NationStates Jolt Archive

Your are Cordially Invited to a Royal Masquerade (Open RP)

10-10-2005, 22:20
To [insert leader name here] of [insert nation here],
You are invited by Her Blessed Majesty Empress Diane I, ruler of the Empire of Khallayne to attend the Festival of the Unknown Gods, a day in which we honor all of the gods unknown to the Earthy Holy Order who reside in Yellow Heaven. The Royal Masquerade to which you are invited will be held in the Palace of the Eternal Sunset just outside of the city of Rystal, the Imperial Capital.

Signed in Perfect Trust,
Her Blessed Majesty Empress Diane I, Empress of the Khallaynans, the Daughter of Heaven, etc...

The 15 year old Empress of Khallayne smilled as the first of the nobles arrived at her glorious masquerade. The giant Jiao Dynasty Chanderliers shed a soft light onto the white marble ballroom floor. A certain distance from the main dance floor was a buffet table where the main course was a whole basilisk, which was cooked to perfection with a lovely dipping sauce made from the silver grape (grown only in Khallayne). The girl-Empress herself was dressed as Marie Antoinette, and seemed to convey the old French Glammour that was lost in the fires of Revolution.

"My darling daughter," Grand Vizzer Opal said through her jewel encrusted wolf mask, "This was a truly lovely idea of yours, but why did you invite heath... forigners to the party." the Mother-Dowager almost said the one word that always worked her daughters nerve without fail.

"Careful what you say mother," the Empress snapped at her mother in her riddiculous wolf mask and grey silk dress, "I want this night to be perfect, even if the forigners don't come I want to enjoy this feastday at least."

As a servant handed his Empress a crystal glass filled with Merison Spring Water (the finest water in the Empire) the young Empress smiled with her rose red lips and thought, "I do hope that the idiot Giusecchio III didn't leave so bad an impersion on the Forigners that none come, I want to show the world how much this nation was changing under my young, but glorious rule."

"And besides," the Empress thought as she took a sip of water, "It will be a lot of fun." Diane then laughted outloud at the sight of the Holy Praetor's costume of Morgoth, she looked so bizzare in such a meancing costume that Diane showed her amusement, something that she risked loosing to the winds of politics.
10-10-2005, 23:04
Nikola sighed as he examined the crowd. Everyone thought the family was in hiding, but Khallayne was too distant for Palixia or its allies to notice. Even if they did, the heightened security provided both by government agents and unofficial operatives hidden in the city made sure he was out of harm's way while visiting other nations.

Straightening his suit, he began to weave through the crowd to look for a distinctive face that showed under costume. His mask was a tad obvious: it was a varient upon the royal emblem born on the Torlanseff flag. He smiled at a passerby before making his way toward the buffet table.

It was at this point he spotted who he presumed to be the Empress. He did not allow himself to assume, though, he would hope the mask would give himself away. The family crest had been on the initial message sent to Diane, complementing her on her action. Sampling an ordurve, he waited patiently for an opportunity to socialize.
10-10-2005, 23:51
Prince Raphael looked at the invitation and adjusted his mask. While not the leader, he was a member of the royal family and the best at parties, and other similar type functions.

He wandered the ball, wondering who their was there, and if he'd meet anyone he might recognise. Rubbing his nose, he thought of the mask, a slightly draconic design, with a black and red patterning.

He took a ordurve and wondered who the man looking at thier host was.
11-10-2005, 00:11
The Empress had already noticed the man from Torlanseff looking at her, as she sampled some of the wonderful basilisk flesh in it's silver grape dipping sauce Imperial Security at the ball was already watching him like a hawk. The Grand Vizzer also noticed the man, while the Empress was not yet aware of Torlanseff's dark history, Opal was and made an excuse to go to the bathroom and made a call on her cellphone to security outside the Palace of the Eternal Sunset to be on alert.

Various minor nobles from Khallayne who were lucky enough to be invited by the Empress made for the buffet table in all their bizzare (and jewel encrusted) masked glory.

This masquerade could turn very interesting very quickly.
11-10-2005, 01:31
Nikola smiled as his presence drew a subtle reaction from one of those near the Empress, confirming her identity. Finishing the sampling of the great beast on the table, he casually shifted to be within conversational range. Smiling and nodding an implied hello to get her attention before swallowing the last bite of the meat, he reached out casually for a handshake.

"Empress Diane, I presume. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person."
11-10-2005, 01:52
Nexlon scanned the crowd lazily through his spiral battle mask, an artifact spanining nearly three thousand years, created and worn by the original Enigma Tsarvensato, an influencial figure who helped forge the Ravean nation. Many people doubted that the original mask still existed, but Nexlon, as well as all his predecessors, had made sure that every article of Ravean heritage was carefully preserved.


Nexlon leaned against a pillar and continued to watch the guests, recognizing several patrons. He decided to wait a while before crossing paths with the Empress
11-10-2005, 02:03
The Empress smiled at Nikola, snapped her white fan shut and gave him a small curtsy (not easy in the big hoop dress shes wearing) and said in her sweet sugary voice, "The pleasure is all mine Nikola." the Empress shook his hand with her white satin gloved hand.

A minor noble, Duchess Angela pi'Mor Hesta of House Hesta noticed the Ravea noble leaning on the pillar and gave him a wave, her white swan mask gleammed in the light of the chandeliers.

The Holy Praetor Yvette ry'Moi Pytho in her difficult to manage Morgoth costume took note of Prince Raphael and introduced herself as who she was, the Holy Praetor of The Holy Order of The Way of Peace, the Offical State Religion of Khallayne, but no longer the only legal one thanks to Diane I (who is being called by her subjects Diane the Reformer).
11-10-2005, 02:10
OOC: Open to all techs?
11-10-2005, 02:12
Raphael drifted in the direction of the band, they were hitting flat tones occasionally, and it was getting a bit annoying, thought he doubted most people would realize it. He was a musician, and fairly sensitive to music.
11-10-2005, 02:13
OOC: I'm not picky, but just for general information Khallayne is a Modern Tech Semi-Fantasy Nation (some magic and some clerical power, but not a ridiculous amount)
11-10-2005, 02:23
Feeling a little put off the Holy Praetor said more a little more loudly to Prince Raphael, "Hello, I am the Holy Praetor Yvette of the Holy Order of The Way of Peace, may I ask your name?" Yvette then lifted her Morgoth mask to allow Raphael to see her smile, her ancient face was filled with the calm of one who has experienced all of the good in life and is waiting for the last mysteries to expose themselves.
11-10-2005, 02:23
Nexlon's eyes were still wandering over the crowd when a slight reflection reflection and a wave in his direction caught his attention. It seemed to be some minor Khallayne noble who he was not very farmiliar with. He frowned; Nexlon always tried his hardest to keep track of the officals and nobles of other nations. He decided to introduce himself.

