NationStates Jolt Archive

Founded: Eritan

26-09-2005, 22:55
(First post in here... Hello everyone :) I'm not quite sure if this is the right forum to submit this kind of post in, but I'm having trouble distinguishing the purpose of each IC thread, if it's even supposed to be in an IC thread at all... Sorry for any inconvenience.)

Welcome to the Commonwealth of Eritan; we shape the future the way it is supposed to be.

[News flash] Newly elected state official Andrew Weisshaupt of the Commonwelath of Eritan today declared the official founding of this small nation on the shore of north-western Europe. The Commonwealth of Eritan has been founded by several larger cities breaking free from sorrounding countries.

UN secretary Jean Guiseppe gave the infant nation a luke-warm welcome, mentioning subjects like the extremely restricted market and heavy government control in his speech, but also praising the caretaking of education and crime rates.

Since the official statement 4 years ago that lead to the creation of this independant state, the country has been a subject to strong trade restrictions by the former states of the seperated cities and land. Faring surprisingly well under the supervision of Mark Jensen, a reknowned professor in the field of economics, the first budgets of the Commonwealth of Eritan appear to hold tight, but only barely.

The nation has recently drawn international attention due to the nation's heavy reliance upon research (measuring almost 73% of the projected annual income). It has been mentioned by other UN officials that they look forward to work together with the elected state officials, 9 of whom have a Phd. degree in their elected position's primary functions.

(Other nations are free to post their initial trade/political reactions, etc.)
26-09-2005, 23:16
{ooc: don't know exactly which earth you use, so for now I'll assume it's one of the few this group has a presence in.}

The following message was received by satilitte dishes across Eritan. analysis of the signal showed it to have originated from somewhere in the vicinity of the Moon.
On behalf of House Floyd, and all citizens of the Gelflandii realmstates. I welcome you to the international community. I am Rodger the 35th, Governer of Pink's landing, and current head of House floyd. it is our desire that all nations can come together, and tear down the walls that seperate one people from another.
26-09-2005, 23:37
( OOC: Still getting used to this place... Didn't even know you had multiple Earths to choose from... O_o ... Where can I read up on it?)

Andrew Weisshaupt, the current primary state official, recieved the notice from the moon later the same day, after a large celebration in the streets of Ernheim, the capitol of the new state. He sent a formal reply two hours later.

"The people of the Commonwealth of Eritan thank you, Rodger of House Floyd, as well as the people of the Gelflandii Realmstates, for your support. Our new nation is appearing from the ashes of greater countries, and we look forward to the mutual freindship and gain our two nations may have."

Andrew Weisshaupt
Primary state official of the Commonwealth of Eritan
27-09-2005, 02:19
[ooc:] The threads marked 'Sticky' are usually a good place to start... ;)


Foreign Minister Kari Alhoun smiled slightly as he read of the news concerning the Commonwealth of Eritan, yet another new nation to spring "from the ashes of greater countries", as it had been put. It was the first time he had smiled all day. Alhoun was in a bad mood. What with the Imperial Galactican sanctions, and the continual appearances and disappearances of Hontah... But his attentions turned back to the nation, Eritan. It was not the first Alhoun had sent out the traditional greeting to. Researching the Commonwealth on his internet connection with one hand while reading the message relayed to him by his secretary, he turned back to the computer screen and began to type a new message.

From: The Libertarian Concordance of Czardas
To: The Commonwealth of Eritan

Greetings! The Concordance is pleased to welcome Eritan into the international community. We are glad that you are interested in opening up to other nations and note with interest your devotion to research. Czardas itself is a very technologically advanced nation for one still residing on Earth (although seeking to explore the domains of outer space as well). We would be happy to open diplomatic relations with Eritan, if that is possible at this juncture. Once again, the Concordace welcomes you and wishes you a pleasant day.

~Kari Alhoun, Czardaian Foreign Minister

He dropped the message into the appropriate box and smiled again, his good humour restored. A new nation always made him feel happier at heart.
27-09-2005, 02:30
OOC: The "multiple Earths" thing is mainly a phenomenon of the International Incidents forum, and doesn't hold too much water here on the NationStates forum - the two forums have rather different "cultures". To generalise terribly, NationStates focuses more on character roleplay, while International Incidents focuses more on war and so forth ... have a look around, see what you prefer, and feel free to ask questions. Good to have a new player on board.

