pre-title
Ability to cast two votes in the UN
Ability to give two endorsement to one nation
Ability to endorse yourself
Ability to send telegrams more often
Ability to search on the forums more often
Ability to post in the regional message board more often
Ability to use HTML on the forums
Ability to post pictures on the forums

I will be thinking of more later on. I know that some of the forum bonuses might not be possible because that would be a Jolt decision, not a Max Barry decision.
Tell me what you think. Would it be possible? Would it be good?
Also, you can tell me additional bonus ideas.
Thank you.
Right thinking whites
24-11-2004, 17:37
maybe a larger flag allowance
The Zoogie People
24-11-2004, 19:19
No. 10kb is more than generous space for a flag. If you've got a flag that requires more than 10kb to see it properly, then I'd venture to say that it's not particularly flag-like.

Longer pretitles are already reserved for mods.

Casting two votes in the UN is a thought, but in the RL UN, I believe each nation regardless of size, receives one vote with special veto powers to the Security Council, but since there isn't a security council here, I think it's only fair for all UN members to get one vote.

Giving two endorsements to one nation and giving endorsements to yourself defeat the purpose of endorsements. A larger nation's support for a certain nation should not outweigh the support of a smaller nation. Also, it's kind of a given that each nation's administration supports itself. Don't you think?

The 30-second time limit in telegrams...I think it's 30seconds, anyway...if instated for the purposes of limiting or impeding TG spam. Everyone will get to 1 billion, 2 billion, etc, eventually if they check their nation often enough; being an old timer on NS doesn't mean that you won't spam. Same goes for regional message board.

Also, being an old timer on NS doesn't mean you've used the forums at all. Even if so, posting a lot on the forums doesn't mean you get to use HTML. I suppose that <b> and <i> could be allowed, but that's a trivial, at best, improvement on [ b ] and [ i ], spaces removed. The reason HTML is not allowed in forum posts is the security risk involved.

Everyone has the ability to post pictures on the forum. Although I don't particularly like the picture limit, having a larger population should not give you the right to posting more pictures. I would, however, suggest that the allow pictures setting be put on there any reason why it isn't?

In short, the older nations have enough bonuses. Once you hit around 100mil, I think, your pop. goes up in ridiculous leaps and bounds. Older nations have ridiculously high population growth rate compared to new nations and they have a size advantage in roleplaying (not that size can't be overcome, but still). They don't need more special treatment.
Tuesday Heights
24-11-2004, 19:48
I think NS 2 is going to have more than enough benefits for the nations that decide to stick around that long... besides, what makes 500 million that important anyway? What about some of us that have been here to acquire 2, 3, and even 4 billion in population?
Texan Hotrodders
24-11-2004, 19:57
I think NS 2 is going to have more than enough benefits for the nations that decide to stick around that long... besides, what makes 500 million that important anyway? What about some of us that have been here to acquire 2, 3, and even 4 billion in population?

I think that's exactly what the thread author is saying.

Personally, I think we should get credit for sticking with the game for so long. The majority of users quit before too long. We didn't. I don't know that we deserve special treatment for it, but that is something we've done.
Tuesday Heights
24-11-2004, 20:02
I think that's exactly what the thread author is saying.

I know, I was just reiterating that I agree, and that I think any special benefits should be restricted for those with even higher populations... not just the kids who hit 500 million. :p
24-11-2004, 20:21
The reason HTML is not allowed in forum posts is the security risk involved.

Heh. Once upon a time (early 2003), HTML was enabled on the NationStates forums. That changed when somebody posted a javascript pop-up recursion thing.
24-11-2004, 20:21
hooah I'd go for the "special veto powers".. If I were able to "delete" any proposal I don't like (the liberal stuff)... mwahahaha

yah so what, I got nothin
24-11-2004, 22:08
Hate to break it to you, but none of this is very likely to happen, especially after the post by The Zoogie People!
24-11-2004, 22:15
Large nations already have an RP size-wank ( advantage.

"I'm eighteen times your size, so your Declaration of War is meaningless. Consider yourself annexed."

What more would you want?
Tuesday Heights
24-11-2004, 22:16
Large nations already have an RP size-wank ( advantage.

Not everyone RPs...
24-11-2004, 22:22
Not everyone RPs...
Yeah, yeah ....

Frankly, I don't see why anyone should be rewarded for hanging around for a long time. It's not like other games where you have to accomplish something to get bigger.

At NS, if you log on 6 times (every 59 days in vacation mode), you're a two billion nation. So what?
Tuesday Heights
24-11-2004, 22:37
Frankly, I don't see why anyone should be rewarded for hanging around for a long time.