"Nexlon of Ravea, at your service." He gave a bow as he approached her. "Might I ask your name?"
11-10-2005, 02:27
"Hello Nexlon, I am Duchess Angela pi'Mor Hesta of House Hesta," the young brown haired brown eyed pretty twenty five year old said. "Just call me Angela though, titles take too long to say." then she gave a laugh that would fill even the most cold heart with joy. Angela then adjustised her face mask with her shapely fingers which in turn displayed her beautiful six inch fingernails which she had painted white to go with her mask and white silk dress.
11-10-2005, 02:30
Feeling a little put off the Holy Praetor said more a little more loudly to Prince Raphael, "Hello, I am the Holy Praetor Yvette of the Holy Order of The Way of Peace, may I ask your name?" Yvette then lifted her Morgoth mask to allow Raphael to see her smile, her ancient face was filled with the calm of one who has experienced all of the good in life and is waiting for the last mysteries to expose themselves.
"My name is Raphael, or more formally Prince Raphael." He said as he raised his own mask to show his face. His was one of a young, but highly knowladgeable, man. "I don't mean to conplain, but the musicians are slightly off."
11-10-2005, 02:30
Nikola let his smirk widen slightly before repositioning himself next to/across from (depending on if they are on the same side of the table) Empress Diane. Seeing the woman who he now realized was her mother returning in a huff, he smiled.

"It seems that I'm not the only noble who's parents are foolish enough to think they can control their children."

Nodding in the direction of the incoming mother, Nikola gets another quick bite while he has the opportunity to go without talking.
11-10-2005, 02:35
The Grand Vizzer/Mother-Dowager however had no intention of talking to the Torlanseffian and as long as he behaved himself she would have no need to worry about him, she would let the guns of Imperial Soldiers do that for her. The Grand Vizzer however was walking so fast that her mask slipped off her head so she sat down at the nearest table to try and straighten it.

The Empress meanwhile was dancing with Lord Obernost's son Tiberon, the heir to House Obernost, actually the Empress was leading as Tiberon was a horrible dancer and his Skorm mask (a tiger with antlers) was in danger of poking Her Blessed Majesty in the face.
11-10-2005, 02:39
Theao- "They are just playing to the old style Imperial Key, which most non-Khallaynans find off-key but in fact is just set into a different musical key than most expected." the Holy Praetor said while trying to put her poorly-fitted mask back on. "Hopefully they will swich to... Oh speak of the devils." As the band began to play Bach perfectly and on the normal musical key.
11-10-2005, 02:41
"Ah." Raphael replied, "I have two questions, do you know why the empress decided to host the masqurade, and what are the principal tenents of your faith?"
11-10-2005, 02:43
"Hello Nexlon, I am Duchess Angela pi'Mor Hesta of House Hesta," the young brown haired brown eyed pretty twenty five year old said. "Just call me Angela though, titles take too long to say." then she gave a laugh that would fill even the most cold heart with joy. Angela then adjustised her face mask with her shapely fingers which in turn displayed her beautiful six inch fingernails which she had painted white to go with her mask and white silk dress.

Nexlon nodded.

"A good name. I have no taste for titles myslef-I refused to take one."

Nexlon hesitated. Perhaps he should take an special interest in this one. She might be worth it, and it was always benificial to have allies.

"A stunning dress, Angela. Although I must say we seem to contrast somewhat vastly."

He looked down at his own garb, a black suit with knee-high silver-encrusted boots. The Eye of the Raven-another Ravean artifact, a black and red stone resembling it's namesake-hung from his neck. A pair of soft quicksilver guantlets studded his arms.
11-10-2005, 02:51
"Ah." Raphael replied, "I have two questions, do you know why the empress decided to host the masqurade, and what are the principal tenents of your faith?"

Theao- "The Empress wanted to show the world the face of the new Khallayne, one that wasn't under the rule of the Madman Giusecchio III her granduncle who was assasinated in his own bed along with his wife and their unborn child." The Holy Praetor then smiled apologeticly for mention something so dark at such a lovely party, "The basic tenents of The Way of Peace is to purify yourself through the correct forms of living, eating, and worship of the Gods of Yellow Heaven to break the cycle of Reincarnation and achieve Purification and ascend to Yellow Heaven as a God as the Prophet and all but a few of his descendants have done."

Ravea- The Duchess smiled at Nexlon and said, "Contrast is a good thing, something that the fashion elite of Khallayne are just begining to find out." This was in reference to the five year fashion craze of wearing nothing but a single color on your whole body down to your shoes.

A waiter then walked past with a tray of wines, the Duchess grabbed two glasses and handed one to Nexlon, she sniffed hers and said, "This is the Imperial Wines, only drunk by the Imperial Family and only used for special events like this, this particular glass I would assume is a hundred years old, keyed to this exact date as required by tradition. Cheers." Angela then took a sip of the fine vintage.
11-10-2005, 02:57
Catching an antler just short of knocking his mask off, Nikola gestured between the tiger-masked man and the Empress.

"If I may be so bold as to cut in?"

The noble nodded, nearly knocking the mask off again, and stepped back as Nikola stepped in. Unlike the heir, Nikola was skilled enough a dancer from royal upbringing to keep in step with the Empress.

"I hope I don't seem aggressive in my approach. It's just that I'm not familiar with many of these nobles, and it just isn't fun searching for someone you're already acquanted with when you've already found one."
11-10-2005, 03:01
Theao- "The Empress wanted to show the world the face of the new Khallayne, one that wasn't under the rule of the Madman Giusecchio III her granduncle who was assasinated in his own bed along with his wife and their unborn child." The Holy Praetor then smiled apologeticly for mention something so dark at such a lovely party, "The basic tenents of The Way of Peace is to purify yourself through the correct forms of living, eating, and worship of the Gods of Yellow Heaven to break the cycle of Reincarnation and achieve Purification and ascend to Yellow Heaven as a God as the Prophet and all but a few of his descendants have done."

