NationStates Jolt Archive

TFR Factbook

The First Republic
08-09-2004, 07:46
OOC: Decided to make TFR a Future-Tech nation.


Introducing the Citizen Federation of The First Republic

Demograpics/Other Information:

Offical Name: Citizen Federation of The First Republic
Conventional Name: the Citizen Federation
Common Name (Foreign): The First Republic (TFR)
Common Name (Domestic): The Republic

Capital City: Federation City, Tabula Rasa, Home System

The Citizen Federation of The First Republic currently consists of 12 Solar Systems. Home System is located in the extreme outer section of the Cygnus Arm of the Milkly Way Galaxy. The eleven other systems of the Citizen Federation are roughly contained in a spherical area centered around Home System with a diameter of 120 LY.


Form of Government: Citizen Federation

Head of State: Praetor, currently Maximus Octavian
Head of Government: Grand Senate of the Republic

Grand Senate of the Republic: 125 Senators. 5 Senators are elected by "citizens" from each Sector for a term of 10 years. Senators may serve only 3 terms.

Praetor: Must be a sitting member of the Grand Senate of the Republic and must have served at least one term. The Praetor is elected by the Grand Senate of the Republic for a term of 10 years. The Praetor can only serve as long as he/she/it is a member of the Grand Senate of the Republic.

Legislative Branch:
Grand Senate of the Republic- The Grand Senate of the Republic passes all laws. All Cabinet members must be members of the Grand Senate of the Republic, however with a 4/5ths vote a non-Grand Senate member may be appointed to the Cabinet. There is no written constitution, all "Laws of the Citizen Federation" are to be considered the Constitution of The First Republic. All heads of the "Directorates" (equivalent to a Ministry or a Department) must be elected by the Grand Senate of the Republic.

Executive Branch:
Praetor- The Praetor must give his consent before a proposal can become law. The Praetor is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Citizen Federation.

Judicial Branch:
High Court of the Republic- The Grand Senate of the Republic elects a "High Judge and Chancellor" to function as Supreme Judicial Authority of the Citizen Federation. Each term is 25 years, no person may serve more than 2 terms as "High Judge and Chancellor". The Grand Senate of the Republic shall act at the High Court of the Republic in all legal cases with the High Judge and Chancellor as presiding officer instead of the Praetor.

Military Branch:
Imperator- appointed by the Praetor with consent of the Grand Senate of the Republic. The Imperator must be a full General/Admiral in the Armed Forces of the Citizen Federation of The First Republic. The Imperator is the Supreme Commander of all TFR troops and only a direct order from the Praetor can countermand the Imperator's military authority. The Imperator serves 7 year terms with a 3 term limit.

Political Divisons:

25 Sectors. Each Sector is governed by a "Lesser Senate of (insert District name)" with a Proconsul as District Head of State. Districts may be dissolved and created by the Grand Senate of the Republic at will. There may never be more than 25 Sectors.


All natural born males, females, and fully sentient AIs over the age of 30 who have served at least 5 years in the military. In order to remain a Citizen of The First Republic, 2.5 years of military service must be given every decade after the 30th birthday and until the 100th birthday.

Armed Forces of the Citizen Federation of The First Republic

FedFleet- Deep Space Fleet of the Citizen Federation of The First Republic. Responsible for the territorial integrity of The First Republic and the safety of all her citizens and material, FedFleet operates an extensive network of Starbases, Orbital Defense Networks, Observation Posts, as well as Patrol Fleets. Additionally, FedFleet is the primary organization in the expansion of TFR, as such it operates large exploration and colonization vessels.

25 million personnel- Includes front line service personnel, supply personnel, service personnel, and FedFleet Marines.

Praetorian Guard- Professional Planetary Military Force of The First Republic. Armed with the state of the art weaponry and with training to match. The Praetonian Guard operates naval ships, aerial units, and ground based assets.

7.5 million Praetorians

Cohortes Urbanae- Domestic State Police Force. Used for Homeland Defense. Uses comparable, but lighter, weaponry to the Praetorian Guard. In peacetime, the CU operates FedFleet Orbital Defense Installations and provides escort vessels for intra-system merchant convoys.

