NationStates Jolt Archive

Major Wars of NationStates: An Index

New Genoa
16-06-2003, 18:01
Major Wars of NationStates

An Index of Major Wars fought in NationStates
Since NationStates was founded many people have "roleplayed" wars. There have been innumerable wars, but few wars have been branded as "World Wars" or "Major Wars." Below is an index of wars which significantly changed the NS World.

Submit a War!
Below are the directions on submitting a major war and what must be included. You may submit one, two, three, or all of these requirements. Name must be included.

1.) The name! How else will we know which war it is?

2.) A link(s) to the war and whatever caused it. If there are more than three threads, compress all the threads into one archive. Label each link.

3.) Three paragraphs. A minimum of five sentences each. The cause may have less than five sentences. They must be in this format:
Cause: Sentence one. Sentence forth
Plot: Sentence one. Sentence two. Sentence three. Sentence four. Sentence five.
Results: Sentence one.... so forth

4.) Date. Length of the war.
Example: March 5, 2003 to March 7, 2003

NOTE: Any submission must include a major war that had large numbers of casulaties and/or motivated the foundation of a major alliance. Also, the war must have been very well roleplayed.

World War Three (Amerigan Slave War)
Archive: WWIII Archive (
Date: February 6, 2003 to February 21, 2003
Cause: The use of slaves by the nation of Amerigo.
Plot: The conflict began when the Republic of Syskeyia blockaded Amerigo for the latter country's selling of slaves. Soon theafter, anti-slaver nations, including Texarnica, Aerigia, Chimaea and Cucolo, joined in the blockade. Other, pro-slavery or pro-soverignty nations, inlcuding Melkor Unchained and The Water Cooler, sided with Amerigo and an undeclared naval war happened. There was one exception to this: the Empire of The Eternal Dawn. EOTED fought for neither side, but nontheless was involved; they fought an Intervention War, with small success, and parted the sides slightly for a brief period of time towards the end of the war - but only at sea. During this time, several attempts were made at peace, including Ineptia's unsuccessful attempt to buy all the slaves for emancipation, and an aborted peace conference at the port city of Liasa. Still, attempts at peace were made while forces escalated. Finally, Amerigo declared war on the blockading nations. Iesus Christi and the Reich struck first, initiating a campaign of terror thoughout the Pacific country. Soon therafter, join Syskeyian-Chimaean-Rastonian forces made their assault, stopping just short of the city of Jungle Falls. A kilotonne-range nuclear device is rumoured to have been let off in the Bay of Amerigo, towards the end of the war, either by EOTED or Tahar Joblis. It is unclear exactly which nation unleashed the nuclear weapon, although public opinion tends towards Tahar Joblissian usage.
Results: In the middle of the war, the Amerigan government fell (usually this means the end of the war, but oh well) and, after the Reich had sent all its troops (and numerous deported Amerigans) back to their shores, an Amerigan general seized power and abolished slavery as a program of Communism. The remaining anti-slavery forces subsequently withdrew.
Submitted by Nanakaland, Ma-tek, and Syskeyia

World War Four
Archive: WWIV Archive (
Date: March 20, 2003 to March 29, 2003
Cause: Imperial Forces, Russian Forces, Pure Evil, and COKEKILA were annoyed with the GDODAD and its policies. They decided to attempt and take GDODAD out. They called themselves "The Allies", and started the war, contrary to popular belief, the GDODAD only defended itself.
Plot: Imperial Forces invaded the nation of Slavrov. GDODAD drove IF out of Slavrov. While GDODAD was offline the Allies nuked Danneland to hell. Tensions grew, and 2 Miles Past Nowhere and the ISAF were considering to join the war. Ambassadors were sent to the ISAF and 2MPN, and ended up with the GDODAD signing a treaty with 2MPN, and Santa Barbara joining the GDODAD. Klamath "seceded" from the GDODAD, but really went undercover into the ISAF and created havoc on their forums. Allies invaded the Brotherhood of Nod, but GDODAD forces joined in and helped drive them off what little ground they had taken.
Results: Stalemate. Heavy losses on both sides.
Submitted by New Genoa and The Silver Turtle

World War Five
Archive: WWV Archive (
Date: April 8, 2003 to June 8, 2003
Submitted by The Damned People

Midnight-Anti Ragnarok War
Archive: Coming soon!
Date: April 1, 2003 to April 4, 2003
Cause: Tensions finally break when Blueville and Kellerville make a pact to destroy Midnight.
Plot: Kellerville, Blueville, and Satanic Balloons invaded Killswitch Engage, Blitz-Krieg, and Diamond Sabre in a matter of days (real life: 2 hours! Steel Butterfly was on a fieldtrip from April 1 through April 3rd) In the second battle, Bivens, with their pre-emptive strike, liberated Diamond Sabre and forced Blueville into retreat while killing 2 million Blueville troops. (Over half of their army) Walten, Maxter, and Crimmond fend off Kellerville, and launched missiles at their capital. In the 3rd battle, Satanic Balloons was caught without it’s allies. Bivens gets most of the credit here, but Diamond Sabre really made a name for himself with his assassinations of the evil Satanic Balloons regime. Sigma Octavus destroyed supply and energy lines while Crimmond helped with the Bivens-led bombing of the capital. Satanic Balloons surrendered and Sigma Octavius joined the region of Midnight! (Steel Butterfly returns) Steel Butterfly was attacked Blueville in Blitz Krieg along with Bivens. Steel Butterfly then left and attacked Kellerville, while Blueville used chemical weapons against 1.5 million Bivens troops. Walten and Crimmond attacked Blueville along with Sigma Octavus who cut off supplies. Blueville’s leadership fled to Legian as the country was nuked by Steel Butterfly. Kellerville was forced out of Killswitch Engage and Blitz Krieg by Steel Butterfly and that made them liberated. All 4 countries continued to attack Kellerville until they surrendered. Only Legian was left. (In an 18 minute battle,) Steel Butterfly killed all 1.2 million Legian troops and their 150 planes. Diamond Sabre’s Phoenix Agents assassinated the leaders of Blueville and Legian. Sigma Octavus cut off all supplies to Legian. THE WAR WAS OVER!
Results: Sadly, this war didn’t end the tensions between the leaders of the two sects. While Anti Ragnarok dispersed, and some nations fled to the UPC, and some even to Midnight itself, they eventually regrouped into the infamous region known as…Sunlight.
Submitted by Steel Butterfly

Midnight-Sunlight Civil War
Submitted by

Demonessian Civil War
Link: Demonessian Civil War (
Date: December 26, 2002 to January 1, 2003
Cause: The Empress of Demoness (the now deceased Jia Li) is only allowed to marry a priest, but she fell in love with her High Guard, Xel Nedia, who became a priest in order to be with her. However, the Council of Twelve (leaders of the Church of Demoness) refused to ordain him, and in retaliation, Jia Li fled the country. From various locations, including Meganekkonia, she made transmissions declaring that the whole system of government was a sham. The Council wanted rule for themselves, which is why they would only let the Empress marry a priest, and that she would like to start a democracy, etc.
Plot: Jia Li sneaked back into the country and contacted Xel with her plan. Unfortunately, the Council declared her a liar and presented another woman as the real Empress. She turned out to be Hikari, Jia Li's twin sister who was supposedly dead (but had no claim on the throne anyway). In order to salvage her plan, Jia Li challenged Hikari to a duel for the leadership of the country. On the day of the duel, a shot was fired by an assassin from Polynesian Free States, and chaos broke loose. Jia Li fled with Xel into the Catacombs while the country disintegrated around them. Akbar, Raevyn, Xen, Darkskye, and a few other countries sent in troops to help control rioting, but in the confusion, they were mistaken for invaders and the Demonessians returned fire. Jia Li somehow managed to regain control of the country and normality was restored.
Results: Over 100,000 Demonessians died alone; other casualties are unknown. Demoness closed its borders for a week and after reopening them, the Demonessians' appearance changed to that of Asian elves. A breeding program was started and other drastic changes in policy were incurred. Hikari fled to PFS, whom she later helped invade Demoness. Jia Li and Xel were married.
Submitted by Demoness

All Elves Conflict
Archive: All Elves Conflict Archive (
Date: March 21, 2003 to April 17, 2003
Cause: A Nation of Elves was growing powerful, and they were pissing Melkor off. Old Rivalries.
Plot: Lord Melkor, wanting to test the mettle of his new Sky Furnaces, and eager to flaunt the increased battle prowess of his flagship carrier, the Gothmog, launched a pulverizing strike on the nation of All Elves. A total of 35 million troops [mainly Uruk Hai] were unleased on the unsuspecting nation, who, lacking international help, was quickly crushed under the grinding gears of Melkor's war machine. Contributing to the effort was a stellar Naval battle won by a coalition force of The Empire of Kalessin and The Orcish Horde. Melkor's Navy held off the EOTED Navy for the landings, and the Gothmog was crippled by the IDAS Raven and the IDAS Si Ling I, before the aft railgun popped a 3-ton incendiary shell into its bridge. The Sky Furnace Dor Daedoloth, then the only Gravship in Melkor's arsenal, displayed its true power by turning the city of Gondolin into a flaming, charred crater. Ever since the war, there have been irreparable blights and bogs around All Elves.
Results: All Elves is no more.
Submitted by Melkor Unchained and New Genoa