"Ah." Raphael replied, "The ball seems to be going well, do you have any questions for me?"
11-10-2005, 03:01
"I'm honered."

Nexlon didn't drink, but He knew it would be in bad manners to decline. He lifted his mask a bit to take a sip.

"Hm. Quite good, especially by my standards. Raveans have never been known to make a great brew or wine."

He tapped his foot for a moment, thinking. Might as well find out as much about his new aqaintance as possible.

"So, tell me, Angela. What occupies your time? What do you like to do in the spare hours of the day?"
11-10-2005, 03:04
Torlanseff-This man's boldness brought a small laugh from Diane as they danced to the best music that Bach had ever written onto paper. "Yes Sir Nikola," the Empress said with amusement in her voice, "This is true, let me tell you a little secret, even though I rule over these people I couldn't dare say that I know every one of these nobles, I have memorized all the major family names and signs but beyond that..." The Empress motioned to a group of older men in simple masks of Emperors past, "I let my advisors deal with that and inform me of anything I don't know and need to know."

The Grand Vizzer/Mother-Dowager sat quietly in a corner watching her daughter dance with the man, did her innocence know no bounds? So the Grand Vizzer made another call on her cellphone and in a code language ordered that once this man was out of the Empress's sight he was to be removed at once.
Mind Sickness
11-10-2005, 03:05
Councilor Rab Thatch scratched his chin under the bandana he wore over the lower half of his face. It was made of the black and grey currency of his home country; not very creative, but a sign of his immense wealth none the less. He hated these gorified costume parties, but business was business. On his right stood his interpreter, Nathan Bell, and on his left stood his protection, Dutch Himmelman.

All three of them looked out of place with imaculately clean three-piece business suits and brief cases filled with papers and proposals. This was NOT a time for business, but the three knew about nothing else. Except Himmelman; who was so much better trained in hand-to-hand than the other two, he could snap their necks and be back in Mind Sickness before anyone heard them fall. Of course, no one kills the CEO of Power Solutions Inc. without being slowly toutured to death, so Thatch was safe, but Himmelman hated that little twerp Bell. The party whiped around them at what seemed like a dizzing pace.

"You know, boss, if you want to make a tade deal with these people, then you better start looking for who's in charge." Himmelman grunted.

"Don't snap at you're superior like that you thick headed lout!" Ah...that Bell, he had his nose so far up Thatch's ass he could smell his breath.

"Shut up, both of you. I think I see the Empress over there, with...someone." Thatch pointed.

"How do you know with that mask on her face?" Asked Brown-nosed Bell.

"Well, for one: she holds herself like only one born to rule holds one's self," he turned to look at his stupid translator, "and for two: she has an entourage, idiot."

The three started to head over...
11-10-2005, 03:08
Ravea- The Duchess smiled and said, "What normally occupies my time is working with the Ministry of Education, we are revamping the very format of how education works in Khallayne since the Empress is trying to seperate religion and state as much as she can. But when I do have spare time I collect antique books and papers of the Old Dynasties of Khallayne, I also am writting a book on the short lived reign of Giusecchio III, also called Giusecchio the Madman."

Angela shuddered at the man's name before taking a sip of wine.
11-10-2005, 03:13
Mind Sickness- The Empress noticed the men in the buisness suits coming towards her as she danced with Nikola but decided to keep dancing until they were closer to her, she was determined to enjoy the party as much as possible.
11-10-2005, 03:16
"Your Empress sounds like a wise ruler. The seperation of church and state came into effect long ago in Ravea, and was quite beneficial."

He mulled over the rest of what Angela had said. Giusecchio. Nexlon knew the name, but not incredibly well. He decided to play dumb for the moment.

"Giusecchio the Madman? That doesn't sound like a good nickname for a ruler. What did he do to earn it?"
11-10-2005, 03:20
Ravea- The Duchess spoke softly the dark six year reign of Empress Diane I's grand uncle. How he was the first Emperor since Cameron V (the Butcher) to enforce the State Religion with lethal force. How Giusecchio took sadistic pleasure in the suffering of those he executed, how he would have thousands of tiny cuts made on their bodies then throw them on piles of salt, leave them to suffer while being whipped then set on fire. All on national television.

Then she told him how his own guards (who were secret Christians) killed both him and his wife and their unborn child in their bedchamber before turning the guns on themselves.
11-10-2005, 03:21
Nikola cocked his head curiously and shrugged. "I guess it is handy to have a wall of aids to stem off the nobles. I wouldn't know, since my country's monarchy is only constitutional."

Noting the Empress's eyes wandering in an unpleased manner, he casual manuveured so he could see what troubled her before letting her have her view back. Three men, in suits.

"No need for the aids legally since our role is strictly advisory, but we still hold enough symbollic influence to need to keep track of the corporate politicians. It can be quite an adventure when they get too ambitious."
11-10-2005, 03:24
ooc: Did you miss my last post, #22.
11-10-2005, 03:52
General Remmol stiffened under the costume. He was dressed as a Mirkanan hunter, with a green jacket, a brown leather hat, and an old-fashioned hunting rifle slung along his back. The costume felt uncomfortable on him, though an actual hunter would probably say it was the coziest thing on the planet.

Remmol listened to the Empress explaining about her nation's history to the Theaoan crown prince. When she started talking about Emperor Giusecchio, the Mirkanan general could hardly believe his ears. That was EXACTLY why Remmol avoided religious persecution.

Remmol noticed the Mind Sickness delegation, and his hand went to his rifle. The rifle was actually a dressed-up sniper rifle. The scope was in his left pocket, and the extra ammo in his right. In case anything happened, it would take him five seconds to be ready for battle - but he could always fire without scope.

Remmol introduced himself to the young Khallaynan Duchess. He shared their dislike for long titles, and had always gone with "General" himself, though adding "Commander-in-Chief of Mirkana" helped to distinguish himself from others with purely military careers.
Mind Sickness
11-10-2005, 04:14
Thatch held up his hand and motioned for his cronies to stop.