32 million Officers

Important Faces of the Citizen Federation:
Maximus Octavian
Praetor of the Citizen Federation of The First Republic
Senior Grand Senator of Home Sector
Admiral of the Fleets Julian Augustus
National Defense Director
Alexander Pompei
High Judge and Chancellor
Proconsul of Chryslerat Sector
Horatio Maxwell
Foreign Affairs Director
Speaker of the Lesser Senate of Home Sector
Brutus Cassius
Intelligence and Covert Services Director
Senior Grand Senator of Fredericksberg Sector
Marcus Swidell
Treasury and Finance Director
Proconsul of Fredericksberg Sector
The First Republic
08-09-2004, 07:47
Ships of FedFleet

SF-12 Scorpion Space Superiority Fighter (

Albert Class Destroyer (

Halsey Class Battle Carrier (

Conestoga Class Fleet Supply Ship (

Ignatius Class Armed VIP Transport (

MacArthur Class Assault Cruiser (

Blue Shield Class Hospital Ship (

Santa Maria Class Explorer (

Mahan Class Dreadnaught (

Dewey Class Battleship (

Mahan Class Dreadnaught (

Class: Mahan
Type: Dreadnought
Lenght: 3000 meters
Mass: 230 millions metric tons
Acceleration: 2.05 g
Crew: 1,450
Marines: 200

6*Republic Military Corp "Pompei 500" Fusion Reactors
2*Republic Military Corp GR-2000 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors.
6*Remus Technologies DN-25-G Fast Feeding Ion Engines
2*Remus Technologies DN-06-F Gravitic Propulsion Systems
4*Republic Military Corp M51e6 Slipstream Jump Engines

2*Remus Technologies Mk XV "Athena" Heavy Particle G.O.D. Cannons
17*RMC QSL - 2T "Paladin" Q-spoiling Hard-Ray Heavy Pulse Lasers
12*RMC MI195 Heavy Ion Cannon Turrets
4*Remus Technologies HPM1 "Thor" Heavy Plasma Mortars
18*RMC WM 203 Ion pulse twin turrets
48*"Blue Phoenix" Missiles,6*launching tubes with automatic loading

Remus Technologies Athena Mk XV Heavy Particle G.O.D. [Global Orbital Defense/Destruction] Cannon

Designer/builder: Remus Technolgies
Mode: Discharges of 1.8"-2"
Power/Feeding requirements: 12500 Terawatts (12500e12 Watt) for the single barrel-
Range(effective): 85,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 5 discharge/minute, standard 1.5 discharge/minute
Nominal bore: 12 meters (barrel bore, 20 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 272,000 Terajoules (272000e12 joules, 64.8 Megatons)

RMC QSL - 2T "Paladin" Q-spoiling Hard-Ray Heavy Pulse Laser

Designer/builder: Republic Military Corporation
Mode: Pulses of 0.02" of duration
Power/Feeding requirements: 100 Terawatts (100 e12 Watt)
Range(effective): 75,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 100 pulse/minute.
Nominal bore: 0.533 meters
Energy for each shot/discharge: 64 TeraJoules (64 e12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 210 meters

RMC MI195 Heavy Ion Cannon

Designer/builder: Republic Military Corporation
Mode: High speed Ion Bolts
Power/Feeding requirements: 315 Terawatts for the twin mount.
Range(effective): 9,000 km
Rate of fire: Standard, Ion bolts, 60 pulse/minute/barrell
Nominal bore: 2 meters (Barrel bore 5 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 155 Terajoules (155 e 12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 90 meters

Remus Technologies HPM1 "Thor" Heavy Plasma Mortars

Designer/builder: Remus Technologies
Mode: Phased Plasma Pulses
Power/Feeding requirements: 470 Terawatts
Range(effective): 540 km
Rate of fire: Standard, 60 pulses/minute
Nominal bore: 6.5 meters/5.8 meters, (barrel bore, 23 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 235 Terajoules (plasma pulse)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 88 meters (plasma pulse)