Offices of the Arkhreifane of the Exterior, Kel Eridhant, Tsaraine

Democrats, thought the Arkhreifane. In the four hundred year reign of the Lords Protector and the Tsarainese Commonwealth, that word had held a world of perjorative connotations; anarchy, mob rule, and unsound governance were some of the nicer ones.

But even the Commonwealth's Division-Commandants had been pragmatists and not ideologues, and under the Greater Ascendancy pragmatism was a high ideal. The Arkhreifane, Ksravi Ekina, would have described herself as a moderate classical minimalist. Democracies could serve the purpose of the Soundly Governed state as well as autocracies, in their own way.

And this "Eritan" (itself a Commonwealth, though hardly the Commonwealth of the Glorious Revolution) seemed sane enough, for a democracy.

So it was a simple thing to offer simple courtesies. In the diplomatic corps, they called this sort of thing a "fruit basket".

Message To: Primary state official Weisshaupt, Eritan
Message Fr: Arkhreifane Ekina, Kel Eridhant, Tsaraine
Message Re: Our greetings to you!

Esar Weisshaupt,

Please allow me - upon the behalf of the State and people of Tsaraine - to congratulate your government upon the beginning of your rule. In these times we must certainly all consider the results tomorrow of our actions today, and it is pleasing to see the emphasis that your government places upon this.

We of the Ascendancy hope that you and yours shall prosper in the international community, and wish you all the best that may be expected of it.


~ Ksravi Ekina
Arkhreifane of the Exterior
27-09-2005, 09:06
Presidential Palace, Hoogenbosch

Imperial Chancellor Heidelberg's personal diary

A new nation. Democratic? That's very amusing. I thought dictatorship was the current trend in newly established sovereign nations. Ah well, I do not expect they shall be hostile to us, or that our future diplomatic and commercial message bear an aggressive and unnatural undertone, so I take the gamble and send them a message from Guffingford. It doesn't have to be long, just welcoming them to the world. I'll tell Kellus to write a small piece of text.

DIPLOMATIC COMMUNIQUÉ FROM: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kellus Constantine
TO: Andrew Weisshaupt, State Offficial of Eritan

Welcome to the world! As you can see, your appearance hasn't gone unnoticed by our intelligence officers, or our diplomatic office. We love to see new nations on the international stage, since that means new trade oppertunities, new people to meet, new alliances to create. We wish the best for you, and your people.

[SIGNED] Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kellus Constantine.
Liverpool England
27-09-2005, 10:17
[OOC: Welcome to the game!]
Government House, CCL, Liverpool England

"What's this, Harry?" Harry Livingston, Minister for External Affairs of the Free Civil State, looked up at the unexpected voice.

"Marc, oh, it's just you." Marc Newells, the Free Civil State's Premier, had stepped into Livingston's office and had been quietly observing his Cabinet minister's work. "Well, for one, apparently the Sarzonians are none too happy about us beating their asses in football... and there's this message from a newly-independant nation... Eritan or summat."

"Those Sarzonians can go fuck themselves, after what they did to Chacor and what they plan to do ( send a customary reply to Eritan, then, don't keep them waiting..."

To: Eritan State Official Andrew Weisshaupt
From: External Affairs Minister of the Free Civil State Harry Livingston
Subj.: Warmest Greetings!

Warmest Greetings from the Free Civil State of Liverpool England and the region of The Heartland! As External Affairs minister I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on independence.

We wish you and your nation and the people of your nation all the best in the coming years, and hope to further possible ties, be they diplomatic or financial.


"You've got to admit it, Harry, that's quite a template we worked up."
27-09-2005, 12:38
The first days of sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Eritan proceeded peacefully, with no larger complaints from the former nations in control, as the news about Eritan were spreading fast.

Within a few hours after Andrew Weisshaupt's reply to the lunar-based Realmstates, several official greetings started to appear. The next day, the celebrations proceeded, having been declared an annual national holiday.

At a huge gathering in front of the Eritan Institute of Nano-physics, Andrew Weisshaupt held a speech to the public.

"Citizens of Eritan!

