NationStates Jolt Archive


21-10-2003, 22:41
I was wondering about your opinion on alchohol.
21-10-2003, 22:46
*clings to bottle of Elaran Ale* Hell no! :shock:
Rave Shentavo
21-10-2003, 22:54
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *Rave clings to her colorful margaritas, and looks at Crimmond nerviously*
21-10-2003, 23:09
It's already on prohibition in CC. Alcohal serves no purpose other than harm, when ingested.
Neo Earth
21-10-2003, 23:15
The emperor's response;

Hell (hic) no!

Bartender, a round for everyone, on me! What do you mean, "Do I want one?" So what if I've had twenty beers already!
Northern Germany
21-10-2003, 23:19
What? *opens his own bottle of Elaran Ale*
21-10-2003, 23:21
Drinks a 40oz can of Gastonia beer. No way
21-10-2003, 23:23
OOC: *Alcohol* me thinks some of us having been drinking some a little early tonight...
21-10-2003, 23:26
Actually, Galdanians take on average 3 bottles of vodka to get 'drunk'. It is a natural adaption to living in such a place as they do, and having ingested alchohol in such large amounts that their bodies eventually 'evolved'...
21-10-2003, 23:34
Melakko Daily Star


Ruschic Sovereign Rustito issued a statement Tuesday, declaring his opinion of alcohol to anyone who would listen as cameras taped the segment. Said Rustito, "shoot, you all can keep your lousy opinions to yourselves. No one asked you for your opinions, you're not the ones running the show! You new-age soccer-mom tree-hugging oil-griping electric-car-driving hypocrites can have your beer bottles and throw them away when you pry them out of my cold, dead hands!" Approximately one man and a dog looked up at Rustito, who was at the moment issuing the statement on top of an eleven-story building, down at five o'clock traffic. In a later statement, secretary of defense Hal Allen wished to know how long it would be before he could retire and

(More on page A3)
21-10-2003, 23:41
No, but the people shouldn't drink it.
21-10-2003, 23:51
OOC: LOL Rave.
Carver States
21-10-2003, 23:57
I was wondering about your opinion on alchohol.

In the Carver States "indulgence" is the right of the citizen. As long as such an act does not harm others (or involves them against their will), it is within the letter of the law. It is recognized that "The Pursuit Of Happiness" can, on occasion, point to self-destruction.
The Gulf States
22-10-2003, 00:04
Banned. The Gulf States has been a dry country ever since our inception. Our territories can manufacture alcohol for export only.
Aztec National League
22-10-2003, 00:22
I do not think alcohol should be banned (look at the "meraculous success" of the Prohibition) but I do think that alcohol should be drunken excessivly. It is all about moderation (What, I'm no moderate!)
The Resi Corporation
22-10-2003, 00:32
Resi Beer and Chateau d'Resi are two of the biggest non-military exports of our nation, and are made from the finest barley and grapes (respectivly) straight from Arcology #311 in downtown Resi City. People either love or hate the beer, but everyone loves the wine. Maybe it's because of that cat that fell into the machine a couple of years ago...
~Joey Dufferson, Head of Resi Beer~

You so didn't hear that. Here's $20.
~Linda Gerrald, PR Rep~
22-10-2003, 00:43
I do not think alcohol should be banned (look at the "meraculous success" of the Prohibition) but I do think that alcohol should be drunken excessivly. It is all about moderation (What, I'm no moderate!)Um...
The Resi Corporation
22-10-2003, 00:52
I do not think alcohol should be banned (look at the "meraculous success" of the Prohibition) but I do think that alcohol should be drunken excessivly. It is all about moderation (What, I'm no moderate!)Um...I agree! :D
*chugs a keg*
22-10-2003, 01:03
It is a fundamental tenet of Justitian political philosophy that no government has the right to tell its citizens what they can or cannot do with their own bodies. Therefore, abortion, euthanasia, and recreational drug use (including alcohol) are all legal. To counter the negative effects of this freedom, extensive programs of education and treatment are fully funded by the government. Actually it works very well, since legal drugs are actually subject to quality control and safety standards (no meth in your ecstasy, for example), and there is less allure to them when they're not "forbidden". Of course citizens under the age of 16 are not permitted to drink or use drugs.

Justitium is known for its very high quality absinthe, the naiton's favorite alcoholic beverage.
Aztec National League
22-10-2003, 01:03
I do not think alcohol should be banned (look at the "meraculous success" of the Prohibition) but I do think that alcohol should be drunken excessivly. It is all about moderation (What, I'm no moderate!)Um...[/quote]

OMG!!! LOL!!! Whoops, someone was tippin the bottle a little to much today! :lol: Ohh man, that was pretty funny.'
Nah, I had a major test today, the PSAT, and I am out of it...
22-10-2003, 01:04
Marovich Brewing Co's beers are enjoyed throughout Oglethorpia's many pubs. Being a primarily middle-class nation, beer is the standout of all spirits within the nation, though you'll find fine liqours as well.

-- Paul Baker
Information Bureau

The Commonwealth of Oglethorpia
Alcona and Hubris
22-10-2003, 01:12
Alcona and Hubris has taken the pragmatic approach of placing a ban on material that has little taste and only value is alcholic. A national test test occurs every year to dertermine which beers are not of this catagory. Unfortunatly, this means that most commerical beer produced in the United States will not be imported to the Isles of Alcona and Hubris.
22-10-2003, 01:27
In Feline, we place huge excise taxes on true alcohol. However, our chemists have formulated two substitutes, both of which tast exactly like alcohol. They are listed below, by their common names. Their scientific names are too long to list.:


Delirium has the delerious effects of alcohol, without the long-term damage to the body.


Tastium only tastes exactly like alcohol.
22-10-2003, 01:39
As far as i'm concerned people can do whatever they want as long as they don't touch my rouge martini.
22-10-2003, 01:47

OOC: That wouldn't be based on the Belgium Beer would it? Cause thats good stuff...
22-10-2003, 21:01
OOC: I really don't know. I based the Tastium on Synthehol from Star Trek, and in one episode of one of the series some of the characters were complaining about how you can't get drunk with it (or as they put it, "the delerious effects are not intact" or something like that), so I came up with Delerium.
28-10-2003, 21:11
The people of Justitium believe that this dilemma should be given much more serious consideration by the world's governments. It is a known scientific fact that all socially aware animals, including humans, inevitably feel the need to alter their states of consciousness at times. For example, certain species of birds have been known to actively seek out naturally fermented berries, while chimps will even resort to beating their heads against tree trunks or rocks. The 'problem' of drug use will not disappear if we simply ignore it or legislate against it, as recreational drug use is a natural and inevitable desire of any human being consigned to a structured society.

In recognition of this fact, we propose that a joint venture be undertaken to produce a psychoactive chemical which can produce the positive effects of the known drugs, such as euphoria, heightened empathy, and mental stimulation, without their negative mental and physical side effects. If such a goal could be achieved the benefit to humanity and the international community would be immeasurable.

We humbly request that any of our comrades interested in this noble venture register their interest as soon as possible so that research and development can begin.

Emma Kahlo,
First Secretary,
Communist Party of Justitium Central Committee Office of Health
28-10-2003, 21:16
no Alcohol what are you thinking the pepole would rebel, if they choose to drink alcohol then i have no objections.hic.