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Radio Ad’ihan International newswires

18-02-2009, 15:16
(OOC: This will be the main thread with which I will use to post major developments in Ad’ihan, rather than making individual threads for each, unless necessary.)

Govt. faces tough Budget debate
CITY OF AD’IHAN, May 2, 2148— Radio Ad’ihan International has learned that the People's Forward Movement (PFM), one of three parties in the governing coalition, will formally oppose the government's Budget proposal later this week.

The Budget, drafted by Trade and Finance Secretary Frances Osbourne (GA/BRI) with input from Treasury Secretary Andy Graves (PPA/COA), will see a 14 percent increase in spending on national security and defence, with the Department of Regional Authority losing much of its funding.

The Secretary of State for Regions, Sandy Welsh (PFM/BRI), has criticised the loss of funding, saying it heralded a shift towards a more centralised government and less regional power.

"The regions already have very little power as it stands," Mrs Welsh told reporters outside PFM headquarters in Modna South, Barrier Island.

"The three regional secretaries currently have some sway over their individual regions' directions in terms of local services, but as it stands I think we're seeing the government move away from this system in favour of perhaps even getting rid of the regional secretaries."

The PFM, which has most of its support in Barrier Island, strongly advocates more devolved powers for the three regional secretaries and for the Regions Secretary. The plan is also likely to rile the Nationalist Party, similarly in favour of more regional power.

Without the PFM's support, Green Ad’ihan and the Parti populaire, the two remaining parties in the coalition, would have only 107 votes in the 232-seat unicameral Parliament, which is not enough to get the Budget passed.

In a further blow to the government, Humphrey Coombs (GA/BRI), the Regional Secretary for Barrier Island, has said he will vote against the plan if the funding cut for regions goes ahead. The other two regional secretaries, Alfred Webster (GA/COA) and Gavin Taylor (PPA/GRI), have yet to comment.

However, the third largest party in the country, the Conservatives, have suggested they may break with their Action Front allies to support the plan, thanks to the funding boost to national security and defence. If that support comes to fruition and the Budget is passed, it would be difficult to see the PFM remaining part of the governing coalition, which could topple the Government very early on into its new term.
19-02-2009, 05:30
Govt. postpones Budget presentation

CITY OF AD’IHAN, May 3, 2148— The government of Ad’ihan has formally postponed the presentation to Parliament of its 2148-49 Budget by a week, in an attempt to avoid losing a key coalition member.

Announcing the move in Parliament, Prime Minister Alex Canning said that he had taken the action after consulting with his deputy prime minister, John Baines, the Trade and Finance Secretary, and the Treasury Secretary, in order to protect what he described as a "fragile" agreement to govern.

However, he did not mention if the People's Forward Movement, the coalition member threatening to quit government if the current budget goes ahead, were involved in the talks.

Mr Canning's announcement was criticised by opposition leaders from the Action Front and the Conservatives. Conservative leader Paul Tilson, who earlier suggested he would back the Budget in its current form with a 14 percent funding increase for defence and national security, warned that any major change to the plan would lose his party's support.

However, Mr Canning is more likely to try to placate his Forward Movement allies, as the governing coalition would have enough votes to pass the Budget.

For her part, the outgoing Forward Movement leader Marie-Jeanne Kuszac has warned the government her party would not be willing to talk unless the cuts to Regional Authority are scrapped.
19-02-2009, 16:44
BREAKING: Ad’ihani minister removed from position

CITY OF AD’IHAN, May 3, 2148— Reports from Protectorate Way say the Prime Minister, Alex Canning, has sacked Regions Secretary Sandy Welsh late on Friday.

Mrs Welsh, one of two People's Forward Movement (PFM) ministers in the Cabinet, had criticised the Government's proposed Budget for the 2148-49 fiscal year, which would see the Department of Regional Authority's funding cut by up to 40 percent.

Mr Canning reportedly made the move after Mrs Welsh approached the three regional secretaries under her, all Cabinet members, to boycott the vote on the Budget. In a short statement, the Cabinet Office confirmed that Mrs Welsh had left her position due to a "severe behaviourial breach".

Mrs Welsh, who has not been back to the City of Ad’ihan since visiting her party headquarters on Barrier Island earlier this week, has said she rejects the decision and would show up for work as normal on Monday, May 6.