The One Ring Conflict
Links: Final Solution to the Elvish Problem (, Safe Haven for the Elven Refugees? (, Free Choice For the Elven Refugees? (
Date: February 9, 2003 to February 15, 2003
Cause: The One Ring announces creating of concetration camps for elves.
Plot: Following Sauron's announcement, a loose coalition of nations including members of the Triumvirate of Yut, the Ctan, Cetaganda, EOTED, and Menelmacar formed to attempt to save the elves from the death camps. Other nations, most notably Kn-Yan and Melkor Unchained (in its first military engagement) sided with Sauron on the grounds that outsiders had no right to interfer. Initially a peaceful resolution was attempted, most notably in a conference aboard the Ctani carrier Killing Time. However, fighting soon broke out, and Melkor's delegation, lead by the Maia Alkanphel Ancalagon, attempted to destroy the ship. Killing Time was heavily damaged. Soon, an all-out air war was underway, with air superiority being narrowly held by the Allies. Major landings at the main camp of New Auschwitz were soon made by TYCS and Cetagandan forces. The camp garrison was caught unawares, and in the ensuing the camp was taken with light Allied casualties. The Allied forces then formed a defensive line around the camp while massive air campaign was launched. Heavy fighting began as the airlift continued, with Melkor's forces leading the effort to retake the camp. After the camp was evacuated, Allied forces quickly withdrew and began to make plans to take other secondary camps. However, before this occured, the One Ring detonated an IGNORE weapon on itself, ending the conflict.
Results: Several million elves were succesfully rescued, although estimates put the death toll as high as a million. Included in these refugees were several thousand children that were sent to the Empire of Kalessin by Koania, which had been supporting the Allied effort. Concern over these children lead to a confence between the involved nations. Inspection delegations were sent by Kn-Yan and Cetaganda. The official reports say that nothing was wrong. An unofficial Cetagandan report says otherwise; the Kn-Yan delegation's leader died mysteriously. While the issue has ended for most nations, there are rumors that Cetaganda has a delegation meeting with Prince al Vvishak of Kalessin regarding the children, first at his palace and now at Orm Embar.
Submitted by Cetaganda

Triton War
Submitted by

USSR-Nazi War
Submitted by
Steel Butterfly
16-06-2003, 18:02
uh...I'll get back to you
16-06-2003, 18:13
That'll take too long. Anyway I have been in most of them and won most of them and I probably caused a lot of them.
Steel Butterfly
16-06-2003, 18:20
WW3 was the Amerigan Slave War

contact some older nations for info on that
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
16-06-2003, 18:22
WWIV had something to do with Arani I think...
Steel Butterfly
16-06-2003, 18:24
Most people know what WWV was about
16-06-2003, 18:26
That'll take too long. Anyway I have been in most of them and won most of them and I probably caused a lot of them.


16-06-2003, 18:27
Cause: Racial comments from the nation of Jenglahan being made to new nations/and existing nations

Date: June 15, 2003 to June 16, 2003

Outcome: The Rouge Nation of AfterBurners and 62290 demolished over the nation of Jeglahan by aerial support for the ground troops.

Proposals: I proposed for a treaty to stop racial comments about new nations/and existing ones, but it was rejected by the nation of Jenglahan.

After the treaty was declined, we the nations of The Southern Place were shocked to see that our new nations have been bombed the same day of the treaty. Me and 62290 combined aerial and ground support and invaded the soil of Jenglahan. With my nuclear capabilities and the constant cloning of people from 62290, we invaded Jenglahan and seized the nation. We finally agreed on a proposal for stopping comments of new and existing nations. If anymore occurs please inform me and or anyone in my region.
Steel Butterfly
16-06-2003, 18:28
uh..what was it called?
Total n Utter Insanity
16-06-2003, 18:53
Maybe New Genoa should have put Name: as well :lol:
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 18:57
Western Asia
16-06-2003, 19:11
WWIV had something to do with Arani I think...

Yeah, the Arani War, which had a lot of the AMND along with a few wildcards like WA going against GDODAD, was supposed to be a part of WWIV, but I don't think that it ever worked out.

It was still large even though there was only one battle....think a good number of GDODAD's ships versus a good number of the AMND's and some of mine (much smaller fleet then, but a lot of it was sent to Arani).

Arani will be able to describe its full relation and he was also involved in WWIV proper.
16-06-2003, 19:17
Significant events that eventually led up to World War III for the Soviet Union:

the Soviet Civil War
March 19, 1998 to June 25, 2006
the Federation of Soviet Republics (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Estonia & Moldova) VS. the Commonwealth of Independent Soviet States (Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan).

This war eventually led to the defeat of the Commonwealth and the complete re-unification of the Soviet Union.

the Arab Republic of Assyria's (Iraqi-Syrian) Invasion of the Soviet Union
August 29, 2007 to January 15, 2022
Before the conflict started the Russian Federation and the Iraqi Republic entered into a $60 Billion arms deal that was later cancelled due to warnings from the United States government. The Iraqi government later threated the Russian Federation saying if the deal didn't go through Iraq would invade. Almost a year after the deal was upended Iraq and Syria merged forming the Arab Republic of Assyria. After a crash course in building up their military the A.R.A. invaded the U.S.S.R. Fifteen years later the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and European Union won the conflict dividing Assyria between them.
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 21:12
please use Real world dates....also you should have people verify that this war was biggggg
16-06-2003, 21:13
Where's the Amerigan Slave Conflict? And the invasion of EOTED? :D

*goes link searching*
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 21:19
looking too :D
Nanakaland made an archive somewhere...
Western Asia
16-06-2003, 21:23
And how about when Garrison turned an entire region into a field of glass with 5,000 nuclear ICBMs? And when he payed only cents for each person killed?
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 21:27
write it up!
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 22:25
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 22:25
16-06-2003, 22:41
There was the Demonessian Civil War, which is by far the best war NS has ever seen. But that would take too long to explain. If you really wanted to know about it you could search for the thread or ask Demoness herself. :?

Then there was the Raevyn-Necronomicon Conflict, but that was dumb.
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 22:56
thanks. Do you have a link(s) to the war? If not I'll just do a search..
Steel Butterfly
16-06-2003, 22:59
And how about when Garrison turned an entire region into a field of glass with 5,000 nuclear ICBMs? And when he payed only cents for each person killed?

Diamond Sabre launched about 1000 along with him

and i'll write that up...since it was the Midnight-Sunlight Civil War

billions were killed
16-06-2003, 23:06
thanks. Do you have a link(s) to the war? If not I'll just do a search..
The threads are so old I guess they got deleted. :(
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 23:14
:cry: :cry: :( Crap.....
16-06-2003, 23:23
World War 5 had to do with GDODAD attacking the CDA. Russian Forces happened to be at war with GDODAD at the time and with strong allies on both sides, a lot of other nations were pulled into the conflict.
New Genoa
16-06-2003, 23:57
17-06-2003, 00:01
Can I post my civil war that lead up to me leaving the WMNK, which in turn caused the collapse of the WMNK?
Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 00:02
Can I post my civil war that lead up to me leaving the WMNK, which in turn caused the collapse of the WMNK?

arrogant...aren't we?
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 00:09
Can I post my civil war that lead up to me leaving the WMNK, which in turn caused the collapse of the WMNK?Maybe. I was thinking more along the lines of the War on Perrier which founded the WMNK.
17-06-2003, 00:14
World War Three (Amerigan Slave War)
Archive: WWIII Archive (
Date: February 6, 2003 to February 21, 2003
Submitted by Nanakaland

Cause: Amerigo's usage of slaves.
Plot: A number of anti-slaver nations came to the conclusion that Amerigo was amoralistic, and therefore invaded. Slaver nations leapt to Amerigo's aid. Non-slaver nations then joined on the side of the anti-slaver nations. There was one exception to this: the Empire of The Eternal Dawn. EOTED fought for neither side, but nontheless was involved; they fought an Intervention War, with small success, and parted the sides slightly for a brief period of time towards the end of the war - but only at sea. A kilotonne-range nuclear device is rumoured to have been let off in the Bay of Amerigo, towards the end of the war, either by EOTED or Tahar Joblis. It is unclear exactly which nation unleashed the nuclear weapon, although public opinion tends towards Tahar Joblissian usage.
Results: Following the partly-succesful defence of Amerigo, and the Intervention by EOTED, the war came to an impromptu end when the invaders withdrew.