We are gathered today here, at the Institute of Nano-physics, to celebrate and remember our goals. Our freedom. Our vision of a new civilization! And you are all required to take part in this construction of a sensible and responsible government, the very government that now has official sovereignty in every city willing to leave the old, money-driven past behind them.

Yes, there are things worth more than international commerce and profits, and we will fulfill this with your help, honoured citizens! As a civilization of the future, we acknowledge the need of information and education. It is the right, no, the duty, of us all to understand the choices we make.

In the play of democracy, the population has always been the child of a family; it needs to be taken care of, and it wants candy and toys. But the fact is that this child would be better suited for the future eating bread, instead of chocolate. In a family, the father ot mother always have the authority, but in democracy, the child decides!

Make no mistake, though: We will never endorse any kind of dictatorship or tyranny. Instead, the people must be educated to take responisibility! Many have taken democracy for granted, choosing not to vote on even gravely important matters. But today I tell you; that is not the path we walk! Public institutes independant of the government are prepared to lift this task and take democracy to the next step in evolution!

Good citizens of the Commonwealth of Eritan! Gathered in front of a symbol of knowledge, the Institute of Nano-physics, we celebrate our right and duty to learn and have a responsibility, that we are prepared and fit to take!

I would also like to thank any nation that has so far extended a welcoming hand to us... We value freindship, knowing that conflict only breeds self-destruction. I, Andrew Weisshaupt return your freindly thoughts on behalf of this nation.

Look for tomorrow!"

Andrew is accompanied by a resounding applause as he descends from the scene, shaking the hands of the citizens he passes.
Lord Fenris
27-09-2005, 14:50
A parcel sent "Prioritaire A" arrives at the statehouse of Eritan. As the parcel is opened it reveals a video tape with the royal insignia of The Holy Empire of Lord Fenris. The message plays:

Welcome to the international society my dear mr. Andrew Weisshaupt. I must first make sure that you understand the importance of maintaining our borders. I must also express my sympathy for your people, a country run like yours cannot be comfortable to live in. I will welcome any citizen who wishes to migrate to my Holy Empire. Also i express worry at the symbolism of your personal name? I hope i will see no ridicoulus religious zealousness from your side. If you wish to contact me you will be able to do so by filling out the contact forms i have added to this package. The bullet is just a symbol. Don't worry.

Best wishes. Lord Fenris.

OOC: We have agreed that our countries share a small part of their borders... Just a heads up
27-09-2005, 19:40
After clearing of the package from Lord Fenris, Andrew Weisshaupt watched the tape along with his senior staff.

"Well... That can't be good..." Karen Jannson, the head of International Affairs said.

"Mmhmm... I'm surprised he hasn't made any declaration of war yet," Weisshaupt added carefully.

"So what do we do..? Make the issue go public? Send a formal reply?" Joseph Daniska, specialist in international politics, asked, looking at the gathered people in the small isolated room.

"We let the public know descreetely that we might have problems... And send a firm, but not aggresive statement, emphasising we're not hostile in any way, shape, or form" Jannson concluded. Daniska nodded in agreement.

"Alright, that seems the most sane choice... Let the UN be informed descreetely as well. Make it happen," Official Weisshaupt stated, ending the meeting.
27-09-2005, 20:33
[OOC: Welcome to the game! :) ]

M.I.R.A [*1] Section 3, General Intelligence

The snoring from the completely glass office echoed throughout the department, the aging man had his head thrown back in his easy-chair and was having his forty winks. The glass light desk and various other bits and peices, including an integrated computer were all off, and the lighting withing the cube dimmed to a suitable light.

A youngish woman wandered from her desk with a small printout, she rapped on the glass and pushed the door open, the old gentleman sorted and woke up.
"What? What? What blew up?" he mumbled and reached for his glass of ice water.
"Oh, nothing Victor, nothing really. Just a new state finally getting it's finger out and deciding to tapdance on the world stage."
"The what now?" replied the bleary eyed Victor Abnet, director of MIRA 6 sec. 3.
"Oh for goodness sake," the woman muttered, "Look, Victor, there is a new state looking for goodies from people, in the form of trade rights, you got that?"
"Oh, right, right." he held out his hand and took the paper and read it. "Better inform the Foreign and Economic office then, I'll call Jason soon and he'll hammer all the niceties up for them."
"Don't forget you have to sort out that N.A.A.F.D.B[*2] notice Hannah." called Victor as she left the office. Victor took a sip of his drink and reached for the phone...

