NationStates Jolt Archive

For Members of the Country of Fire ONLY!

17-06-2008, 01:25
In this thread I will discuss our Constitution and the laws we will follow:rolleyes:

I will post the Preamble first and the rest later.

We the People of the Country of Fire write this Constitution to preserve the rights of our nations and to follow the Will of Jesus Christ.

Article 1:

1) The Founder of the Country of Fire (The Holy Republic of RyanBrum) is hereby allowed to base it's capitol in the Country of Fire. Therefore any WA member who is also a member of the Country of Fire must elect the Holy Republic of RyanBrum as its WA Regional Delegate. Unless that is the Holy Republic of RyanBrum hold an election.

2) The Holy Republic of RyanBrum will supply military funds to all its nations as long as this Constitution is accepted.

3) Every two months I will hold a Senate election for what I call the Elders of the Country of Fire. The Elders are a group of 3 people who decide the laws, constitutional amendments, and the may have input on WA proposals. Details of the election process will be put in Article 2.

Article 2:

1) Every two months a Senate (Elders) election will take place. The elections will hold a week long campaign during the second month of the term. The campaigning will consist of three parties, Republican, Democrat, and Neither. After the week of campaigning there will be a week of debates. After the week of debates there will be a week of primaries to determine which of 5 candidates will go on to the Elders election. After the week of primaries there will be an Elders election in which three people obtain the position.

2) Each Elder is allowed 2 terms (4 months). Then they must wait until the Founder gives them permission to run again.

Article 3

1) At all times the Country of Fire will have some delegate the the World Assembly. if at sometime all of our nations resign from the WA we will conduct an Intelligence Report sent to the Holy Republic of RyanBrum on why the withdraw may be and if this withdraw is legitimate we will leave the WA forever or at least until it gets its act straight.

Section 2:
WA Affairs

For the time being the Country of Fire will pledge its support to the World Assembly. But only through the consult of the Three Elders and the Hokage may any WA nation submit a proposal to the WA council.

If at any time the WA exceeds its boundaries as far as laws go, we will leave and call the Country of Fire a rouge nation and we will organize a rebellion against the WA until they straighten up.
17-06-2008, 01:45
I love that Ryan is running are Country!
17-06-2008, 17:44
Well here is the World with our region in it!
17-06-2008, 18:11
Well someone give a response.