I think that's accurate. Anyone want to correct that for me?
Total n Utter Insanity
17-06-2003, 00:17
the i should be a b :lol:

EDIT: quick edit :wink:
17-06-2003, 00:21
the i should be a b :lol:

EDIT: quick edit :wink:

[OOC: Heh.]
17-06-2003, 00:34
Would the current Military action against Godzilla be considered a "War"? Cause something tells me their will be more then 2 million deaths. As is, it's already reached the hundreds, and it's barely 5 hours old (Give or take).
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 00:39
This for wars of nations versus nations not nations versus beast! :lol:
17-06-2003, 00:53
It was just a question............
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 01:12
I know.
17-06-2003, 01:44
17-06-2003, 01:45
Can I post my civil war that lead up to me leaving the WMNK, which in turn caused the collapse of the WMNK?

arrogant...aren't we?

No, it's the truth. When I left, many followed, and WMNK was disolved in a matter of days. Of course, it would help if you actually read the threads that were posted and saw the abrupt decline of WMNK the second I left.
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 02:43
Should I include the War on Perrier?
17-06-2003, 02:46
Should I include the War on Perrier?

No, because it really wasn't a war.
Reploid Productions
17-06-2003, 02:49
What about the war(s) on MagicChina?
17-06-2003, 02:51
What about the war(s) on MagicChina?
None of them were particularly well done, but they probably serve as good lessons of "how not to win a war if you're a small nation against millions of highly trained soldiers".
17-06-2003, 02:52
What about the war(s) on MagicChina?

Yeah, that could be considered a major NS war.....3 conflicts over the course of a month. Then, my stomping of Magicians of Knights, and the soon to be stomping of Tech-Annihater (all MC clones) for launching anthrax warheads into a city for no real reason.
Garrison II
17-06-2003, 02:54
I thought the Amerigan Wars where led by Iseus Christi.
17-06-2003, 02:57
WWV was caused by Russian Forces' declaration of war on GDODAD. The result was a stalemate and multiple godmod attacks on The Underwater Bubble.
17-06-2003, 03:10
Don't know if this is major or not, but:

The Norse War:

Cause: Auto Production entered the Norselands region, saying, "Hate all Norse, kill all Norse"
Plot: Norse Nations and several allies invaded Auto Production. Auto Production was defeated. Then Xolistan exploded a suitcase nuke in the Norse Capital. We invaded him, and were crushing him, until Belem and a few other big nations defended him. The Norse withdrew.
Results: Carnage in the Norse Capital, Auto Production destroyed, Xolistan nearly destroyed.

Date: June 10 - June 12
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 03:42
Should I include the War on Perrier?

No, because it really wasn't a war.War/conflict who cares? Didn't it found the WMNK? But seeing as you are the founder and do not want to include it, than that's fine.

Aquilla, I'm not sure about that war. It seems pretty big, but is it well known?
17-06-2003, 15:38
I just feel like needs a bump... so I'll do it for Genoa.
The Damned People
17-06-2003, 16:34
Good job. Great job, actually. This should be stickied. One war in particular that I remember, and think should be on here, would be Midnight and Anti-Ragnarok.

Leader Of The Free Land Of The Damned People
17-06-2003, 16:43
Well, 'The Great War' as it's being called probably doesn't count as a major war, as only around 150,000 people have been killed.
The Imperial Navy
17-06-2003, 16:44
You should read the Ragnarok VII crisis thread. we've only just beaten him, but It's a very non-godmodded and cool battle.
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 17:03
I'll check it out. If any wants to make contributions please do so.
17-06-2003, 19:34
Well, 'The Great War' as it's being called probably doesn't count as a major war, as only around 150,000 people have been killed.

Are you talking about the Great Nations War? Gah, I'm not summarizing that one... ::mutters evilly:: I just remember it was one of the first major wars and one of the first to actually take the use of nukes seriously. Too bad half the players are gone now... Nisan would be able to explain it better anyway.

1.) Demonessian Civil War

2.) Dead Links. :roll: Sorry.

3.) Cause: The Empress of Demoness (the now deceased Jia Li) is only allowed to marry a priest, but she fell in love with her High Guard, Xel Nedia, who became a priest in order to be with her. However, the Council of Twelve (leaders of the Church of Demoness) refused to ordain him, and in retaliation, Jia Li fled the country. From various locations, including Meganekkonia, she made transmissions declaring that the whole system of government was a sham. The Council wanted rule for themselves, which is why they would only let the Empress marry a priest, and that she would like to start a democracy, etc.
Plot: Jia Li sneaked back into the country and contacted Xel with her plan. Unfortunately, the Council declared her a liar and presented another woman as the real Empress. She turned out to be Hikari, Jia Li's twin sister who was supposedly dead (but had no claim on the throne anyway). In order to salvage her plan, Jia Li challenged Hikari to a duel for the leadership of the country. On the day of the duel, a shot was fired by an assassin from Polynesian Free States, and chaos broke loose. Jia Li fled with Xel into the Catacombs while the country disintegrated around them. Akbar, Raevyn, Xen, Darkskye, and a few other countries sent in troops to help control rioting, but in the confusion, they were mistaken for invaders and the Demonessians returned fire. Jia Li somehow managed to regain control of the country and normality was restored.
Results: Over 100,000 Demonessians died alone; other casualties are unknown. Demoness closed its borders for a week and after reopening them, the Demonessians' appearance changed to that of Asian elves. A breeding program was started and other drastic changes in policy were incurred. Hikari fled to PFS, whom she later helped invade Demoness. Jia Li and Xel were married.

4.) Date. Unknown. March.
Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 19:40
Good job. Great job, actually. This should be stickied. One war in particular that I remember, and think should be on here, would be Midnight and Anti-Ragnarok.

Leader Of The Free Land Of The Damned People

Yeah...I'm currently writing for Midnight and Anti-Ragnarok as well as Midnight-Sunlight Civil War
Melkor Unchained
17-06-2003, 19:48
This list is crazy.

I didn't know we had so many "World Wars." Has anyone else noticed the ridiculous fashion in which most players on this site throw that term around? A "World" War implies that just about every nation is either fighting, or actively supporting one side in some way or another. I can think of numerous World Powers that didn't intervene on either side.

Also, people didn't run around during WWII calling it a "World War." It's a retroactive title, it's not given during the war. Hell, when it was going on, WWI was simply "The Great War."
17-06-2003, 20:01
And "the War to End All Wars" because they didn't expect WWII. :(

Bah, I've been involved in the Great Nations War, which was actually pretty big back then, and the PFS Invasion, as well as some other stuff that happened on an alternate forum.
Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 20:03
Midnight-Anti Ragnarok War
Archive: A lot…coming soon
Date: April 1, 2003 to April 4, 2003
Cause: Tensions finally break when Blueville and Kellerville make a pact to destroy Midnight.
Plot: Kellerville, Blueville, and Satanic Balloons invade Killswitch Engage, Blitz-Krieg, and Diamond Sabre in a matter of days (real life: 2 hours! Steel Butterfly is on a fieldtrip for April 1 through April 3rd) In the second battle, Bivens, with their pre-emptive strike, liberates Diamond Sabre and forces Blueville into retreat while killing 2 million Blueville troops. (Over half of their army) Walten, Maxter, and Crimmond fend off Kellerville, and launch missiles at their capital. In the 3rd battle, Satanic Balloons is caught without it’s allies. Bivens gets most of the credit here, but Diamond Sabre really made a name for himself with his assassinations of the evil Satanic Balloons regime. Sigma Octavus destroyed supply and energy lines while Crimmond helped with the Bivens-led bombing of the capital. Satanic Balloons surrenders and Sigma Octavius joins the region of Midnight! (Steel Butterfly returns) Steel Butterfly attacked Blueville in Blitz Krieg along with Bivens. Steel Butterfly then left and attacked Kellerville, while Blueville used chemical weapons against 1.5 million Bivens troops. Walten and Crimmond attacked Blueville along with Sigma Octavus who cut off supplies. Blueville’s leadership fled to Legian as the country was nuked by Steel Butterfly. Kellerville was forced out of Killswitch Engage and Blitz Krieg by Steel Butterfly and that made them liberated. All 4 countries continued to attack Kellerville until they surrendered. Only Legian was left. (In an 18 minute battle,) Steel Butterfly killed all 1.2 million Legian troops and their 150 planes. Diamond Sabre’s Phoenix Agents assassinated the leaders of Blueville and Legian. Sigma Octavus cuts off all supplies to Legian. THE WAR IS OVER!
Results: Sadly, this war didn’t end the tensions between the leaders of the two sects. While Anti Ragnarok dispersed, and some nations fled to the UPC, and some even to Midnight itself, they eventually regrouped into the infamous region known as…Sunlight.
Submitted by Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 20:35
Melkor, get with All Elves and do the All Elves conflict, get sure to get Kalessin and Cetaganda with the elven children thing too.
Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 20:43
didn't all elves leave and give his nation to someone?
Melkor Unchained
17-06-2003, 21:05
AE is gone, he gave his nation to Menelmacar I think.