"She's dancing, we'll wait." Himmelman grunted an affermative, but Bell started to whine.

"But boss, we have to get down to business soon. I'm not sure the people here like us to much." He looked around nervously.

"You do not start a good business relationship by insulting the Empress of the nation you want to trade with," Thatch told Bell gently, but his eyes were cold, "And if you question my autority over you or my orders one more time, I'll have you working in the core of a nuclear reactor by the end of tomorrow, understand?"

Bell could only gulp and nod...
11-10-2005, 22:43
Torlanseff/Mind Sickness- "Alas dear Nikola but this monarchy is an Absolute Power and I seem to have buisness to take care of." Diane said to this most intriguing character before stepping out of their dance and then the Empress made her way to the buisness men.

"Greetings, I am the Empress Diane I, ruler of Khallayne, perhaps we could sit down so we can get down to what buisness you have for me?"

Theao- The Holy Praetor then asked Prince Raphael, "What is your role in your nations government?" the elderly cleric was then handed a glass of fine Imperial Wine by a waiter and took a small sip to wet her throat.

Mirkana- The Duchess Angela then said hello to the General Remmol and then said, "I haven't heard much of your nation or your people so perhaps dear General you could tell us about Mirkana."

OOC: Sorry if this post is a little dry but I'm exhaused.
12-10-2005, 00:04
The Grand Vizzer/Mother-Dowager Opal ry'Ewo Rystal went to the Buffet Table and look at the other dishes (other than the giant, now half-eaten whole basilisk) such as the various fried, steamed, and poached fish and bird dishes. Distaining most of the meats the Grand Vizzer grabbed a few pieces of the rarest fruits in the Empire. A small helping of silver grapes, blood-oranges from the Seta Islands, seafoam peaches, and ingros (a cross between a plum and a pear, very sweet).

Opal grabbed a glass of the famous Imperial Wine and sat down and after taking off her wolf-mask she began to eat her fruit dish and drink of the fine wine. Her thoughts turned to the currently unstable political scene in Khallayne, and how her daughter was handling it. While Opal didn't approve of the religious reforms she was impressed with how her daughter had negoiated with both the Holy Order and the Nobles to keep both factions from joining in open revolt.

The Empress's promise of a Religious Monitoring Conclave to insure that no weirdo suicide cults took hold in Khallayne helped. Of course the die-hards had already suffered quiet deaths so things quieted down.

But now there were rumors that Diane intended to push more reforms by creating a second branch of the Senate that was ELECTED, such a thing would challange the very basis of Rystal rule. But of course as always Diane was ever closed mouthed with her mother.

"Who knows what plans that perverse mind is breeding." thought the Grand Vizzer as she glanced at her daughter who was talking with some forigen person or other.
12-10-2005, 01:24
Remmol cleared his throat. "Well, our country is basically a giant army. I am probably what you would call a dictator, but I got there mainly through merit. Mirkana's government is designed to be efficient. I have nationalized major industries to keep the focus on production and quality. Incomptence is a crime in my country - and at high levels of government, a capital one."
"But what about your curtailing of free speech?" asked the duchess.
The general paused for a moment, then responded. "That law was implemented when some citizens requested that people not be allowed to 'talk garbage'. Basically, I gave the citizens - who are expected to enforce certain laws - the responsibility to keep people from saying idiotic things. Voicing disagreement with my policies is allowed. Suggestions have changed my mind more than once. I do not claim to be infallible."
12-10-2005, 01:30
Nikola nodded toward the buffet in agreement. "I'll leave you to business, if that's what you prefer. I'll be waiting near the head of the basilisk if you wish to pick up where we left off afterwards."

So saying, he allows a quick bow before weaving to the buffet. It is at this point he bumps into a noble supporting Diane's view of free religious practice and they get into an interesting discussion about religion's applications in politics.
12-10-2005, 02:11
Mirkana- The Duchess then looked slightly embarased about the question of freedom of speech that just poped out of her mouth like that. "I'm sorry about that particular question. I find your nation to be interesting but I think that having the entire nation be a military isn't good economic sense since who will make your nation money if everyone is in the Armed Services?"
12-10-2005, 02:18
Torlanseff- The noble in question was the Marquis Eric yu'Men Rea of House Rea, the Marquis was a recent convert to Skormism and said to Nikola as he picked at his plate of sushi, "It has been a relief with the Proclamation of Religious Freedom so I don't have to hide my faith in the Almighty Skorm anymore. Just imagine that a few years ago just saying that outloud would of landed me in the Imperial Prison awaiting public "Purification By Salt and Fire"."
12-10-2005, 02:19
Nexlon listned intently to Angela as she told him the story of Giusecchio the Madman. Quite a charachter, this Giusecchio. Nexlon would have liked to have a talk with him. His focus suddenly shifted as Angela turned to speak to a Mirkana offical; he dropped behind the duchess and quitely eavesdropped on the conversation. He suddenly spoke up on the issue of Free Speech.

"It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own."

Nexlon spoke quitely, but quite loud enough for the Mirkana to hear him. He hoped the general had an interesting responce.
12-10-2005, 02:46
Ravea- The Duchess took this opprotunity to finish her glass of wine and enjoy the Imperial Vintage while she could, it would be another year before the next Festival and the Duchess did enjoy the Imperial Wine ever so much.
Praetoria Novus
12-10-2005, 04:02
Senator Claudius Vipsanius entered the Palace with his stunning wife, Antonia. The Senator seemed slightly bored by the whole proceedings, his eyes scanning the numerous aristocrats all wearing their extravagant costumes, most likely at the expense of the people, he thought. Although the Senator himself wore only a formal tuxedo, he also had on a stunning Roman cavalry officer’s mask, a priceless artefact dating back to the Varian Disaster in Teutoburg Forest some two millennia ago.

Antonia, a beautiful women in her late 30s, rarely accompanied the Senator on “official business” but had agreed to join her husband for this occasion. She was far more impressed with the proceedings, and in contrast to the Senator wore a magnificent stola and palla costume, the common dress of Roman nobles of antiquity. “Isn’t it wonderful?” asked the Senator’s wife as she accepted an hour devours from one of the attendants.