It's just simple "rewards," or enhancements. By your logic, then, even the pre-titles should be abolished...
24-11-2004, 22:44
What about something daft and cosmetic, like a medal or something?
24-11-2004, 22:53
It's just simple "rewards," or enhancements. By your logic, then, even the pre-titles should be abolished...

Or made available to all.
Lord Vetinari
24-11-2004, 23:19
Don't agree that it should be allowed to all.
NS took a gamble with letting people be able to change the "pre-title". The missuse can be enourmous.

Lets face it, most players are less interested in losing a 500 million or above in pop for stupidity than a 5 million pop (or slightly higher).

Someone who wants to insult someone don't wait 3 months to get the ability to change the pre-title on a 'specific' puppet to insult someone.
Thats my thought on the matter.

Of course, many players have a puppet storage with high pops on every nation. But still, I doubt they would throw a 1 billion nation into a flamefeast on purpose.
My point is that some players do create puppets that they use just to insult others once or twice and then let them die. If they would get the ability to change their pre-title they would do that to just to give the insult a extra spice.
24-11-2004, 23:32
By your logic, then, even the pre-titles should be abolished...
By my logic, we've done nothing to deserve them. Slightly different take.

I'm fine with Admin tossing us a meaningless bone with the pre-titles. I'm fine with King Siroc limiting Issue creation to players who are slightly more aware of how NS works. I'm not fine with giving us special privileges that actually mean something, like extra votes in the UN. I think longevity is its own reward.
Tuesday Heights
25-11-2004, 00:41
By my logic, we've done nothing to deserve them. Slightly different take.

I agree with that, too, looking at it from that perspective.

I'm not fine with giving us special privileges that actually mean something, like extra votes in the UN.

Oh, I totally agree with this. I'd hate to think population/longevity would lead to UN votes, that's backwards logic in-of-itself.
25-11-2004, 01:00
Don't agree that it should be allowed to all.
NS took a gamble with letting people be able to change the "pre-title". The missuse can be enourmous.

Lets face it, most players are less interested in losing a 500 million or above in pop for stupidity than a 5 million pop (or slightly higher).

Someone who wants to insult someone don't wait 3 months to get the ability to change the pre-title on a 'specific' puppet to insult someone.
Thats my thought on the matter.

Of course, many players have a puppet storage with high pops on every nation. But still, I doubt they would throw a 1 billion nation into a flamefeast on purpose.
My point is that some players do create puppets that they use just to insult others once or twice and then let them die. If they would get the ability to change their pre-title they would do that to just to give the insult a extra spice.

Since players can already abuse name, currency, national animal and motto, it makes no difference.
Tuesday Heights
25-11-2004, 01:27
Since players can already abuse name, currency, national animal and motto, it makes no difference.

Yeah, no matter how airtight you try to make something, someone out there will always break the rules for kicks and attention. It's unfortunate, but it happens.
25-11-2004, 01:58
Yeah, no matter how airtight you try to make something, someone out there will always break the rules for kicks and attention. It's unfortunate, but it happens.
Yeah - just look at the daily list of complaints for UN ejections, forum-bans, nation deletions... and so forth...

The idea might work, but I doubt the mods will implement it.
Lord Vetinari
25-11-2004, 02:07
Since players can already abuse name, currency, national animal and motto, it makes no difference.

Yes it does. The prefix is visable directly by just looking at a nation from afar.

To see national motto, animal and currency you need to open the nation up for a closer view.

However, yes, the "name" of the nation can be missused. But with the prefix it can get worse.

For example. I hate the nation "Godswamp" (hopes that no such nation really exists)

So in my childish opinion I will harass him and create the nation "The Rouge nation of Godswamp Sucks" (or something similar). Then start sending abusive t-grams or posting on the civil hq. My lifespan will probably rather short.

But if I had the prefix my nation could be anything like "Godswamp sucks of hemorroids and lies"

Note my nation name will then not be remotly connected with the person I dislike, only my prefix is. Of course, If I send abusive t-grams with that prefix I will probably not live so long anyway.

Not the best of examples *shrugs* But my point stays, with the prefix on a new nation I can get more attention in my childish ways.

And I get another thing to missuse already from scratch without having to care.
Tuesday Heights
25-11-2004, 02:14
Lord Vetinari, while I see your point, abuse is going to happen whether new measures are implemented or not and arguing that they are going to occur is a moot point, because it's expected.
Lord Vetinari
25-11-2004, 03:06
True. Debates aren't exactly my lifestone so bear with me for a moment longer.
But why give a extra thing to abuse to a new nation?