Anyhow, I can offer a rudimentary summary, minus dates and such.

Cause: A Nation of Elves was growing powerful, and they were pissing Melkor off. Old Rivalries.
Plot: Lord Melkor, wanting to test the mettle of his new Sky Furnaces, and eager to flaunt the increased battle prowess of his flagship carrier, the Gothmog, launched a pulverizing strike on the nation of All Elves. A total of 35 million troops [mainly Uruk Hai] were unleased on the unsuspecting nation, who, lacking international help, was quickly crushed under the grinding gears of Melkor's war machine. Contributing to the effort was a stellar Naval battle won by a coalition force of The Empire of Kalessin and The Orcish Horde. Melkor's Navy held off the C'Tan Navy for the landings, and the Gothmog was crippled by the Empire of Eternal Dawn's IDAS Raven, before the aft railgun popped a 3-ton incendiary shell into its bridge. The Sky Furnace Dor Daedoloth, then the only Gravship in Melkor's arsenal, displayed its true power by turning the city of ___________ [I forget the name, I think it was Gondolin but I'm not sure] into a flaming, charred crater, sustaining moderate damage due to bombing campaigns brought on by the Empire of Eternal Dawn. Ever since the war, there have been irreparable blights and bogs around All Elves.
Result:All Elves is no more.
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 21:07
i'll look up the dates if you want. was it in march?
Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 21:10
it was around then...

cause I noticed it when I first started
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 21:13
found it
17-06-2003, 21:31
The Bisonic War

Cause:The Bisons' use of slaves caused Fluffywuffy (me!) to blockade The Bisons, demanding his end of slavery.

Result:The Bisons god-modded his battles etc. with Allied forces posting losses to not stoop to his level. I left the conflict, and gave him all 6 square miles of land I had bordering him, hoping to patch things up. Garrison II, and probably others, joined The Bisons and sent remaining Allied forces home. IGNORE Cannons later made The Bisons not exist.

Why this is a major war: This is a major war because Iit has started The Bisons' rampages, and strong dislike of Fluffywuffy, probably leading to a future, larger war involving many regions.
New Genoa
17-06-2003, 22:18

oh yeah and

Steel Butterfly
17-06-2003, 22:32
The Bisonic War

Cause:The Bisons' use of slaves caused Fluffywuffy (me!) to blockade The Bisons, demanding his end of slavery.

Result:The Bisons god-modded his battles etc. with Allied forces posting losses to not stoop to his level. I left the conflict, and gave him all 6 square miles of land I had bordering him, hoping to patch things up. Garrison II, and probably others, joined The Bisons and sent remaining Allied forces home. IGNORE Cannons later made The Bisons not exist.

Why this is a major war: This is a major war because Iit has started The Bisons' rampages, and strong dislike of Fluffywuffy, probably leading to a future, larger war involving many regions.

it's not a major war if there are godmodding and ignore cannons in it. Then it's just an ignore war
17-06-2003, 22:58
AE is gone, he gave his nation to Menelmacar I think.

Anyhow, I can offer a rudimentary summary, minus dates and such.

Cause: A Nation of Elves was growing powerful, and they were pissing Melkor off. Old Rivalries.
Plot: Lord Melkor, wanting to test the mettle of his new Sky Furnaces, and eager to flaunt the increased battle prowess of his flagship carrier, the Gothmog, launched a pulverizing strike on the nation of All Elves. A total of 35 million troops [mainly Uruk Hai] were unleased on the unsuspecting nation, who, lacking international help, was quickly crushed under the grinding gears of Melkor's war machine. Contributing to the effort was a stellar Naval battle won by a coalition force of The Empire of Kalessin and The Orcish Horde. Melkor's Navy held off the C'Tan Navy for the landings, and the Gothmog was crippled by the IDS Raven [did I get the designation right?], before the aft railgun popped a 3-ton incendiary shell into its bridge. The Sky Furnace Dor Daedoloth, then the only Gravship in Melkor's arsenal, displayed its true power by turning the city of ___________ [I forget the name, I think it was Gondolin but I'm not sure] into a flaming, charred crater. Ever since the war, there have been irreparable blights and bogs around All Elves.
Result:All Elves is no more.

[OOC: IDAS Raven is the absolutely correct designation; and the IDAS Si Ling I was also involved. Both were destroyed utterly by the Gothmog, but not before they caused significant damage to it's rear - namely to the rudder. Both were EOTED ships, not C'tan, as the post infers - but you might've meant me, I don't know. :) Also, the Dor Daedoloth took a little bit of a pounding (although not much damage, due to it's brilliant design) from a group of G# heavy-bombers with accompanying M# interceptors from 250,000 feet. Twice. I think the accompanying gravfleet took a bit of a pounding, too, losing a significant amount of ships, but I might be remembering wrong - or remembering from the wrong conflict, there.]
The Damned People
17-06-2003, 23:10
New Genoa, you said WWV started on April 8. It started on March 30th.

Leader Of The Free Land Of The Damned People
17-06-2003, 23:11
i had a war with 4 Nations at the Same time...ask the Sean Empire what happened
17-06-2003, 23:12
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 00:11
New Genoa, you said WWV started on April 8. It started on March 30th.

Leader Of The Free Land Of The Damned People, that's pretty weird then, with it starting a day after WWIV

Anyways..I used the seventh thread in your archive as the start date (April 8 ) mostly because it's "The Beginning of WWV." (and the first major role-play of the war: 22 pages!) The previous threads were pre-war threads, I believe.
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 01:33
Might as well bump it.
18-06-2003, 01:49
Melkor, get with All Elves and do the All Elves conflict, get sure to get Kalessin and Cetaganda with the elven children thing too.

I'll go ahead and post the One Ring thing in a bit, once I dig up the links and skim through it.
Liverpool England
18-06-2003, 02:04
Then there was the Slavrovian Conflict?
Date: Sometime in March/April
Cause: Slavrov was banning homosexuals and Allies went to rescue these people (along those lines). A lot of nations were involved. I however cannot remember any more than that.
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 02:14
Didn't Slavrov cause WWIV in some ways? I forget...I remember this being mentioned while i was making a WWIV archive.
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 02:34
Oh, oh! I think i found the demonessian civil war! is this it?:
18-06-2003, 02:35
The One Ring Conflict

Main Link: Final Solution to the Elvish Problem (
Related Links:Safe Haven for the Elven Refugees? (
Free Choice For the Elven Refugees? (
May continue in the Kalessin "Orm Embar" thread

Date: Feb 9, 2003 to roughly Feb 15, not including Kalessini threads

Cause: The One Ring announces creating of concetration camps for elves

Plot: Following Sauron's announcement, a loose coalition of nations including members of the Triumvirate of Yut, the Ctan, Cetaganda, EOTED, and Menelmacar formed to attempt to save the elves from the death camps. Other nations, most notably Kn-Yan and Melkor Unchained (in its first military engagement) sided with Sauron on the grounds that outsiders had no right to interfer.
Initially a peaceful resolution was attempted, most notably in a conference aboard the Ctani carrier Killing Time. However, fighting soon broke out, and Melkor's delegation, lead by the Maia Alkanphel Ancalagon, attempted to destroy the ship. Killing Time was heavily damaged. Soon, a all-out air war was underway, with air superiority being narrowly held by the Allies. Major landings at the main camp of New Auschwitz were soon made by TYCS and Cetagandan forces. The camp garrison was caught unawares, and in the ensuing the camp was taken with light Allied casualties. The Allied forces then formed a defensive line around the camp while massive air campaign was launched. Heavy fighting began as the airlift continued, with Melkor's forces leading the effort to retake the camp. After the camp was evacuated, Allied forces quickly withdrew and began to make plans to take other secondary camps. However, before this occured, the One Ring detonated an IGNORE weapon on itself, ending the conflict.

Results: Several million elves were succesfully rescued, although estimates put the death toll as high as a million. Included in these refugees were several thousand children that were sent to the Empire of Kalessin by Koania, which had been supporting the Allied effort. Concern over these children lead to a confence between the involved nations. Inspection delegations were sent by Kn-Yan and Cetaganda. The official reports say that nothing was wrong. An unofficial Cetagandan report says otherwise; the Kn-Yan delegation's leader died mysteriously. While the issue has ended for most nations, there are rumors that Cetaganda has a delegation meeting with Prince al Vvishak of Kalessin regarding the children, first at his palace and now at Orm Embar.