Senator Claudius didn’t agree. To him, this was simply an assignment (and a fairly uninteresting one at that) set for him by the Republican Senate. Despite the atheist nature of the Republic, the Senate had decided it would be appropriate for some kind of a Praetoria Novian dignitary to attend the banquet rather than simply ignore the invitation. The Senate had voted that Claudius attend, and here he was, ready to do what the Republic required.

Taking a glass from a nearby waiter the Senator sipped what he could not deny was very fine wine. He sighed and then made for the general direction of the Empress, whom (he had been briefed by one of his adjutants earlier on) was the sovereign of this nation.
12-10-2005, 04:07
Theao- The Holy Praetor then asked Prince Raphael, "What is your role in your nations government?" the elderly cleric was then handed a glass of fine Imperial Wine by a waiter and took a small sip to wet her throat.
"Technically none." Raphael replied, "I'm the youngest of my sibs, and out of the running for heir. I commonly attend foreign functions when not on tour."
12-10-2005, 18:47
Khallayne - Well of course not everyone is on active duty. Most citizens are in the reserves and hold second jobs.
12-10-2005, 19:30
Khallayne - Well of course not everyone is on active duty. Most citizens are in the reserves and hold second jobs.

(OCC:You might want to notice what Nexlon has just said.)
12-10-2005, 21:40
Praetoria Novus- The Empress Diane, who had already sat down at the table with the delegates from Mind Sickness motioned the newcomer and his wife to join them. A few waiters began to serve the Empress and everyone at the table a fine plate of flame broiled duck served with a white wine sauce. The Empress enjoyed a few bites of the delicious food, her white satin gloved hand barely touching the solid gold silverware and the gold plates.

Theao- "So then you do have a job," the Holy Praetor said quietly to the Prince, "To promote the honor and respect of your nation at all international functions. A rather tedious role granted, but influental in it's own simple way."
13-10-2005, 04:03
Theao- "So then you do have a job," the Holy Praetor said quietly to the Prince, "To promote the honor and respect of your nation at all international functions. A rather tedious role granted, but influental in it's own simple way."
"I guess you could call it that, but it is more a family responsability, frequently my older sister handles these things, she's better at it in general." Raphael replied, "I was drafted as my latest tour had finished and James decided I needed something to do. He keeps trying to get me to become more involved in politics."
13-10-2005, 21:51
Theao- "Ah," the Holy Praetor said before her attention was diverted by the arrival of a most unusual guest. An elderly man in black robes wearing a simple gold diadem leaning on a cane with a gold cross on it's top. "So, the Patriarch Diamond I of the Khallaynan Orthodox Church is here," the Holy Praetor said to herself and then she muttered, "I can't believe that this heathen decided to show up."
13-10-2005, 22:12
Theao- "Ah," the Holy Praetor said before her attention was diverted by the arrival of a most unusual guest. An elderly man in black robes wearing a simple gold diadem leaning on a cane with a gold cross on it's top. "So, the Patriarch Diamond I of the Khallaynan Orthodox Church is here," the Holy Praetor said to herself and then she muttered, "I can't believe that this heathen decided to show up."
"I'm sure he views you in a similar manner." Raphael commented as he looked at the Patriarch. Religious discussions interested him, irregardless of his agnostic/atheist beliefs.
13-10-2005, 23:23
The Patriarch of Khallayne noticed the Prince and the woman who had helped Giusecchio in his "Purification" policies and walked (hobbled is a better word) leaning on his cane for support.

"Greetings 'Holy Praetor'," the Patriarch said with a sneer on the word Holy,"I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and who is this?"

"This is Prince Raphael from Theao... Heathen." the Holy Praetor snapped back, just barely keeping herself from attacking him in pure rage.
13-10-2005, 23:31
"Do you two bicker whenever you meet?" Raphael asked
13-10-2005, 23:36
Theao- "These two old birds would bicker over the color of the sky if they could." a loud bass voice said, startling everyone in the Ballroom. A large man with shocking blue hair, bright green eyes, dark skin, and in the flower of youth came to join the group. He was wearing black robes covered in runes, the bottom of the robe seemed stained with human blood.

"I am Gerald ew'Hai Cormanda, the Prior of the Organized Temples of Skorm and like I said, these two old birds hate each other because they both see competition to their Temples and Churches." Gerald then smiled, showing off his vampire-like incisors, "I myself like competition," he then cracked open a walnut he had taken out of his pocket with his bare hands, "It keeps me fit."
13-10-2005, 23:41
"So, what are the tenents of your religion?" Raphael asked, "And are there any other religious leaders here?"
13-10-2005, 23:47
Since both the Holy Praetor and the Patriarch looked like they were about to have heartattacks the Prior decided to take control of the conversation.

"Skormism doesn't really have a "Doctorine", what we have is the belief in a single God, Skorm, who created this Universe but lost a large part of himself doing it. Skorm needs his worshipers to preform rituals every year to help stregthen the God, magic is his gift to us and to pay for that gift we must offer sacrifices, birds, cows, pigs... and once a year a willing human being."

Gerald then glanced when the Holy Praetor seemed to shake herself out of shock and grab herself a drink, "I'd like to apologise for my rude behavior, to all of you but old ways of thinking die hard."

The Patriarch said something similar as well before he left.

The Holy Praetor then added, "The Cult of the Sun and the Moon is too fractured for any one representative to be considered legitimate and the other religions in the Empire are too small to merit an invitation."
13-10-2005, 23:52
"So four major religions, but one is scattered." Raphael said, clarifying for himself, "I take it there is a bit of animosity between the various religions?:
14-10-2005, 00:00
Gerald gave a glance to the Patriarch who had moved to the Buffet Table and then back to the Prince, "Well considering that for the past thousand years or so The Holy Order of The Way of Peace has sought the complete eradication of it's competition in Khallayne there is a lot of bitterness between the Orthodox Church and The Holy Order, The Cult and the Organized Temples however have come to a cordal relationship with both religions."

Gerald then took a break to grab a drink before continuing, "Thank Skorm that violence hasn't broken out in mass yet, but Her Majesty has kept a tight lid on the worst of it."

The Holy Praetor then chose to butt in, "But will this work forever? I have my doubts." and said no more.
14-10-2005, 00:25
"I hope religious war doesn't break out, they tend to be the most destructive and devestating." Raphael commented
14-10-2005, 00:30
Theao- "Personally I think that some would welcome it." the Prior whispered into the Prince's ear when the Holy Praetor wasn't looking.

