NationStates Jolt Archive

"New" Tech For "New" Nations

The Most Glorious Hack
14-09-2004, 09:33
CHIBA CITY - The Hack has decided to declassify some of its older projects and allow the research notes, working prototypes, and even completed projects for sale, cheap. The current project being released allows for much easier generation of "free" hydrogen for use in all sorts of industrial and commercial applications, specifically to easily, and cheaply, fuel hydrogen cars. When asked if releasing this data would harm the Hack, Director of R&D, Dr. Josef Specter remarked, "No, not really. We won't be losing crude sales, as we don't sell the stuff, and we've had this tech for awhile. Besides, any country that would be a competitor for our products would already have this. It's more for smaller nations, really."

Briefly, the process uses an organic crystal called "calixarene" that forms a unique shape, roughly similar to two coffee cups with their tops together. When the chemical nitrobenzene is added to the crystals and then a stream of gas composed of equal parts hydrogen and carbon dioxide are blown across the crystals, they trap the carbon dioxide, leaving just pure hydrogen which is easily harvested.

The Hack is offering research notes, a small working prototype, or plans for construction of small, medium and large plants designed around the generation of free hydrogen. Combinations of the above are, of course, allowed. The cost of this is quite low; much lower than developing the process from scratch. Any nations interested can contact the Hack's department of Foreign Affairs at the following website: http://foreign_affairs.404/export/hydro.html

[ooc: Actually, this process does exist, it's just a recent discover that is still being tested, etc. For those curious, it was originally published in the May 24 issue of Angewandte Chemie. Consider it "vaporware".]
The Water Cooler
14-09-2004, 11:19
We thank the MGH for sharing this technology.

May we offer you a crate of fine Water Coolian Water in return?

Ministry of Oversight
The Most Glorious Hack
14-09-2004, 11:22
Hm. That had better be the best water in the universe... we aren't giving this tech away, after all.

Does it come with a really spiffy water cooler, too?

- Elisa Day, Director of Foreign Affairs
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
The Water Cooler
14-09-2004, 11:35
We can assure you, as far as Water goes, it can't be beat.

Because we find your recent actions to be pleasing we shall throw in not only a Water Cooler, but a Water Filter (for times when you are forced to drink less good Water - i.e another type of Water that isn't ours) and a 6 pack of Crystal Goblets. And a set of steak knifes.

Ministry of Oversight
The Most Glorious Hack
14-09-2004, 11:37
Hm. That will suffice for the research notes and a small working prototype.

- Elisa Day, Director of Foreign Affairs
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
The Mighty Quin
14-09-2004, 11:42
We are interested in this, how much to buy all of the things you just listed?

OOC: The link isn't working for me.
The Water Cooler
14-09-2004, 11:48
Hm. That will suffice for the research notes and a small working prototype.

- Elisa Day, Director of Foreign Affairs
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack

Thank you. We hope you enjoy your water.

Ministry of Oversight

((The Mighty Quin - it's not a real link. It's a link to, I assume, MGH's goverment website.))
The Most Glorious Hack
14-09-2004, 13:55
We are interested in this, how much to buy all of the things you just listed?

OOC: The link isn't working for me.

We are open to negotiations on price for the things we've listed. Novel trades (as evidenced by the Water Cooler) are welcome, of course. If you have nothing novel to trade, well... we'll come up with a figure.

- Elisa Day, Director of Foreign Affairs
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack

[OOC: The link is, essentially, an IC joke. '404' is an error code generated when you attempt to access a page that either no longer exists, or never did exist. As a joke, I made the domain for the Hack be .404 as they're a techy nation.

The irony is that you generated a 404 error when attempting to follow that link, even if Internet Explorer didn't label it as one...]
The Brotherhood of Nod
14-09-2004, 18:23
OOC: that reminds me of my "what is your nation's internet suffix" thread long ago


"Hydrogen, mylord?"

"Slavick, I told you to go buy one, not to question my motivations. Hydrogen technology is not something we need, but I want to know more about the organic crystal process they are using. Anything that can possibly give us more insight into Tiberium's uses is something I must have. Get me one."

"Yes mylord."