(OOC: This was also the first known time Trogdor the Burninator was unleashed upon a godmodding nation, by Karmabaijan.)
Steel Butterfly
18-06-2003, 02:35
either way...that is one old thread :shock:
18-06-2003, 03:17
Heh, I wasn't around for that thread, so the Demonessian Civil War must've been January or earlier. ^_^;

Oh, wait, no, it was December? Dammit, does anybody remember?
Steel Butterfly
18-06-2003, 03:21
A november nation

18-06-2003, 03:22
The Alerican Wars! Too bad they got deleted over time... :cry:
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 03:22
End December to 1st of January
18-06-2003, 03:24
A november nation



It's just me.
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 03:24
The Alerican Wars! Too bad they got deleted over time... :cry:I'm not sure, but does were they the wars of the USSR versus North Alerica? Or am I just stoned right now and out of my mind?
Steel Butterfly
18-06-2003, 03:24
The Alerican Wars! Too bad they got deleted over time... :cry:

well...if you remember what happened?
18-06-2003, 03:27
I'm not sure, but does were they the wars of the USSR versus North Alerica? Or am I just stoned right now and out of my mind?

18-06-2003, 03:31
well...if you remember what happened?

I don't remember it well enough. :( But, it's probably the only NS War that's even worthy of being called a World War. Alot of things happened. Let's see... some people waged war against Kazikistan ((See, we don't just say "OMG I CLAIM CHINA!@111".)) and some big war came out of it. Most of the NationStates Super-Powers were in it, and a bunch of people got nuked. It also really helped the GUDA start and a bunch of other alliances, too. I know there was more than that... bah. You'll have to ask someone else who was in it with a good memory...
Steel Butterfly
18-06-2003, 03:34
well...if you remember what happened?

((See, we don't just say "OMG I CLAIM CHINA!@111".))...

I sure as hell hope that wasn't directed to I have never said anything resembling that...even in my newbie days...
18-06-2003, 03:37
No, you don't. I'm talking about all the n00bs claiming RL countries with-in seconds.
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 03:37
this probably isn't it but
18-06-2003, 03:38
No, you don't. I'm talking about all the n00bs claiming RL countries with-in seconds.

like ziotah
Steel Butterfly
18-06-2003, 03:38
No, you don't. I'm talking about all the n00bs claiming RL countries with-in seconds.

respect from marathon...what? :wink:
Steel Butterfly
18-06-2003, 03:39
No, you don't. I'm talking about all the n00bs claiming RL countries with-in seconds.

respect from marathon...what? :wink:

but yeah...that really annoys me too
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 04:33
The inevitable bump
Garrison II
18-06-2003, 04:34
Hey look a younger nations gonna try to invade, how nice. :roll:
18-06-2003, 05:43
well...if you remember what happened?

I don't remember it well enough. :( But, it's probably the only NS War that's even worthy of being called a World War. Alot of things happened. Let's see... some people waged war against Kazikistan ((See, we don't just say "OMG I CLAIM CHINA!@111".)) and some big war came out of it. Most of the NationStates Super-Powers were in it, and a bunch of people got nuked. It also really helped the GUDA start and a bunch of other alliances, too. I know there was more than that... bah. You'll have to ask someone else who was in it with a good memory...

Whoa, whoa you're confusing the Alerican/USSR conflicts from December with the Russian Forces/OH/Whittier/etc conflicts from January-February.
18-06-2003, 06:57
Ok I have a little bit of data on a few wars. Unfortunately I have only a few details and don't remember how they ended.

The Triton War (War between the Elite Force, Alerica, and the USSR)

The Elite Force nukes or bombs Alerica (I don't remember which). The USSR moves in troops to help defend and rebuild the damage done to Alerica. Free Alericans assaults the USSR forces inside the border. Alerica declares the Free Alericans terrorists. After a few small battles the Free Alerican forces, which were poorly equipped, fell to the USSR forces. Around the time North Alerica was bombed and USSR moved into their territory, New York & Jersey left the region of North Alerica.

That's all I know of this conflict. Ask NY&J and maybe he can give you the added details I can't.

The War in Estonia

Russian Forces builds up along the Russia-Estonia border claiming Estonia has terrorist camps. New York & Jersey moves into Estonia to protect to country. NY&J reports that no terror camps were found, but some key defense points that would make it easier for RF to invade Estonia were bombed out. Derkesthai leads a UN factfinding team into Estonia.

Can't remember how it ended.
18-06-2003, 06:59
Whoa, whoa you're confusing the Alerican/USSR conflicts from December with the Russian Forces/OH/Whittier/etc conflicts from January-February.

:( Sorry. I guess I wasn't here for the Alerican Wars...
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 17:37
New Genoa
18-06-2003, 21:53
This was on page 6. Hmm.

Anyone want to do WWV? *cough*TDP*cough*

I can't really write up WWIV since I was too young of a nation when it happened.
New Genoa
19-06-2003, 02:36
One Big Bump.

Again, does any nation wish to write up WWIV or WWV? I already have archives and dates for both wars posted, you just need to write up the cause, plot, and results.
19-06-2003, 05:20
WHAT?!? OK, firstly. The Amerigan Slave Crisis was not a World War. Secondly, add the Alerican Wars. They were the first true World War. Also, add the Kazikstan ((Spelling?)) War too. That was also defenitely World War worthy. Forthly, the GDODAD Wars sUx0red. Badly.

((EDIT: I've been informed that the Alerican Wars still Pwned, but aren't World War worthy.))
19-06-2003, 05:23
WHAT?!? OK, firstly. The Amerigan Slave Crisis was not a World War. Secondly, add the Alerican Wars. They were the first true World War. Also, add the Kazikstan ((Spelling?)) War too. That was also defenitely World War worthy. Forthly, the GDODAD Wars sUx0red. Badly.

The Triton War was just the regions of North Alerica and USSR fighting each other with a few cheap shots from The Elite Force on both regions.
New Genoa
19-06-2003, 14:16
WHAT?!? OK, firstly. The Amerigan Slave Crisis was not a World War. Secondly, add the Alerican Wars. They were the first true World War. Also, add the Kazikstan ((Spelling?)) War too. That was also defenitely World War worthy. Forthly, the GDODAD Wars sUx0red. Badly.

((EDIT: I've been informed that the Alerican Wars still Pwned, but aren't World War worthy.))Well, that's what I was told. I can't find anything on the Alerican Wars, maybe I'll ask RedCommunist. Thirdly, the Kazakhastan War, I couldn't find either. Just a three page thread. And what was WW3? Some people say it was the Amerigan War, others say it was a war back in December/January.
Garrison II
19-06-2003, 14:29
WHAT?!? OK, firstly. The Amerigan Slave Crisis was not a World War. Secondly, add the Alerican Wars. They were the first true World War. Also, add the Kazikstan ((Spelling?)) War too. That was also defenitely World War worthy. Forthly, the GDODAD Wars sUx0red. Badly.

((EDIT: I've been informed that the Alerican Wars still Pwned, but aren't World War worthy.))
WHAT THE how did marathon get deleted but his nation is still there?
19-06-2003, 14:34
Snort, if the Godzilla conflict would be described as a war, how'd I be able to describe it (lol).
Steel Butterfly
19-06-2003, 14:38
Marathon isn't deleted...but's he an "ex nation"

What? :lol:
Steel Butterfly
19-06-2003, 14:38
Perhaps he was banned from the forums! :P

EDIT: Ah...I understand what happened now
New Genoa
19-06-2003, 16:39
19-06-2003, 16:48
Someone should Copy+Paste all the important stuff from the various wars, and make a website, past them by war. Then we'd have a mueseum for all of them!
New Genoa
19-06-2003, 16:54
Ok I have a little bit of data on a few wars. Unfortunately I have only a few details and don't remember how they ended.

The War in Estonia

Russian Forces builds up along the Russia-Estonia border claiming Estonia has terrorist camps. New York & Jersey moves into Estonia to protect to country. NY&J reports that no terror camps were found, but some key defense points that would make it easier for RF to invade Estonia were bombed out. Derkesthai leads a UN factfinding team into Estonia.

Can't remember how it ended.
War in Estonia?:
20-06-2003, 01:02
Bump cause I feel like bumping.
The Gulf States
20-06-2003, 01:28
The worst war ever...

Ziotah vs. Foe Hammer and Spaam
Ziotah Canada vs. Brazillico and The Gulf States

Date: June 10th

Started over: Land interests in Quebec including the "ZioLake" project, turning the massive Godmodders (Zio/FH) into craters.