The Patriarch had meanwhile sat down at a table and motioned for the Prince, the Prior, and yes the Holy Praetor to join him.
14-10-2005, 00:30
Torlanseff- The noble in question was the Marquis Eric yu'Men Rea of House Rea, the Marquis was a recent convert to Skormism and said to Nikola as he picked at his plate of sushi, "It has been a relief with the Proclamation of Religious Freedom so I don't have to hide my faith in the Almighty Skorm anymore. Just imagine that a few years ago just saying that outloud would of landed me in the Imperial Prison awaiting public "Purification By Salt and Fire"."Nikola nodded as he swallowed some basilisk he had sampled. He found the neck meat much more to his liking than around the ribs. "That just goes to show how powerful religion can be in politics. Any theocracy coerces everyone to follow the principles of the religion, and most likely justifies action against anyone who deviates from the religious principles. Any symbol would suffice, but faith is much more binding."
14-10-2005, 00:36
Torlanseff- "The truth of what you say is astonishing in it's simplicity but how does one change from such a path without a major blowup? That is the question that Empress Diane I will have to answer during her reign, which because of her age will most likely last decades." The Marquis then ate some of his Sushi and drank more of the Imperial Wine.

"And of course the signs of collapse are already here." Eric then indicated to the emotional display that had just happened a few moments ago between the Patriarch of the Khallaynan Orthodox Church and the Holy Praetor of The Holy Order of The Way of Peace.
14-10-2005, 00:40
Theao- "Personally I think that some would welcome it." the Prior whispered into the Prince's ear when the Holy Praetor wasn't looking.
The Patriarch had meanwhile sat down at a table and motioned for the Prince, the Prior, and yes the Holy Praetor to join him.
Raphael walked over and took a seat with the three churchmen, or in one case, churchwoman.
14-10-2005, 00:59
Waiters offered the people without plates various choices of foods and delights to nibble on before the main event of the party which would occur in a few moments and was still a suprise, something the Empress had cooked up herself.

Until that time though the Holy Praetor picked a plate of Smoked Salmon with spiced potatoes and had a few bites of this wonderful food with priceless Imperial gold silverware.

The Prior had chosen a Ceasar Salad with extra crutons and dressing and indulged in a single bite of it's perfection.

"So what has been going on between the Conclave of Bishops, and the Conclave of Mother Superiors?" the Prior asked to break the ice.

"The more liberal factions of the Conclaves have managed to push through a Church Edict to make both Conclaves into a single equal Conclave where both genders have equal power and representation." the Patriarch said with a slight grimmace, "The Church is much more open to gender equality than most Christian Churches but somethings I think cannot be bridged simply because the two genders have different issues that they consider important and need to be addressed by that gender alone."

The Patriarch then chuckled, "But then most of the Bishops are just waiting for me to retire or die so they can get rid of what they think is an "old relic".
14-10-2005, 01:00
Nikola chuckled as he sampled some of the wine himself. "Every religious institution has its fanatics. Every fanatic will break when presented with evidence that cannot be escaped. Show them that a free Khallayne is a better Khallayne." As he speaks, he takes a small platter and spills a small ammount of wine on it. He then begins to add small food items while balancing the plate. "More options for allies and a happier populace will result in a stronger economy, safer nation, and better place to live. Make them realize this, as my government had to remove my family's official powers," At this point the wine is starting to run, and Nikola lets it pour off the plate into his mouth. "...and the disruption will be neutralized."
14-10-2005, 01:04
Raphael choose a plate of mixed foods. He listened with interest as the Patriarch talked about gender issues in his church.
14-10-2005, 01:04
Torlanseff- The Marquis then smiled at this bit of wisdom, also at the fact that the Torlanseffi had come very close (if not had) to saying that the Khallaynan's should overthrow the Rystal Dynasty and destroy the bloodline of the Prophet himself. While the Marquis could care less about the Prophet he knew that most of Khallayne still did.

"Perhaps you have had enough wine Nikola," Eric said as he handed the man a glass of water claret.
14-10-2005, 01:15
Raphael choose a plate of mixed foods. He listened with interest as the Patriarch talked about gender issues in his church.

"Well Patriarch times change and perseptions on issues that are fundamental also change, it's as simple as that." the Prior Gerald said in between bites of his salad.

"True Gerald, quiet true." the Holy Praetor Yvette said adding her two cents into the converstation.

"Well I almost forgot to ask this," the Patriarch Diamond I said as he ate his sharks fin soup, "But what of religion in Theao, Prince Raphael? What do your people believe?"
14-10-2005, 01:30
"Well Patriarch times change and perseptions on issues that are fundamental also change, it's as simple as that." the Prior Gerald said in between bites of his salad.
"True Gerald, quiet true." the Holy Praetor Yvette said adding her two cents into the converstation.
"Well I almost forgot to ask this," the Patriarch Diamond I said as he ate his sharks fin soup, "But what of religion in Theao, Prince Raphael? What do your people believe?"
"You can find someone following nearly every faith." Raphael replied, "There is no 'major' religion persay. Most people are agnostical. Perhaps the generally largest group is non-denominational Christianity."
14-10-2005, 01:39
Theao- "Ah," the Patriarch Diamond I said quietly, his left hand playing idly with the top emerald on his cane.

The Holy Praetor smiled as she had asked this question beforehand and had already known the answer.

The Prior then said, "Perhaps then Theao wouldn't mind if a few missionaries of the Organized Temples of Skorm went to your nation then? I hope you could accomdate us and our... rituals."

Note* The Organized Temples of Skorm perform animal sacrifice and once a year at the Winter Solstice a willing human sacrifice.
14-10-2005, 01:48
"It is possible, thought there are two things that you should be aware of. Human sacrifice, depending on how you approach the MSS, may or may not be allowed. Also trying to convert people can get to be a very risky proposition if not done properly." Raphael said
14-10-2005, 01:52
Theao- "MSS?" the Prior asked, "What does that stand for?"
14-10-2005, 01:54
Theao- "MSS?" the Prior asked, "What does that stand for?"
"It stands for the Ministry of Social Servicies, religion falls in thier department." Raphael replied
14-10-2005, 01:59
"It stands for the Ministry of Social Servicies, religion falls in thier department." Raphael replied

"Ah," said the blue haired Prior, "Well we will see how to approach them and don't worry about missionary problems, we don't seek to prostlytize, only to offer the Skorm alternative."