RMC WM 203 Ion pulse twin turrets

Designer/builder: Republic Military Corporation
Mode: High speed Ion Bolts
Power/Feeding requirements: 150 Terawatts
Range(effective): 3,150 km
Rate of fire: Standard, Ion bolts, 120 pulse/minute/barrell
Nominal bore: 1.1 meters (Barrel bore 1.8 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 38 Terajoules (42 e 12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 55 meters

"Blue Phoenix" Missiles-

Dewey Class Battleship (

Class: Dewey
Type: Battleship
Lenght: 3000 meters
Mass: 175 million metric tons
Acceleration: 1.05 g
Crew: 1,550
Marines: 200
Fighters: 68 Remus Technologies SF-12 Scorpion Space Superiority Fighter
Other: 16* Space assault shuttles, or 12 Atmospheric assault shuttles.

6*Republic Military Corp "Pompei 420" Fusion Reactors
2*Republic Military Corp GR-2000 Gravitic Enhanced Fusion Reactors
6*Remus Technologies BB-12-B High Output Ion Engines
4*Remus Technologies C-12-A Fast Feeding Ion Engines- Medium
4*Remus Technologies BB-11-C Gravitic Propulsion Systems, Series 3
4*Republic Military Corp M47e8 Slipstream Jump Engines

1*Remus Technologies Mk XI "Athena" Heavy Particle G.O.D. Cannon
15*Tenatura Corp. "Octavian" M400 Heavy Gravitic Fusion Pulse Cannons
12*RMC "Rhodes" Heavy Particle Beam/Plasma Pulse Cannons
4*Tenatura Corp. HP-M-3x "Loki" Heavy Pulse Mortars
8*RMC LCP 2100 Light Particle Beam Pulse Cannon
96*"Blue Phoenix" Missiles, 12*launching tubes with automatic loading

Remus Technologies Mk XI "Athena" Heavy Particle G.O.D. Cannon

Designer/builder: Remus Technologies
Mode: discharges of 0.6"-1.2"
Power/Feeding requirements: 3820 Terawatts (3820e12 Watt) for the single barrel-
Range(effective): 75,000 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 5 discharge/minute.
Nominal bore: 6 meters (barrel bore, 9 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 65,000 Terajoules (65000e12 joule, 15.5 Megatons)

Tenatura Corp. "Octavian" M400 Heavy Gravitic Fusion Pulse Cannon

Designer/builder: Tenatura Corp.
Mode: Pulses
Power/Feeding requirements: 296 Terawatts (296 e12 Watt) - the power output is 1150 Terawatts.
Range(effective): 1300 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 120 pulse/minute; standard, 80 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 4*12 meters (barrel bore, 12*28 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 860 Terajoules (860 e12 joules)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 92 meters

RMC "Rhodes" Heavy Particle Beam/Plasma Pulse Cannons

Designer/builder: Republic Military Corporation
Mode: Particle continuous beam/Plasma Pulses
Power/Feeding requirements: 1050 Terawatts
Range(effective): 26,000 km / 290 km
Rate of fire: Particle continuous beam/Plasma 250 pulses/minute.
Nominal bore: 4 meters / 5.5 meters (Barrel bore, 12 meters)
Power output : 1050 Terawatts (continuous beam) - 1910 Terawatts (1" bursts)
Energy for each shot/discharge:80 Terajoule/bolt - continuous fire @ 1050 TW, bursts @ 1910 TW.
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 48 meters ( Continuous Beam )/44 meters ( plasma pulse)

Tenatura Corp. HP-M-3x "Loki" Heavy Pulse Mortars

Designer/builder: Tenatura Corp.
Mode: Pulses
Power/Feeding requirements: 120 Terawatts
Range(effective): 400 km
Rate of fire: Maximum, 50 pulse/minute, standard 40 pulse/minute
Nominal bore: 4*12 meters (barrel bore, 12*28 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 130 Terajoules ( 130 e12 Joule)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 44 meters

RMC LCP 2100 Light Particle Beam Pulse Cannon

Designer/builder: Republic Military Corporation
Mode: Plasma Pulses/Particle Continuous beam
Power/Feeding requirements: 180 Terawatts
Range(effective): 350/5500 km
Rate of fire: 380 pulse/minute/continuous beam
Nominal bore: 1.25 meters (barrel bore,3.5 meters)
Energy for each shot/discharge: 18 Terajoules (18 e12 Joule)/175 Terawatts (continuous beam)
Nominal piercing power, solid steel: 22 meters

