NationStates Jolt Archive

an industrial opening (by invite)

21-01-2004, 03:18
it is near the crucibles of a steel foundry. a dozen figures stand near one. they all wear white hard hats and smoked glass googles. the lights on the platform work hard to wash the orange glow from the cruibles. but it still remains casting a hint of hell to the area. front and centre of the platform is a simple lever. across the mouth of ingot mould is a red ribbon. the mouth of the cruible above the mould glows with the heat of the molten steel within.

the f.i.s. representaive steps up to the microphone. "in the begining hephaestus gave man the secrets of bronze, iron and steel. a smith from then would look at steel today and know it as steel. he would marvel at its purity and volume. but, he would still see steel.

"today we start a new chapter in the ancient craft of steel making. today marks the completion of this joint project between the fiefdom of industrized serfs and the republic of western navascuez. a project that has brought soild well paying jobs, efficent environmental senstive industry, and good strong steel.

"the steel we pour today is the same steel that is used ns-wide. it is common and simple. it is versitile and strong. it is the very material that holds our buildings up, our bridge together, and out ships afloat." the rep's voice begins to build. "in its commonness, its simpleness, its versitility it holds our civilization together." his voice cresendos. "may the bonds of friendship, the bonds of politics, the bonds of economy be as strong as the steel that we pour this day."

a round of applause runs through the assembled crowd. the f.i.s. representaive waits for the applause to die down.

"now i will stand aside to allow the representative of western navascuez to say a few words and start the first pour."

he stands aside as the rep from r.w.n steps up to the mike.
Western Navascuez
21-01-2004, 04:01
John Summers, the first President of Western Navascuez, slowly stepped up to the podium, almost sauntering his way there. In his late forties-early fifites, he looked rather young for his age. Tanned, brown hair with hints of silver and average height in stature, he stood out to many people mainly for his charismatic appeal.

Tapping the mike, he cleared his throat and belted out a friendly "How ya doin' out there tonight? It is with the utmost pride and sincerity that I present to you this steel mill, the joint effort of this Republic and the good folks over in the Feifdom of Industrized Serfs.
Not only has this mill brought us employment opportunities, a boosted economy and a brand new industry, but also a bond between the two nations that created this. This nation is ever grateful to Industrized Serfs for her work.
Well, you're not here to hear me talk, you're here to see the birth of a steel mill. So without further ado, I christen this mill the Arco Steel Mill. Here's to prosperity!"

Summers reached out to the lever, gripped it tightly and threw it down forcefully, smiling at the I.F. rep.
22-01-2004, 04:23
with the lever thrown, the crucible tips forward. the molten steel within pours out like hot honey. the first portion of the stream misses the mouth of the mould. it splahes up in a shower of yellow-white sparks. the stream then progresses over the ribbon. the ribbon seems to momentarily with stand the heat and mass of the molten metal. it snaps. the two pieces flung away from the stream as if tossed by the metal itself.

a shower of sparks erupts from the mould as the stream hits the bottom of the interior. the sparks die down as the mould fills to capacity.

the mould shifts forward. suddenly it is envoloped in a cloud of steam. the two halves of the mould part out of the sides of the cloud of steam. as the steam clears, the ingot of steel gleams in the lights.

the ingot of steel rumbles down the line to the storage area out of view of the assembly.

"wrecks the steel cooling it that fast." thinks the f.i.s. rep. "but, it looks good for the press."