After a breath Gerald then added, "And I have no doubt that now The Way of Peace, the Khallaynan Orthodox Church, and perhaps the Cult of the Sun and the Moon when the hear of this will all send their missionaries to your nation."
14-10-2005, 02:05
OOC: Is it open to all techs? Yes or no.
14-10-2005, 02:09
"Ah," said the blue haired Prior, "Well we will see how to approach them and don't worry about missionary problems, we don't seek to prostlytize, only to offer the Skorm alternative."
After a breath Gerald then added, "And I have no doubt that now The Way of Peace, the Khallaynan Orthodox Church, and perhaps the Cult of the Sun and the Moon when the hear of this will all send their missionaries to your nation."
"They are welcome to." Raphael replied, he'd warned them of the challenges, if they choose to risk it, that was there buisness.
14-10-2005, 22:01
OOC: Yes it's open to all techs.

IC: Then the lights dimmed and the band stopped playing, a lot of spotlights then focused on a previously unoticed stage. In the center of the light was the Empress who had taken a leave of the delegates to speak.

"Greetings noble guests, I would like to announce that the main event of the evening is about to begin. To honor this Feast Day of the Unknown Gods, those Gods who reign in Yellow Heaven whom we have no name for, I shall offer as a prize for the best mask at the ball this gift..."

A curtain behind the Empress dropped behind her, on a raised pedestal was a necklace of silver and on it was a flawless yellow diamond the size of a human heart.

"This is the famed Heart of Yellow Heaven, valued at over 30,000,000 Credits and was once worn by Empress Julia The Great, now can I hear any nominations for the Best Mask at the Masquerade?" the Empress Diane ask of the people at the ball.
14-10-2005, 22:15
Nikola accepted the glass and pretended to take a sip, but the water only touched his sealed lips. Smiling as he set the water aside, he took up some more basilisk. "I never drink too much. I always try to keep a clear mind. In fact, I have never had an alcohol in my life that you have not seen me drink. I try to avoid things that won't prove to be of benefit to my interests."
14-10-2005, 22:27
Raphael looked with interest at the necklace. It was quite beautiful.
14-10-2005, 22:28
The Marquis heard Nikola's answer but went quiet when he saw the huge necklace that the Empress was offering as prize for the best mask at the ball.
14-10-2005, 22:36
Raphael began looking around at the masks worn by the others, searching for the best one. While he would have loved to nominate himself, that would be in very bad taste.
He adjusted his own mask, a piece of expert workmanship in it's own right. His had sweeping back draconic wings that just covered his ears, while the scaled work was delicately etched in red, on the black scales.
14-10-2005, 22:46
The Marquis Eric was wearing a hawk mask made from solid gold, while the Duchess Angela wore a delicate swan mask of perfect white feathers, the Prior of Skormism wore a skull mask made out of a real human skull, the Holy Praetor of The Way of Peace wore her black onyx Morgoth (Melkor) mask, the Patriarch of the Khallaynan Orthodox Church wore a mask of St. Ishbala made from silver.

The Empress was dress in a costume of Marie Antionette, she even had her neck made to look like her head had been sewn back on. "Come on everyone, nominate someone..."

"I'd like to nominate Prince Raphael." the voice of the Holy Praetor rang out quiet clearly in the room.

"Anymore? I'd like to have two more candidates." the Empress said.
14-10-2005, 22:54
Rahael stood, and spoke, "I wish to nominate our gracious host, the lovely Empress Diana."
14-10-2005, 23:01
The Empress laughed and said, "Thank you dear Prince, now is there a third nominee?"

"I nominate the Prior Gerald of the Organized Temples of Skorm." the Marquis and known Skormite said in a clear voice.

"Now ballots will be passed out to everyone to vote on who has the best mask." the Empress said as the waiters passed out blank ballots and pens to everyone.

"Just write the name down of the nominee you think has the best mask and in the meanwhile before the votes are in continue to enjoy the party!" the Empress finished before the band started to play agian and the lights came back to normal.
14-10-2005, 23:06
Raphael voted as he'd nominated. He then decided to circulate, perhaps to speak to the Empress.
14-10-2005, 23:10
As the ballots with the names on them were being handed back to the waiters to be collected for voting, the Empress headed to the buffet table that had been restocked with foods and delights, the new main course was fried whole dolphin that a couple of servants were cutting up to people who wanted to try it.

The Empress of course just had to try it.
14-10-2005, 23:13
Nikola smirked slightly. He knew perfectly well who he wanted to win. "Tell me, did you nominate your faith's Prior due to genuine opinion, or as an attempt at favor?" As he spoke, he took his ballot and, before the waiter could continue, wrote down 'Empress Diane' before folding it and looking around. "I won't judge. After all, I myself always try to improve my own interests." Pocketing the ballot, wondering when he could cast it.
14-10-2005, 23:16
Raphael approached the Empress, and waited to see what she was up to.
14-10-2005, 23:17
Torlanseff- "For favor of course," the Marquis said simply, "and it is an interesting mask." as he looked at the Prior with his real human skull mask as he wrote "Prior Gerald" on his ballot and handed it to a passing waiter who was collecting them
14-10-2005, 23:45
"It's a pleasure to meet you Empress Diana." Raphael said by way of greetings.
14-10-2005, 23:55
Theao- The Empress turned and then said to Prince Raphael, "Greetings Prince of Theao, will you join me at a table, I simply must try this dish before I go back on stage." she then smiled and went to the nearest table and sat down on the satin cushioned chair.
15-10-2005, 00:24
Raphael joined the Empress, "I must say, your caterers serve rather odd foods." He commented
15-10-2005, 00:39
Nikola smirks and hands his ballot to a waiter. "The reason for my vote is twofold as well. I can relate to the subject of my selection's disguise, for the more overt reason. Of course, the overt has never really been in my taste. That's why I'm out of the country while the war is brewing."
15-10-2005, 16:41
Theao- The Empress Diane I then replyed, "Only the most exotic foods are served at Khallayne Imperial Parties, it's tradition and there are large dolphin farms in the southern islands of the Empire that breed dolphins simply to be used as food later."