Results: Ziotah (and I think Foe Hammer) both got banned in the end. Ziotah claimed Godmod when FH and Spaam bombed mainland Ziotah, also when TGS and Braz. invaded into Quebec and Nova Scotia. When Ziotah got banned, Ziotah's territory quickly fell.


Trust me, the war sucked. Honorable mention for being one of the lousiest wars ever, but I gained control of more of Canada in the process.
New Genoa
20-06-2003, 02:36
:( No one has posted a major war in awhile. We have one last war being done (Midnight-Sunlight War by SB), but no one else seems interested. Is this thread detoriating?
New Genoa
20-06-2003, 15:07
*sigh* bump
20-06-2003, 15:51
bump because I'm a humane bumper that doesn't want this thread to die.
Atlantian Outcasts
20-06-2003, 16:36
well, the Rukemian war wasn't HUGE, but a large amout of threads where made about it, lots of civilian casualtys resulted, and several mideum-sized nations -and Melkor Unchained- foght in the war
New Genoa
20-06-2003, 18:41
bump because I'm a humane bumper that doesn't want this thread to die.Thanks, but it seems the thread is dying :cry:
20-06-2003, 18:54
bump because I'm a humane bumper that doesn't want this thread to die.Thanks, but it seems the thread is dying :cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry:
Atlantian Outcasts
20-06-2003, 19:10
so, is the Rukemian war big enoph?
New Genoa
20-06-2003, 19:30
I don't think so, only one superpower was really involved. Was it very well roleplayed? If anyone else can confirm that is Major War worthy other than the combatants, than I might add it. It did have alot of threads for sure.
20-06-2003, 19:50
The assault on Kushrenalis following the Death of British Conservatives king by the Kushrenalis Dominion

this was the war that led to the downfall of the Savalian Empire

Pretty pivitol
Atlantian Outcasts
20-06-2003, 20:07
I don't think so, only one superpower was really involved. Was it very well roleplayed? If anyone else can confirm that is Major War worthy other than the combatants, than I might add it. It did have alot of threads for sure.

damn, I don't know if any had payed close attention and not play

(this is pivitol because Melkor may fall someday, partly because of this. he enslaved people, witch is agenst a UN resolution. Rukimia and I have vowed that he will regrett this)
The Damned People
20-06-2003, 20:16
This was on page 6. Hmm.

Anyone want to do WWV? *cough*TDP*cough*

I can't really write up WWIV since I was too young of a nation when it happened.

Fine, fine. Get back to you.

Leader Of The Free Land Of The Damned People
New Genoa
20-06-2003, 20:29
Muhaahaaha, it worked...
New Genoa
21-06-2003, 01:46
The Silver Turtle
21-06-2003, 11:17
Cause: Imperial Forces, Russian Forces and Pure Evil were annoyed with The GDODAD and its policies. They decided to attempt and take it out. They called themselves "The Allies", and started the war, contrary to popular belief The GDODAD only defended itself.
Plot: IF invades Slavrov. GDODAD drives IF out of Slavrov. While GDODAD is offline Allies nuke Danneland to hell. Tension grows, and 2 Miles Past Nowhere and I think it was the ISAF consider joining. Ambassadors are sent to ISAF and 2MPN, with The GDODAD signing a treaty with 2MPN and Santa Barbara joining The GDODAD. Klamath "secedes" from The GDODAD, but really goes undercover into The ISAF and creates havoc on their forums. Allies invade Nod, but GDODAD forces join in and help drive thm off what little ground they had taken. Allies give up.
Results: Many think The GDODAD destroyed, but GDODAD actually at its strongest ever. Losses on both sides. Stalemate.
21-06-2003, 14:38

New Genoa
21-06-2003, 18:46
things are going well lately. RedCommunist is trying to find info on the Triton War and USSR-Nazi War, Steel Butterfly is working on the Midnight-Sunlight Civil War, and TDP is writing up WW5.
21-06-2003, 19:53
O... good

I want to know what's happened before, so that way I can try to help history from repeating itself.
21-06-2003, 20:41
[OOC: I'd add the EOTED (and allies)-Melkor Unchained (and allies) conflict (over 50million dead in that one), but I think I'll leave it to Melkor to add if he so wishes, as he doesn't like my viewpoint on that war.]
Atlantian Outcasts
21-06-2003, 21:30
It did have alot of threads for sure.

there is about to be more
New Genoa
21-06-2003, 22:08
EOTED: can you maybe find some link(s) or dates related to the war at least? If you want to of course.
Atlantian Outcasts
22-06-2003, 15:12
EOTED: can you maybe find some link(s) or dates related to the war at least? If you want to of course.

dates? no..........

but I remember the 1st 2 wars lasted a week, then this last week they wern't on, so it was a reconstuction period, the 3rd war realy was a dud, as it is over.
22-06-2003, 16:01
As I said, someone should copy past the old topics that could get deleted and put them on a website.
New Genoa
22-06-2003, 16:59
EOTED: can you maybe find some link(s) or dates related to the war at least? If you want to of course.

dates? no..........

but I remember the 1st 2 wars lasted a week, then this last week they wern't on, so it was a reconstuction period, the 3rd war realy was a dud, as it is over.I was addressing Ma-tek, sorry for any confusion.
Atlantian Outcasts
22-06-2003, 18:54
EOTED: can you maybe find some link(s) or dates related to the war at least? If you want to of course.

dates? no..........

but I remember the 1st 2 wars lasted a week, then this last week they wern't on, so it was a reconstuction period, the 3rd war realy was a dud, as it is over.I was addressing Ma-tek, sorry for any confusion.

oh, sorry
New Genoa
22-06-2003, 20:45
New Genoa
23-06-2003, 00:31
New Genoa
23-06-2003, 02:19
Atlantian Outcasts
23-06-2003, 18:40
it's dead, Jim
24-06-2003, 16:30
New Genoa
24-06-2003, 17:07
24-06-2003, 17:08
it's dead, Jim

No.... it.... can not.... die. I... must... fight.... on.... save... this... thread...
24-06-2003, 17:14
there's a war betwine the ACC and the rejected realms army. its becoming really scary. if this go's up nationstates could be ripped in half
New Genoa
24-06-2003, 18:43
isn't that a region crashing war though?
24-06-2003, 18:45
Coming soon: WW6... by the end of the week.
New Genoa
24-06-2003, 21:22
Steel Butterfly, any updates on an archive for the Midnight-Anti Ragnarok War and info on the Midnight-Sunlight Civil War?
24-06-2003, 23:43
25-06-2003, 17:26
I will not let this post die.... if New Genoa doesn't bump it, I will!
Steel Butterfly
25-06-2003, 17:28
Steel Butterfly, any updates on an archive for the Midnight-Anti Ragnarok War and info on the Midnight-Sunlight Civil War?

I'm getting there

I have more pressing matters to attend to though (Real life and game)
26-06-2003, 18:59
World War Three (Amerigan Slave War)
Archive: WWIII Archive (
Date: February 6, 2003 to February 21, 2003
Submitted by Nanakaland

Cause: Amerigo's usage of slaves.
Plot: A number of anti-slaver nations came to the conclusion that Amerigo was amoralistic, and therefore invaded. Slaver nations leapt to Amerigo's aid. Non-slaver nations then joined on the side of the anti-slaver nations. There was one exception to this: the Empire of The Eternal Dawn. EOTED fought for neither side, but nontheless was involved; they fought an Intervention War, with small success, and parted the sides slightly for a brief period of time towards the end of the war - but only at sea. A kilotonne-range nuclear device is rumoured to have been let off in the Bay of Amerigo, towards the end of the war, either by EOTED or Tahar Joblis. It is unclear exactly which nation unleashed the nuclear weapon, although public opinion tends towards Tahar Joblissian usage.
Results: Following the partly-succesful defence of Amerigo, and the Intervention by EOTED, the war came to an impromptu end when the invaders withdrew.

I think that's accurate. Anyone want to correct that for me?

Yes. The Amerigan Slaver War was not, World War III, as the fighting was greatly confined to Amerigo and the waters around it. Also, the war ended in a victory for the anti-slavers, as Amerigo did abolish slavery in the end.

Now as for Iesus Christi's behavior in the war, I have a few words to say about that, and none of them positive...