Mr Canning has promoted Gavin Taylor, the Parti populaire ad’ihanais (PPA) Regional Secretary for Grand Island, to the position of Regions Secretary, which he will hold concurrently.

Mr Taylor, who confirmed he had been approached by Mrs Welsh over boycotting the Budget vote, said he had no intentions of doing so and thanked the prime minister for the vote of confidence.

The PFM criticised the move, and released a statement saying its involvement in the governing coalition was "suspended pending further review of the situation".

The Food Safety and Agriculture Secretary, the PFM's June Armand, told reporters in the City of Ad’ihan that she would turn up for work on Monday as per normal. She added that she would quit her party if it withdrew from the government over this issue.

The Budget is now scheduled to be debated in Parliament on Monday, with a vote on Tuesday. No changes are expected to be made to it now, which is likely to pass with the help of the opposition Conservatives.
20-02-2009, 15:08
People's Forward Movement quits government

Modna South, BARRIER ISLAND, May 4, 2148— The People's Forward Movement (PFM) has issued an official statement confirming their withdrawal from the governing coalition in Ad’ihan, citing "irreconcilable fundamental differences" with Prime Minister Alex Canning.

This leaves the two remaining parties in the government, Green Ad’ihan and the Parti populaire (PPA), with 107 seats in the 232-seat Parliament, and threatens the immediate political future of the coalition.

June Armand, the Food Safety and Agriculture Secretary and the PFM's only Cabinet minister after the sacking on Friday of Sandy Welsh, says she will consider defecting to the PPA to keep her position in the Cabinet.

The Parti populaire Deputy Prime Minister, John Baines, said he was "disappointed" at the PFM's decision but refused to criticise it, saying doing so would be hypocritical, as the PPA withdrew from the last coalition shortly before the elections over a disagreement in the way the government was being run.

Mr Baines said the government would continue to function and the two-party coalition was strong enough to govern in minority, as he expected the PFM to continue voting with the coalition in practice.

However, the opposition bloc of the Action Front and Ad’ihan Conservatives together control 98 votes, and could attempt to take control of the government.

Despite proclaiming his support for the government's Budget, Tory leader Paul Tilson said he ruled nothing out and would be consulting Michael Rowand, the Action Front leader and former presidential candidate, about the possibility of forming a new government.

If so, it could possibly include the Nationalist Party, although such a government would be unlikely to attract the support of the PFM or Marxist Network.

President Josh Randall is likely to let the current government continue to rule in minority, although if the opposition attempts to form a government and fails, Mr Randall could decide to call a snap poll for later this year, which would result in the country's second general election this year and its third election altogether in just twelve months.
22-02-2009, 12:35

Opposition 'will not form government'

CITY OF AD’IHAN, May 6, 2148— The immediate political future of the governing coalition in Ad’ihan has received a boost after opposition leader Paul Tilson, whose Conservatives are the third largest bloc in Parliament, declined an offer from their allies, the second-largest party Action Front, to form a new government.

Mr Tilson confirmed the news to reporters ahead of a Parliamentary debate on the government's proposed Budget, which has seen the coalition fracture thanks to the People's Forward Movement (PFM) withdrawal.

"Mike Rowand phoned me Saturday evening to talk about recent developments, and we spoke about the current situation with the Canning administration.

"He did ask me to consider being a part of an attempt to form a new government, but I think it would not be worth it, politically, to do so. It's unlikely we would get the support from the PFM we would require anyway, and we could be alienating potential voters if we are seen to be trying to govern without a mandate."

In a separate development, the Secretary of State for Food Safety and Agriculture has formally stepped down from her post to follow protocol. June Armand, who is a PFM MP, has spoken out against her party's withdrawal from government and will formalise her defection to the Parti populaire ad’ihanais later on Monday.

Ad’ihani law requires sitting Cabinet ministers to be a member of the party they were when they were appointed to the Cabinet, thus a defection while remaining FSA secretary would have rendered her ineligible to hold the position.

Prime Minister Alex Canning is expected to re-appoint Mrs Armand as soon as she formalises her defection.
24-02-2009, 13:34

Govt's Budget passes with Tory help

CITY OF AD’IHAN, May 7, 2148— After a bumpy week in Ad’ihani politics over the proposed Budget for 2148/49, the opposition Conservatives have thrown their 47-seat backing behind the plan, which passed 157-76.

