NationStates Jolt Archive

Impending Disasters

Divided America
07-12-2007, 03:58
National Geological Servay Station/ California

Travis was looking at his monitor extreamly tired if not exausted. Every time an earthquake, just under 2.0, struck his boss Mr. Travis would force him to stick to the monitor and now he knew it was an all nighter as for him. He yawned and yawned almost into a vegitative state untill the screen blared another warning, a 3.0 earthquake struck. Travis was ticked off, his near sleeping state, stopped. He checked it out anyway, the earthquakes for the past 3 weeks were in the area in San Fransisco and Las Angelous areas. He checked the manuel, there was a 1 in 3,000 chance a major earthquake would occur under these surcomstances. 1 in 3000 was enough he thought. Getting back to his sences and chugging two cups of coffe, he was going to do what he thought he would never do, call his boss at 12 A.M.

What disasters are ready to smash your country?