*1: Midlonian Intelligence and Research Agency.
*2 Navy Army Airforce Disciplinary Body.
27-09-2005, 23:03
[OoC: Yes, welcome to the game man! A nice RPer who be new is always a welcome RPer on NS, I look forward to RPin' with you sometime. Oh and by the way, Nikolai Fedorenkov is the "figurehead" of Kriegorgrad if you will, his position isnt actually that of autocrat.]

“Why I say, a new nation, one that isn’t babbling on about its nuclear arsenal or how ‘potent’ its military is.” Remarked Henry with a hint of pleasant surprise, his broad features not doing the man’s political wit justice, infact the old fashioned fireplace that illuminated the room did give Henry’s face a set of shadows that made him look rather infantile at this time and place. Sighing slightly as he set the Praetonian newspaper down on a small, wooden table to the side of his high leather chair, Henry waited for the response that would erupt from Mustapha only moments later. The decidedly pessimistic man was small and pale by comparison to Henry, the smaller man’s dark red lips occasionally parted to allow an equally shadowy tongue to flick across them. The room was silent save for the crackle of the fire and the occasional rustle of paper as Mustapha turned the page in his own edition of The Parliamentarian , the mainstream Praetonian newspaper was the only casual source of information the oligarchs received, the rest came via COMSEC or the eyes and ears in countries around the globe. The pair sat in the old study didn’t even consider reading Kriegos newspapers, as all that they were used for was brainwashing.

Pure and simple. Lies, nothing but lies and half truths were printed on the pages of Kriegos newspapers. The rustle of paper came again and the usually calm and collected Henry waited for the paler Oligarch’s words eagerly. Mustapha groaned slightly and shook his head, as if dealing with a child, not a ruthless and brutal political opponent and he answered at long last, the tension that had built up was cut through the machete of the weedy man’s shrill voice.

“Fine, fine, send a communiqué, make the standard proposal to reasonable nations. But I want to hear no more of it, if something goes wrong, it’ll be your head!”

Mustapha muttered and snarled but by now, Henry had already ran off to compose a message to send to the Eritan people, bearing tidings of diplomacy and good health. Despite the cordiality of the communiqué, one can’t forget that the people sending this message were, after all, Kriegos, and as was tradition with Kriegos transmissions, a hint of imperialism was always added in at the end.

{::Establishing Uplink::}
{::Procuring Broadband Channel::}
{::Open Channel Procured::}

Type of Communiqué: Diplomatic
To: Andrew Weisshaupt, Eritan State Official
From: The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Subject: Merriment and Friendship


”It is during dark times that such an upstanding nation as your own is birthed, we will wish you the best of luck and would be extraordinarily interested in initiating further diplomatic relations with the fine nation of Eritan, if you’d so wish. Should you want an embassy on Kriegos soil, you need only ask, although, rules for emissaries are rather strict, despite this however, I feel our two nations could become close allies in the near future.

Of course, back to the mention of dark times. Sadly, many a promising nation, some bearing similarities to Eritan, are swept aside by the currents of war and what was a potentially outstanding state becomes little more than a wartorn hovel or an anarchic state ruled by warlords. We’d like this not to happen to a nation as…enterprising as Eritan and we would deeply appreciate it and we would consider it a great boon to both parties if you would like to become a protectorate of the Collective Oligarchy. While this may sound oppressive, it need not be in the least, all we truly request is that you allow a few access routes for military personnel and maybe a base or two to further guarantee your security.

Other benefits would be included from this deal, not all of them concerned with warmaking either, trade rights would be a given, you’d receive any and all surplus (Kriegorgrad has huge surpluses due to its unique economy ( resources, should you require humanitarian aid, Kriegorgrad would do all in its power to see your people safe. However, we are not forcing this upon you, if you wish to remain a ‘lone-wolf’, so to speak, we’ll respect that and we shan’t pressure you into something you don’t want.

Other than that, I wish you and your people a truly prosperous future.“

Yours Sincerely,

The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov

{::Closing Uplink::}