Green Ad’ihan Cabinet secretary Humphrey Coombs, the Barrier Island Regional Secretary, was the only government member to oppose the year's financial plan, over cuts in funding to Regional Authority (DRA).

These cuts have already taken their toll, with the People's Forward Movement, whose 14 MPs opposed the bill, withdrawing from the governing coalition. The PFM, which would have had 15 votes had the vote gone ahead as planned on May 4, lost an MP on Monday when June Armand defected to the government.

The Conservatives agreed to back the plan because a majority of the funds gained from the DRA have been shifted to Defence and National Security, which Tory leader Paul Tilson said was imperative at this moment.

Deputy Prime Minister John Baines, of the Parti populaire ad’ihanais, lauded Mr Tilson for agreeing to work "co-operatively with the government without regard to partisanship". Mr Baines also praised Mrs Armand, the Food Safety and Agriculture Secretary, which analysts have taken to be a dig at the PFM.

Two other PFM MPs are understood to be considering defecting to the government, although the country's president, Josh Randall, has warned MPs to minimise disruption to Parliament by doing so.
25-02-2009, 10:26
Kelssekian Alliance strikes Ad’ihan deal

Outineau, BL, KELSSEK— Construction of a number of new complexes is to begin almost immediately in three Ad’ihani cities after the Secretary of State for Culture, Sport and the Arts, Mitch Holmes, signed a deal with the chief executive of the Kelssekian Alliance to open three branches in Ad’ihan.

The head of the cultural and non-governmental organisation, Mr Daniel Crawford, described the deal as significant and said he hoped the Kelssekian Alliance would help bring Kelssek and Ad’ihan, which do not currently have full diplomatic ties, closer together.

For his part, Mr Holmes has pledged partial Ad’ihani government funding to help construct the three new offices in Altsend, Modna South, and the City of Ad’ihan, to be taken from the funding increases given to his department in the nation's recently-passed Budget for the forthcoming year.

However, the Kelssekian Alliance, which normally conducts classes in English and French for non-native speakers in countries that do not speak these languages, is unlikely to do so in Ad’ihan as English and French are already widely spoken and are the country's main languages.

Instead, the branches are expected to focus on sport and Kelssekian culture.

At the signing of the agreement in Outineau, Mr Holmes confirmed that the Kelssekian national football team would tour Ad’ihan prior to the start of next season's United Islands League Championship and play a part in the AFF Challenge Trophy.

In return, two Ad’ihani ice hockey clubs, reigning champions Kinney Road and fourth-placed Dullham, are expected to play three of Kelssek's top clubs in a friendly series.

Mr Holmes has come under fire at home for pledging Ad’ihani funding for the building of the three offices, including the expected Ad’ihani headquarters of the alliance in Modna South.

The Department of Culture, Sport and the Arts estimates that it will fund approximately a quarter of all construction to all three complexes, which could come up to nearly 140 million Tazos.

Defending the move, Mr Holmes said it was only appropriate that his department use its funding for furthering cultural understanding in Ad’ihan.

When asked to comment, Mr Crawford said that the government expenditure of Ad’ihan is an issue for its government and its people, but urged Ad’ihanais to consider the cultural benefits they would enjoy and the boost the Alliance's presence would give to local cultural industries.

"We are not simply a nationalist culture organisation, but dedicated to advancing culture, education and the arts generally and there are great benefits to that for Ad’ihan."
28-02-2009, 10:33
Ad’ihani party leader hurt in bar blaze

Port Stanley, GRAND ISLAND, May 10, 2148— Thirty people, including the charismatic 36-year-old leader of the Réseau marxiste d'Ad’ihan (RMA), have been wounded in a massive fire at a bar at the Port of Stanley.

Stephen Jones, an MP for Coastal County, Barrier Island, was treated for minor burns at the Stanley Memorial Hospital in the City of Stanley about 30 minutes' south of Port Stanley, according to an RMA statement.

It is unclear why Mr Jones was in Port Stanley, although sources say he was on a private visit to a family friend.

