NationStates Jolt Archive

Rage of the Sea

11-06-2004, 17:59
It was Githras had to admit heading quite close to becoming a full disaster the Sea Elves had been roaming further and further from the Isles as was their way, and in the doing so had reached polluted and darker waters. Their Rage had been total as they passed machines that ripped into the Earth and pulled forth the oil from it's depths, as Tankers spilled that Oil into the waters in accidents and killed thousends of various forms of sea life.

They had acted on their own, and legally Githras had no power to order them to stop, it fell just, but completly into the affairs of the King of Seas, and he had authorised the attacks that came. On Oil Rigs across the world the Elves climbed aboard in raiding groups of Twenty, most wielding only Tridents and other Hand Weapons, but in every Group a Sea Druid and a Mage to keep the workers from resisting as the Elves went about their work, eventually the workers where arrested and pulled under the seas to be tried and sentenced.

Non of the Humans would drown of course the magics of the Elves giving them the abilty to breathe under water, and non of the taken people would be executed the Laws of Giltheran forbade the Death Sentence, but short of that they would likely never the surface again. Githras also knew it would not be long before people realised what was occuring, and he dreaded the responses of the other nations, and he dreaded the simple fact that he would have no choice but to defend the Sea Elves as his duty demanded.

((OOC This is open to anyone who wants to join))
High Griffins
11-06-2004, 18:06
11-06-2004, 18:07
well someone better get something to kill the oil spill. my advice to this is put bateria in the sea and it should all go away :roll:
The electric monks
11-06-2004, 18:27
bow down an PRAY, pray to the sacred bunny rabbit of DOOM as it has DEEMED you UNWORTHY you must pray and HOPE it DEEMS YOU WORTHY.

seriously though the electrical monks would be willing to help in any way, if you let us, we can send our troops in with thier water vacume cleaners. Ok after a few days of being in use the cleaners explode but the troops dont mind, its for the greater good
11-06-2004, 18:42
((Okay see the point is not that there has been an Oil spill, more that such things can and do occur. Giltheran is a Technologically backward nation it dosn't need or understand the need for Mass production. It's strength comes from the Magic users it has at it's dispossal, and at the Magical means it overcomes it's weaknesses, as such they all live in balance with the world around them, and don't understand the whole Industrial world. What they do understand is that it is hurting their homes and their allies. To the Sea Elves all sea life is a friend and they respect it all, except Sharks... So it's not a thread about cleaning up the mess, it's a thread about that clash of needs and cultures. One thing they would never accept is something that would end up killing people, note that so far no one has been killed or mistreated. The Humans taken below the waves are well treated for prisoners.))