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
26-06-2003, 19:00
We might be putting up "Galactic War" on that list soon.
26-06-2003, 19:13
The John Min Crisis
Date: Middle of February 2003-March 2003
Parties Involved: JohnMin, John Min, Jihoonmin, minjohn, johmin, Skager, Coreillia, The Glade, BlackWolf, BattleCry and Kecha
Cause: John Min starts annoying the regions of TyrantTopia and Warriors of the Apocalypse
Plot: John Min's 5 nations start saying they launch 9 billion nukes at certain countries in both the Warriors and TyrantTopia. During February Coreillia, Skager and BlackWolf (Skager and Coreillia were then allies and Blackwolf has since been destroyed) started campaigns against several John Min Nations and captured them. In TyrantTopia under the lead of BattleCry and Kecha they were taking down several nations of John Min. During Coreillia, Skager and BlackWolf's invasions, John Min's nations were slaughtering there civillians to blame the allied forces for the attacks but these killings were caught on video by a cameraman.
Conclusion: At the end of February John Min paid several Billion dollars to Coreillia, Skager and BlackWolf to give him back his countries. Although one of John Min's leaders was hung in BlackWolf for war crimes, the rest of there countries were returned on several conditions.
New Genoa
30-06-2003, 17:05
New Genoa
10-07-2003, 02:28
10-07-2003, 20:12
Amerigan Slave War)
Archive: Amerigan Slaver War Archive (
Date: February 6, 2003 to February 21, 2003
Cause: The use of slaves by the nation of Amerigo.
Plot: A number of anti-slaver nations came to the conclusion that Amerigo was amoralistic, and therefore invaded. Slaver nations leapt to Amerigo's aid. Non-slaver nations then joined on the side of the anti-slaver nations. There was one exception to this: the Empire of The Eternal Dawn. EOTED fought for neither side, but nontheless was involved; they fought an Intervention War, with small success, and parted the sides slightly for a brief period of time towards the end of the war - but only at sea. A kilotonne-range nuclear device is rumoured to have been let off in the Bay of Amerigo, towards the end of the war, either by EOTED or Tahar Joblis. It is unclear exactly which nation unleashed the nuclear weapon, although public opinion tends towards Tahar Joblissian usage.
Results: Following the partly-succesful defence of Amerigo, and the Intervention by EOTED, the war came to an impromptu end when the invaders withdrew.
Submitted by Nanakaland and Ma-tek

May I submit an alternate entry for this war?

World War Three (Amerigan Slave War)
Archive: WWIII Archive (
Date: February 6, 2003 to February 21, 2003
Cause: The use and sale of slaves by the nation of Amerigo.
Plot: The conflict began when the Republic of Syskeyia blockaded Amerigo for the latter country's selling of slaves. Soon theafter, anti-slaver nations, including Texarnica, Aerigia, Chimaea and Cucolo, joined in the blockade. Other, pro-slavery or pro-soverignty nations, inlcuding Melkor Unchained and The Water Cooler, sided with Amerigo and an undeclared naval war happened. During this time, several attempts were made at peace, including Ineptia's unsuccessful attempt to buy all the slaves for emancipation, and an aborted peace conference at the port city of Liasa. Still, attempts at peace were made while forces escalated. Finally, Amerigo declared war on the blockading nations. Iesus Christi and the Reich struck first, initiating a campaign of terror thoughout the Pacific country. Soon therafter, join Syskeyian-Chimaean-Rastonian forces made their assault, stopping just short of the city of Jungle Falls.
Results: In the middle of the war, the Amerigan government fell (usually this means the end of the war, but oh well) and, after the Reich had sent all its troops (and numerous deported Amerigans) back to their shores, an Amerigan general seized power and abolished slavery as a program of Communism. The remaining anti-slavery forces subsequently withdrew.

(Forgive me if I left out any significant anti-slavery fighting)

God bless,

The Republic of Syskeyia
10-07-2003, 20:22
this deserves a stick if you ask me.
Copiosa Scotia
10-07-2003, 20:28
The Alerican Wars! Too bad they got deleted over time... :cry:

Ah, quality war RP, how I have missed thee.
Copiosa Scotia
10-07-2003, 20:35
We might be putting up "Galactic War" on that list soon.

Yeah, right. That one was a galactic flop.
The Ctan
10-07-2003, 21:20
All Elves Conflict
Archive: All Elves Conflict Archive (
Date: March 21, 2003 to April 17, 2003
Cause: A Nation of Elves was growing powerful, and they were pissing Melkor off. Old Rivalries.
Plot: Lord Melkor, wanting to test the mettle of his new Sky Furnaces, and eager to flaunt the increased battle prowess of his flagship carrier, the Gothmog, launched a pulverizing strike on the nation of All Elves. A total of 35 million troops [mainly Uruk Hai] were unleased on the unsuspecting nation, who, lacking international help, was quickly crushed under the grinding gears of Melkor's war machine. Contributing to the effort was a stellar Naval battle won by a coalition force of The Empire of Kalessin and The Orcish Horde. Melkor's Navy held off the EOTED Navy for the landings, and the Gothmog was crippled by the IDAS Raven and the IDAS Si Ling I, before the aft railgun popped a 3-ton incendiary shell into its bridge. The Sky Furnace Dor Daedoloth, then the only Gravship in Melkor's arsenal, displayed its true power by turning the city of Gondolin into a flaming, charred crater. Ever since the war, there have been irreparable blights and bogs around All Elves.
Results: All Elves is no more.
Submitted by Melkor Unchained and New Genoa

I could have sworn that it didn't quite go like that, Melkor's initial version was closer. A C'tani naval task force was there.
New Genoa
19-07-2003, 00:26
Meh. Bump.
Drakonian Imperium
31-07-2003, 11:18
BUMP, might consider adding the Raem Dark Eldar War, when it ends. The war began with millions of Raem civilians dead. I'll probably get back to you on it when it ends. So BUMP, again.
31-07-2003, 11:30
the recent "War in the mediterranean"?
01-08-2003, 18:17
there's a war betwine the ACC and the rejected realms army. its becoming really scary. if this go's up nationstates could be ripped in half

That's a region-crashing war. And it's something of a cold war, actually.
01-08-2003, 18:29
there's a war betwine the ACC and the rejected realms army. its becoming really scary. if this go's up nationstates could be ripped in half

That's a region-crashing war. And it's something of a cold war, actually.i agree, its RP war. If it was brought to a RP war, that would be fun :lol:
but also at the same time it would literally rip NS in half. And (only time i will ever agree with Kandrain) more of a cold war than active.
16-08-2003, 18:23
24-08-2003, 21:24

Melkor Unchained
24-08-2003, 21:35

good GOD!
Independant Pluto
24-08-2003, 21:36
*pokes mods*

24-08-2003, 21:42

good GOD!Something the matter, Lord Melkor? :lol:
Total n Utter Insanity
24-08-2003, 21:43
Maybe there should be a genocide index?
Lunatic Retard Robots
24-08-2003, 23:01
Invasion of The Royal Palms
Date: June 2003
Cause: The Nation of Royal palms had pledged support for the nation of The North Krindel in its war on Sniper Country. As a result, Sniper Country, Nankin, Omz222, Western Asia, and others (Mostly RGGA countries) invaded. (Doctors Without porders services were provided by the LRR medical brigade 1, now serving the emergency ward on Demios. They took heavy casualties during a rocket attack on the field hospital, and rescued, and ultimately saved five victims of a MOAB bomb explosion, among many others.)
Outcome:The Royal palms forces, although fighting tenaciously, were eventually defeated by the RGGA. The RGGA established a friendy government, and this move led to the Royal Palms insurgency, also known as the second Royal Palms war.

The Royal palms Insurgency (The Second Royal palms war)
Date: July 2003
Cause: Due to certain inadequacies of the installed government, a rebel movement broke out in The Royal palms, led by General Alvarez, a promionent Royal palms army commander in the invasion. This rebel movement led RGGA forces, based on nearby Singer island, to invade again to support the friendly government. Sniper Country sent special forces units to support the rebels.(DWB services yet again provided by LRR, with heavy casualties ensueing in several friendly-fire incidents.)
Outcome: Sniper Country, in support of the rebels, gassed Singer Island with warheads mounted on cruise missiles. This action led to the nuclear bombing of Sniper Country's capital city, as well as Farbanti, the capital city of Nankin. The conflict inside of Royal palms ended with a military victory for the RGGA in terms of ground won, but no real signifigance is held in that achievement, and the rebel movement still exists in The Royal Palms.

Anti-Facism War
Date: May-June 2003
Cause: The RGGA had just been formed, and this was its first manifestation of a militarily enforced policy of anti-facism. The nations of Heavily Armed Facists and Facisimo had made themselves outstanding in the world community, and were soon invaded by nations including LRR, nankin, FiK, Volonia, and others.
Outcome: After months of hard fighting, both these armies were soundly defeated and left unarmed.