City of Stanley Police confirmed they received an emergency call from the port town at around 0115 local time about a fire at an establishment, and said the port's local fire department arrived three minutes later, backed up by City of Stanley fire and emergency services at 0140 local time.

Stanley Memorial confirmed it received 17 wounded people from the port between 0200 and 0245. The port town's emergency clinic treated six people outpatient, while James Sherwood Hospital in the City of Stanley received seven casualties.

Mr Jones is said to be conscious and talking to friends and family members, although he will need minor skin graft operations within the next week.

Prime Minister Alex Canning has conveyed his thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims, including Mr Jones.

Port Stanley police are working with the City police to investigate the cause of the fire.
11-03-2009, 16:33
Marxist Network leader out of hospital
Stanley, GRAND ISLAND, May 21, 2148— Réseau marxiste d'Ad’ihan leader Stephen Jones has been discharged from Stanley Memorial Hospital and is now home and recuperating in Barrier Island, according to a statement released by the RMA.

Mr Jones, 36, suffered second-degree burns in a fire at a Port of Stanley bar on May 10. He was there to celebrate a family friend's birthday, according to sources within the RMA. City of Stanley Police have said they are questioning three suspects over what is described as "suspicious activity" around the bar a half hour before the fire.

The RMA statement says Mr Jones received two minor skin grafts, and will take two months' off work to recover from his injuries.

Police question opposition MP over alleged bribes
Dz’ai, GRAND ISLAND, May 21, 2148— An opposition Member of Parliament has been questioned by Grand Island Regional Police over alleged corruption, it has emerged.

Grand Island Regional Police spokesman Captain Michael Nouvion confirmed that a 41-year-old man had been held and questioned at the Regional Police's office in Dz’ai over suspected corruption in politics.

The Action Front later issued a statement saying Didier Legard, a party MP for Airport County, had been temporarily suspended for allegedly taking bribes from family relations with links to the local Catholic community to introduce a bill which would make Catholicism the official religion of Ad’ihan.

Mr Legard, who denies the charges, says no such exchange took place and the bill had been introduced of his own accord. But it is rare for MPs to introduce proposals to Parliament not already vetted by their own party.

Cpt Nouvion also told the press the Regional Police had been monitoring the suspect's communications for the past month and had intercepted vital suspicious calls, claims Mr Legard has dismissed as frivolous.

Under Ad’ihani law, no party may suspend an MP for more than 30 days, which would require the Action Front to remove Mr Legard's suspension in a month's time or force a by-election for his seat.
24-03-2009, 17:08
Ad’ihan Navy unveils first major warship

Dalinn, BARRIER ISLAND, June 12, 2148— The first battle-ready warship of the Naval Forces of Ad’ihan, the NAS Redoute, has been officially commissioned by President Josh Randall at Navy headquarters in Dalinn, Barrier Island.

The commissioning comes ahead of expected reconciliation war games with Liventia next month off the coast of Lox Land Island in Liventia.

The ship, which will serve as a frigate, was originally ordered by the Liverpool England Navy in 2141 shortly after the Outer Islands became a possession of the country, and was launched on December 4, 2146, shortly before pro-independence violence broke out across the islands. After the islands' independence, Redoute was transferred into Ad’ihani control.

The ship's first commanding officer, Commander Mark Bennett, suggested that Redoute's history would play a significant role in the reconciliation war games with Liventia, which begin in the island port of Schimpol on July 20.

The current Liventian ambassador to Ad’ihan, Cmdr (LEN) Simon Collins, who was the de facto head-of-state of Ad’ihan as Governor when the ship was launched in late 2146, was in attendance at today's commissioning ceremony.

Redoute, which is French for redoubt, was so named due to its inherent meaning; a fortification to Ad’ihan's military strength, and is reported to have a 32-knot top speed.

The ship will leave port next week for its journey to Schimpol.

MP Legard refuses to quit
Dz’ai, GRAND ISLAND, June 12, 2148— The shamed opposition parliamentarian Didier Legard has refused to step down from his post as MP for Airport County, sparking party worries of a by-election.

Mr Legard is facing corruption and bribery charges on accusations he took family bribes to present a bill in Parliament which would have made Roman Catholicism the official religion of the country but denies the charges.