From: Anton Slavick, General to the Brotherhood of Nod
To: The Most Glorious Hack, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Hydrogen engine

The Brotherhood is somewhat interested in your hydrogen technology you are selling. We offer you one kilogram of pure, refined Tiberium in return, with a market value of approximately C5500,-. Analysis indicates that this is some four times the value of the most expensive water cooler we could find.

Anton Slavick
The Mighty Quin
14-09-2004, 20:34
What about 300,000 for this technology?
The Most Glorious Hack
15-09-2004, 13:15
Quin: Sounds good. Enjoy.

Nod: Forgive my ignorance, but what is Tiberium. We know it is a primary component in many of your more... drastic weapons, but a touch of background, as well as reasonable safety procautions would be appretiated.

- Elisa Day, Director of Foreign Affairs
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack

[OOC: It was that long ago that I came up with .404, heh]
The Brotherhood of Nod
15-09-2004, 18:52
Yeah, I use the obvious .nod, it's very stylish ^_^

Tiberium is a non-carbon based mineral that consists of various, often valuable, heavy metals. Declassified files show the more common form of green Tiberium to consist of:

- Phosphor 42.50%
- Iron 32.50%
- Calcium 15.20%
- Copper 5.75%
- Silica 2.50%
- Unknown 1.50%

Tiberium is extremely hazardous to all known carbon based life forms, including humans. Prolongued exposure will lead to wounds similar to second-degree burns, headaches, mutations in one's DNA, and ultimately death. It is advised to handle Tiberium with extreme care, as it leeches minerals out of the soil to "grow", turning lush landscapes into barren deserts filled with Tiberium crystals.

For further information, see "Tiberium for dummies" by Dr. I. Mobius. Available at every good bookshop or library.

OOC: Or see the C&C Encyclopedia (
15-09-2004, 19:22
From: Kirari Foreign Relations Incorporated
ATTN: Hack Foreign Affairs
Re: Hydorgen Technology

Corporate is interested in the possible applications such technology could have in refurbishing our industrial infrastructure. In exchange we offer our information on Cyber-Neural Connections, though we have yet to utilize this technology ourselves, to a nation with a more established tech base, it may prove useful.

Kirari Foreign Relations Incorporated,
The Incorporated States of Kirari
"World Peace through Corporate Policy"
The Most Glorious Hack
16-09-2004, 13:04
Nod: Agreed. Please see that it is properly sealed and such. We'll likely send it up to Caloris, as Elijah is far less likely to be affected. Notes, prototypes, and construction plans. Take your pick, mix and match.

Kirari: Hm. While we already have neural interfaces, it couldn't hurt to gain additional perspective on them, and perhaps even improve them. Or, if nothing else, have additional options. All the information you have on your neural interfaces should suffice for our hydrogen research notes and a small working prototype.

- Elisa Day, Director of Foreign Affairs
The Semi-Autonomous Technocratic Oligarchy of the Most Glorious Hack
The Brotherhood of Nod
16-09-2004, 16:33
Proper sealing is not a problem; we transport/repack the stuff all the time. And not *that* many people have died from it yet. We prefer to have a prototype, and the main construction plans. Anything that's missing, we'll reverse-engineer it :)
16-09-2004, 22:47
From: Kirari Foreign Relations Incorporated
ATTN: Hack Foreign Affairs
Re: Hydorgen Technology

Agreed. The data will be sent via secured channels, the encryption codes will unlock the information upon our receipt of the technology sent. We thank you for the opportunities such technology will provide us, and wish to throw in a coupon for 5% off purchases over $50,000. This coupon is of course void with any other special offers.

Kirari Foreign Relations Incorporated,
The Incorporated States of Kirari
"World Peace through Corporate Policy"
The Most Glorious Hack
17-09-2004, 08:54
Elisa chuckled softly as she read the note from Kirari. She was pretty sure that she could crack the codes regardless, but it wasn't like she was planning on stiffing them anyway, so she could wait.

Begin Message
TO: Anton Slavick, General to the Brotherhood of Nod
TO: Kirari Foreign Relations Incorporated
FR: Director Elisa Day
RE: Recent Transaction
Your terms are most exceptable. The Hack thanks both of you for your custom. We look forward to further business with you.

- Elisa
End Message