Torlanseff- The Marquis Eric then asked Nikola, "Oh yes, how is the war going on for your nation?"
15-10-2005, 17:04
Theao- The Empress Diane I then replyed, "Only the most exotic foods are served at Khallayne Imperial Parties, it's tradition and there are large dolphin farms in the southern islands of the Empire that breed dolphins simply to be used as food later."
"It still seems odd to me, but that's most likely cultural and personal bias." Raphael commented, "If you don't mind me asking, how is the political order arranged in Khallayne?"
15-10-2005, 17:14
Theao- "The Emperor or Empress is considered the Absolute Monarch of Khallayne, there have been four Dynasties that have ruled Khallayne all with a provable blood connection to the Prophet Himself, the founder of Khallayne and The Way of Peace." the Empress then took a breath, "However the line of Sucession is decided by the Imperial Senate as they choose from the Kin of the Previous Head of State the next ruler, in fact that is their only job." the Empress then muttered, "But I intend to change that."

"The role of the nobles is mostly ceremonial, they have titles and lands, all taxed by the government, most are in some way related to one of the Four Dynasties through intermarriage with members of the Royal Family."

"The military is under the direct control of the Head of State and no other, and the Grand Vizzer is the Head of the Imperial Court which works on the behalf of the Imperial Family to help run the government and the Empire."

"Then there is the Khallayne UN Office, located on a small island just north of the Empire, it was given a level of political independance so Khallayne could have a voice in the UN without being subject to UN interferance."

"That's the gist of how the Empire runs these days. Of course The Holy Order of The Way of Peace used to hold large political powers and influence but I've been chipping away that."
15-10-2005, 17:29
"I'm sure that the church doesn't like that." Raphael commented, "The way you seem to intend to restructure Khallayne, reminds me of the way Theao is structured presently."
15-10-2005, 17:36
"Terribly slow, fortunately. Easy to keep up with, and we have yet to take any casualties beyond the price of fifty caliber ammunition that we used to shoot down some patrols, and repairs for a bunker they had damaged before retreating. Odds are between the trivial basis of the war and lack of material gain that it will petter out before my people take any casualties." Nikola allow a slight smile. "Not that I don't mind an excuse to get out of the country and socialize."
16-10-2005, 00:16
Torlanseff- "Well hopefully your war will be able to wrap itself up soon enough without too much more damage to your people or nation." the Marquis said as smooth as any diplomat would. "This is quiet good." Eric added as he tried the Fried Dolphin.

Theao- The Empress giggled and it made the listener remember that despite her great wisdom that Diane was only 15, "Well, The Way of Peace is still the offical State Faith as it will more than likely be forever tied in with the fate of Khallayne. It was the Prophet who founded both Empire and Holy Order after all." the Empress then said simply, "But I have given the people the choice of what they wish to believe rather than forcing them into a single line of thinking."

"It will serve us better in the regard of the Unknownable, but the Dynasty will retain large sums of power no matter what reforms I undertake, even I am bound by Tradition."
16-10-2005, 00:36
"Ain't that the truth." Raphael replied, "Tradition can only be circumvented easily by dictators or tyrants, and they tend to get overthrown."
16-10-2005, 00:40
A waiter then whispered something into the Empress's ear. "I have to go back onstage, we have a winner."

The Empress then walked back onto the stage and the lights dimmed agian and the spotlights were on her agian.

"In third Place for the best mask at the party goes to.... Prior Gerald for his real human skull mask!"

Polite applause sounds through the ballroom for the Prior who is then handed a bottle of the Imperial Wine as a consolation gift.

"Congradulations Prior, now the winner of First prize won by a single vote, the winner of the 30,000,000 credit necklace is....."

"Prince Rapahel of Theao for his mask"
16-10-2005, 01:21
Raphael stood, "Thank you everyone. I am honoured to receive this beautiful necklace. While I personally view Empress Diana's mask to be the most beautiful, I must bow to the will of the people."
16-10-2005, 03:03
Nikola claps politely as he did for the Prior, but finds the results less than pleasent. "I'm sure it is. If you don't mind, I have some matters to attend to." Nodding a goodbye before leaving, Nikola made his way toward the restroom. En route, he was intercepted by security, quite within the Empress's line of sight. "Is there a problem?"

OOC: I nearly forgot Diane's mother had called security on me.
16-10-2005, 04:23
Torlanseff- The Empress was distracted by Prince Raphael so she didn't see the guards grab Nikola and attempt to "escort" him out of the building by the orders of the Grand Vizzer.

The Grand Vizzer meanwhile had sat quietly watching the going-ons of the Ball, knowing how things worked the ball would wind down in an hour or two but it would be best to keep this Nikola man from gaining anymore dangerous influence on her daughter. After all it was the job of both the Grand Vizzer and Mother-Dowager to defend the integrity of the State at all costs.
16-10-2005, 04:45
Raphael happened to be fairly astute, and noticed the guards 'intercept' the man. Leaning over, so he was close to Diana, he commented in a low voice, "Are the security people suppose to be active or re-active?"
16-10-2005, 05:10
"Wha..." then the Empress noticed what was going on, she grabed a cellphone out of a hidden pocket and made a phonecall.

A few Seconds Later

The head of security quietly ordered the guards to let Nikola go by Order of the Empress. Macwell (Head of Security) quietly apologised for what happened but explained the orders of the Grand Vizzer, he also told him that the Empress would deal with her mother later.
16-10-2005, 05:21
Raphael had a private chuckle, he always enjoyed seeing security people getting reamed. It amused him as it was subtle/personal revenge on the members of his security team, who had always stopped him from risking life and limb.
16-10-2005, 06:08
Nikola smirked and scratched his nose, signaling his own security detail to stand down. "It is good to know the local security is so quick to act when called upon. Given the context of the situation, however, I'm also quite grateful for recognition of authority." Waving politely as he continued on his route, he made his way into the restroom nearby, coming out a few minutes later, looking for the Empress to thank her.
26-06-2007, 02:27
is it to late to jion
26-06-2007, 06:15
((You might say.

Many of these nations - Khallyne for sure - no longer exist. General Remmol has since passed away.))
26-06-2007, 21:32
I'm back...after a few months.