His party, the Action Front, suspended Mr Legard late last month from the party (and by extension his Parliamentary privileges) over the accusations, and has written to him asking him to step down.

Per the Constitution, any sitting Member of Parliament may be replaced by his or her own party if they are suspended by a vote of his party's other MPs and agree to step down. In all other cases, including when the MP is sacked by his party, or when the time limit of a suspension — 30 days — runs up, the vacated seat will trigger a by-election.

Action Front officials are understood to be concerned over losing the seat, and at least one Action Front MP told Radio Ad’ihan International that the party would rather replace Mr Legard and get on with regular politics.

With the 30-day deadline looming, the Action Front are having to deal with a potentially big mess on their plates. If Mr Legard refuses to quit or the party does not retract its suspension, a by-election would take place one month from the time the seat is vacated. And recent polling trends have shown voters likely to vote a Conservative or Green into the empty seat.

While losing the seat to their Tory allies would normally not worry the Action Front leadership, the Tories gained significant ground on them in the last election and are currently the third largest party in Parliament, with only four seats less than the Action Front. Any further drop in the Action Front's polling numbers could signal a worrying trend of less support for the traditionally pro-Orean party.

Regional Police, who are investigating the case, say that there is probably sufficient evidence to bring a case against Mr Legard, although police spokesman Capt. Michael Nouvion has indicated they will hold off until the political situation has sorted itself out.
03-04-2009, 11:40
Ad’ihan announces World Cup hosting bid

CITY OF AD’IHAN, June 20, 2148— The Football Federation of Ad’ihan has announced a World Cup hosting bid with Kelssek, much to the surprise of many observers.

The AFF, which has previously announced plans to reduce its involvement in world football, confirmed the news after its official hosting plans were faxed to World Cup Committee headquarters earlier today. A short statement was issued to the press, saying no inquiries would be taken in the interim until the World Cup Committee has had the chance to review the bid.

Many football fans in the country had expressed regret and disappointment after the AFF announced prior to World Cup 45 that it was considering withdrawing from World Cup participation, but it seems that, for now at least, the AFF has changed its mind.

Legard suspension times out, by-election next month

Dz’ai, GRAND ISLAND, June 20, 2148— The Action Front says their suspension of Didier Legard has not been terminated 30 days after it was first announced.

The former member of parliament for Grand Island was suspended on May 21 over allegations of bribery and corruption, and his suspension from Parliament has now timed out, removing him from his seat and triggering a by-election.

Action Front leader and former presidential candidate Michael Rowand told Radio Ad’ihan International's parliamentary correspondent Damien Hatton that the party has refused to remove its suspension on Mr Legard, given the severity of the accusations.

Mr Legard says he will run for the seat as an independent, although RAI understands that the electoral commission is likely to bar him from doing so, especially if he is charged by Regional Police. Captain Michael Nouvion of the Grand Island Regional Police has previously told RAI that there is enough evidence against Mr Legard to indict him.

Mr Legard remains an Action Front member, although he is expected to resign party membership later today.

Campaigning for Mr Legard's vacated seat begins immediately. The Action Front, Ad’ihan Conservatives and Green Ad’ihan are all understood to be fielding candidates, but only one of the other four parties in Parliament, the Nationalists, say they will consider fielding a candidate.
16-04-2009, 17:22
Ex-MP Legard charged with corruption and bribery, faces 15 years

Modna Nord, GRAND ISLAND, July 2, 2148— Former member of parliament Didier Legard is to be arraigned on charges of corruption and bribery today, less than two weeks after being removed from Parliament.

Mr Legard is accused of accepting family bribes to propose a bill in Parliament which making Roman Catholicism the official religion, charges he denies. His empty seat in Airport County, representing part of an area near Dz’ai, is set to be contested in a by-election in three weeks.

Captain Michael Nouvion of the Grand Island Regional Police told reporters Mr Legard was arrested at his home at 9:15 a.m., after he failed to attend a scheduled police interview at 9 a.m. at the Regional Police's Dz’ai complex.

He has been formally charged with failing to attend a police interview, a charge which carries a maximum penalty of a 4,000 Tazo fine, and will face court at 5:30 p.m. today over two charges of corruption, which carry a maximum penalty of six years' jail, one charge of bribery, which carries a maximum penalty of four years' jail, and one of corruption in politics, which is a set five year imprisonment.