Albert Class Destroyer (

Class: Albert
Type: Destroyer/ Heavy Frigate
Length: 1,332.6 meters
Mass: 18.5 million metric tons
Acceleration: 6.21 G
Crew: 130
Troop: 240 Marines
Fighters: 16 Remus Technologies SF-12 Scorpion Space Superiority Fighter
Other: 6* Space assault shuttles, or 5 Atmospheric assault shuttles.

4*Tenatura Corp. "I-Vulcanus" Fusion Reactors.
4*Republic Military Corporation I-92RM12 Plasma engines.
2*Republic Military Corp M51e6 Slipstream Jump Engines

2*RMC QSL - 2T "Paladin" Q-spoiling Hard-Ray Heavy Pulse Lasers
4*Westinghouse/O.T.O.Melara HP-01A Heavy Plasma Mortar turrets.
4*Remus Technologies HPM1 "Thor" Heavy Plasma Mortars
8*RMC LCP 2100 Light Particle Beam Pulse Cannon
16**"Blue Phoenix" Missiles. (Four launching tubes with automatic reload system)

Remus Technologies SF-12 Scorpion Space Superiority Fighter (


Lenght: 18.54 meters
Span: 15.56 meters (22.52 meters with extended tailerons, atmospheric flight)
Height: 7.22 meters
Wing Area: 110 square meters
Mass: 58.1 Metric tons (empty)
67.8 Metric tons (basic w/o external payload)
81.2 Metric tons (Maximum payload)


X-axis acceleration: +10,75/-4,2 G
Y-axis acceleration: +/- 2,2 g
Z-axis acceleration: +/- 2,2 g
X-axis angular acceleration/roll rate: +/- 1185 deg/sec*2 / 180° roll in 0.78"
Y-axis angular acceleration/pitch rate: +/- 1000 deg/sec*2 / 180° pitch in 0.85"
Z-axis angular acceleration/yaw rate: +/- 2410 deg/sec*2 / 180° yaw in 0.55"
Endurance: Life support+economy cruise navigation: 60 hours normal space/50 hours Hyperspace.
Standard mission: 4 hours+40'combat power

Propulsion/Power Systems:
1*Republic Military Corporation FRPS-14 Tokamak
2*Republic Military Corporation MAPD-960 Magnetoplasmadynamic Jets (Speed in standard Earth atmosphere is mach 1.52 at sea level and mach 3+ at 5000 meters. The total thrust of the MAPD engines is 130,000 kilograms.)
1*Remus Technologies FV32e2 Limited Use Slipstream Jump Engines


3*Remus Technologies GAU-212 H "Battle Axe" Gatling plasma cannon
6*Upper wing MER missile ejector racks
4*Lower wing MER missile ejector racks
2*Under fuselage EMER missile ejector rails, or three/four hardpoints for air to ground armament.
2*RMC Melara MKO 27mm railguns
Max external payload: 14,000 Kgs.
Typical antiship payload: 4*HIVAM Anti ship missiles or 4*HIVAT torpedoes, 4*Cobra antifighter missiles, 2*LARK-III Anti radiation missile.
Typical interceptor payload: 6/10*Cobra antifighter missiles.

Remus Technologies GAU-212 H "Battle Axe"

Type: Gatling plasma pulse cannon
Length: 5350 millimeters
Height: 1450 millimeters
Width: 1505 millimeters
Mass: 1400 kilograms
Calibre: (nominal) 203 millimeters
Calibre: (bolt) 120 millimeters
Bolt energy: 2000 Megajoules/bolt
Rate of fire: 1800 Rounds/minute ( 30 shots/sec )
Power output: 60 Gigawatt
Piercing power: 6.1 meters ( solid steel )

OOC: More ships, more detail specs, and just generally a whole lot more to come.
The First Republic
08-09-2004, 07:48
*save for technology*
The First Republic
08-09-2004, 07:50
*save post*
The First Republic
08-09-2004, 22:43