Capt Nouvion confirmed during the press conference to announce the charges that Mr Legard had asked to represent himself at his trial, which is likely to begin next week. Capt Nouvion also affirmed reports that Mr Legard would not be allowed to run in the by-election for his seat, as he is facing a charge of corruption in politics.

A spokesman for Mr Legard's former party, the Action Front, said the party had no comment except that it was "moving forward" and did not wish to talk about a former member.
29-04-2009, 16:04
Undersea earthquake rocks Ad’ihan

Pointe Sud, GRAND ISLAND, July 16, 2148— An undersea earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Moment magnitude scale rocked Ad’ihan early this morning, with reports of some damage coming in from less-populated areas outside of Altsend and Pointe Sud, Ad’ihan's two most southerly cities.

The quake was centred about 240 km (150 mi) southwest of Grand Island and struck at 5:12 am local time, while many were still asleep. It was felt throughout Grand Island and in southern areas of Barrier Island, and triggered emergency evacuations in Altsend and Pointe Sud.

At least ten people are known to have been hurt, although no deaths have been reported. The number of injured people is expected to rise as emergency teams trawl the area outside the main cities.

President Josh Randall and Prime Minister Alex Canning have both appealed for calm. Early reports suggest minor damage to windows, but that no buildings have collapsed in cities. However, the islands' Geological Service, part of the Ad’ihani Islands Weather Agency, has warned that weaker structures might become susceptible to collapse.

Prime Minister Canning also added that the earthquake would not affect a by-election due in five days to replace the former Airport County MP Dider Legard, saying the affected area was sufficiently far away from Airport County for there to be no significant impact.
01-05-2009, 14:46
Two dead, three injured after earthquake startles Ad’ihan

Altsend, GRAND ISLAND, July 17, 2148— Residents of Ad’ihan awoke to a nasty shock this morning with the confirmation that at least two people are dead from an earthquake that struck just offshore early yesterday.

The president, Josh Randall, has sent his condolences and ordered all national flags in Grand Island to be lowered to half-mast for the day. Prime Minister Alex Canning, who is visiting the affected areas in the Southern Zone Autonomous Region, has also sent his condolences.

The two fatalities are reported to have been travelling in a vehicle when the earthquake struck, forcing the driver off the main Altsend-to-Pointe Sud highway and into a tree. He and his front-seat passenger were both killed instantly, while his three back-seat passengers, two adults and a ten-year-old, were both taken to hospital with varying injuries.

However, the apparent good news is that there was no major damage to any structures in the affected zone, with the National Geological Service confirming that a team sent to inspect the affected areas found no intrinsic structural damage to buildings.

Conservative candidate pulls away in opinion polling

Dz’ai, GRAND ISLAND, July 18, 2148— The Conservative candidate in the upcoming Airport County parliamentary by-election, Frederick Donaldson, has built up a 14-point lead in the final opinion polls ahead of the vote on July 21.

The vote, which is being held to fill a seat in Parliament left empty by the forced removal of former Action Front MP Didier Legard, is being seen by many as a two-pronged test — of how Prime Minister Alex Canning's administration is doing, eight months into the new term; and of how well the Action Front have recovered from the scandal which forced Legard, now facing criminal charges, out of office.

Jerome Alain, who is the Green Ad’ihan candidate, and Jean-Michael Lapièrre, the Action Front's nominee for the seat, are neck-and-neck at nearly 29 percentage points each, but Donaldson appears to be running away with the vote, with opinion polls showing him at 43 points.

A Tory win would likely be seen as a blow for the Action Front, despite the two parties being allies in opposition, as it would bring the Conservatives to within two seats of overtaking the Action Front as the second party in Parliament. However, as long as the Greens finish at least ahead of one other candidate in the voting, it is unlikely to be seen as a failure for the Canning administration.
16-05-2009, 08:08
Donaldson wins seat in Parliament

Dz’ai, GRAND ISLAND (breaking)— The Electoral Commission has officially announced that the Conservative candidate in the Airport County parliamentary by-election, Fred Donaldson, has won the vote over his Green and Action Front rivals. Mr Donaldson will be sworn into office to replace Action Front ex-MP Didier Legard tomorrow.