War of Arcian Nationality
Date: Early August, 2003
Cause: The newly formed nation of Arcia was divided by a civil war between the capitalist-facist factions and the socialist factoins in the country. War crimes were rampant, many commited by the nation of Red Tide. The actions of Red Tide promped the nations of LRR and Dark Terror to send in forces to defeat it.
Outcome: After a naval battle between Red Tide and allied Dark Terror and LRR ships and submarines, and a rapid advance inland, the nation of Red Tide was defeated and Arcia is now in safe and capable hands.
24-08-2003, 23:10
Clever idea u got there
24-08-2003, 23:15

Once The Korean War is finished, I will submit that. I am certain that several of the wars I was involved in can be good the Korean War.
New Genoa
25-08-2003, 00:07
:shock: This thread's still alive?
Lunatic Retard Robots
25-08-2003, 01:07
I can't find the threads for all these wars, though. They are kinda old and all got buried. Are you going to post them?
New Genoa
25-08-2003, 01:09
Are they really that major? Or roleplayed extremely well?
25-08-2003, 01:12
:shock: This thread's still alive?Sorta, kinda... not really.

I found it while digging for some info on the Midnight/Sunlight and Midnight/Anti-Ragnarok wars.
Lunatic Retard Robots
25-08-2003, 01:12
The royal palms ones exceeded 50 pages. The Facism one also got pretty far up there- into around 30-40 pages.
Atlantian Outcasts
25-08-2003, 01:12
well, I had my "5th trumpet" war, but it sort of fell apart. over half the people never showed up, and several others stoped and Ignored the thread
Lunatic Retard Robots
25-08-2003, 17:17
25-08-2003, 17:56
26-08-2003, 03:50
The War in Estonia

Russian Forces builds up along the Russia-Estonia border claiming Estonia has terrorist camps. New York & Jersey moves into Estonia to protect to country. NY&J reports that no terror camps were found, but some key defense points that would make it easier for RF to invade Estonia were bombed out. Derkesthai leads a UN factfinding team into Estonia.

Can't remember how it ended.

Also Connected: The Polish Crisis
Date: May 2003
Players: WBO Member Nations (World Business Organization); Kyleria, Aerigia, Whittier, Russian Forces, other regional nations as well as other of leftist or other allegiances.

In a nutcase:
After Russian Forces and Whittier declared the Moscow Pact defunct between themselves and Whittier went on to found The Whitter Pact, it sought to consolidate its interests in Eastern Europe, primarily in Poland and Hungary. When Whittier "peace-keeping" troops crossed the border into Poland proper, the forces of the WBO member nations, which was re-formed, was sent to protect Poland's national sovreignty. Meanwhile, Whittier forces fought with The South Pacific's in Hungary.

Outcome: After a bloody battle, Whittier decided to withdraw its troops because of an internal conflict brewing in its country. The region has since consolidated into a bustling economic centre under the support of the WBO.
New Genoa
26-08-2003, 04:18
I'll add new entries tomorrow, perhaps. In the meantime, feel free to create archives or provide links to the wars. Thanks!
26-08-2003, 04:20
In a nutcase:

As Scoop might say...SHURELY SHOME MISHTAKE? I mean, Russian Forces might well be a nutcase, but I think you mean nutshell.
26-08-2003, 05:10
Should I include the War on Perrier?
That was just perrier getting crushed by someone then blasted into oblivion by me.
Sigma Octavus
26-08-2003, 05:12
Wow, I didn't realize that that was all I did in the Midnight/Anti-Ragnarok wars.
26-08-2003, 05:39
When it's over, someone should write up the Melkor war(s), which have branched into at least 5 different conflicts. (I haven't really been keeping track, but it seems to be a pretty major war... at least incredibly multi-fronted). Other people are probably much better informed than I.
26-08-2003, 05:49
Assault on Raem (

Dark Eldar appeared in the Empire of Raem, slaughtered its leadership and its citizens. After a team of Whispering Voices scientists hired by the old regime were held hostage, a large coalition moved into Raem to attack the Dark Eldar, providing aid to the forces of the Drakonian Imperium and others. The Dark Eldar didn't fight on the field of battle, were crushed in raids, and set off nuclear bombs in major cities before being pushed back into the webway and the city of Hide being bodily sucked into the warp by the deployment of warpstone nuclear bombs.
26-08-2003, 07:27

Operation Peacemaker/The Plot
(August 13th 2003 : Ongoing)
Ellan forces attempt to invade Anaguum and Rionero, against the backdrop of ethnic massacres in Anaguum.

Cut and Thrust: Invasion of Ell
(Started August 24th 2003 ; Ongoing)
Pro-Arda forces (Rionero, Addamous) attack Ell.
26-08-2003, 08:53
i have some info that might help you:

The Tilsitin was'nt that major.....
Western Asia
26-08-2003, 10:19
Invasion of The Royal Palms
Date: June 2003
Cause: The Nation of Royal palms had pledged support for the nation of The North Krindel in its war on Sniper Country. As a result, Sniper Country, Nankin, Omz222, Western Asia, and others (Mostly RGGA countries) invaded. (Doctors Without porders services were provided by the LRR medical brigade 1, now serving the emergency ward on Demios. They took heavy casualties during a rocket attack on the field hospital, and rescued, and ultimately saved five victims of a MOAB bomb explosion, among many others.)
Outcome:The Royal palms forces, although fighting tenaciously, were eventually defeated by the RGGA. The RGGA established a friendy government, and this move led to the Royal Palms insurgency, also known as the second Royal Palms war.

The Royal palms Insurgency (The Second Royal palms war)
Date: July 2003
Cause: Due to certain inadequacies of the installed government, a rebel movement broke out in The Royal palms, led by General Alvarez, a promionent Royal palms army commander in the invasion. This rebel movement led RGGA forces, based on nearby Singer island, to invade again to support the friendly government. Sniper Country sent special forces units to support the rebels.(DWB services yet again provided by LRR, with heavy casualties ensueing in several friendly-fire incidents.)
Outcome: Sniper Country, in support of the rebels, gassed Singer Island with warheads mounted on cruise missiles. This action led to the nuclear bombing of Sniper Country's capital city, as well as Farbanti, the capital city of Nankin. The conflict inside of Royal palms ended with a military victory for the RGGA in terms of ground won, but no real signifigance is held in that achievement, and the rebel movement still exists in The Royal Palms.

Needs some editing (and links).

The original "invasion" of Royal Palm was hardly anything and my forces launched a single volley of fire (if I remember correctly).

I helped negotiate an end to it.

In the second part, my fleet (and Gradenks') sought to prevent major exchanges of fire...and to establish a new round of peace talks. But when my ships moved to establish a "neutral ground" SC gassed Singer Island and Nankin Nuked SC (the nuking of Nankin's capitol was someone else's work).

Threads (in order, with comments):

Prologue (and related threads)

TNK declares war on SC (

Royal Palm urges nations against SC...fails (

First Royal Palmian Conflict (Royal Palm vs. RGGA, WA, and Co.)

The invasion of Royal Palm (

"Negotiations Concerning The Royal Palm Conflict" ( (Negotiated End)

Second Royal Palmian Conflict (AKA, The Royal Palmian Insurrection. (Royal Palm and RGGA vs. SC and Rebels.)

Rioting Breaks Out in Royal Palm (

Failed Negotiations (

Eventually, the RGGA held a Hearing into the actions on the part of Nankin (or rather, Nankin's ex-leader, who was assassinated by his own officials after the nuclear strike on SC). Royal Palm split, with Emperor Miguel ceding a portion of the territory to General Alvarez (the rebel leader). Miguel was later assassinated but the killer was never found.

Hearing Into Nankin v. Sniper Country (

Royal Palm Splits (

Miguel (Royal Palm's dictator) Killed (

SC destroyed (not ICly acknowledged 100% by anyone) (

Side/Related Conflicts: The North Krindel and Samustan
Samustan and TNK attack SC embassy, or something :D (

More "strikes" by Samustan (

SC goes into Samustan (

SC in Samustan, Samustani propoganda (
27-08-2003, 20:38
In the second part, my fleet (and Gradenks') sought to prevent major exchanges of fire...and to establish a new round of peace talks. But when my ships moved to establish a "neutral ground" SC gassed Singer Island and Nankin Nuked SC (the nuking of Nankin's capitol was someone else's work)

It is my understanding that Rukemia nuked the Nankinese capital.
28-08-2003, 02:09[1].jpg

Independant Pluto
28-08-2003, 02:11
Imperial Forces
28-08-2003, 02:22
A Correction on WW4, we weren't drove out of Nod, several things happened:

The thread crashed.
Russain Forces was working on a treaty with Nod, Me and Pure Evil signed also afterwards and we went and left Nod shores. We weren't droved out buy GDODAD.
28-08-2003, 04:37
A Correction on WW4, we weren't drove out of Nod, several things happened:

The thread crashed.
Russain Forces was working on a treaty with Nod, Me and Pure Evil signed also afterwards and we went and left Nod shores. We weren't droved out buy GDODAD.Driven. The word is driven.
Western Asia
28-08-2003, 04:42
In the second part, my fleet (and Gradenks') sought to prevent major exchanges of fire...and to establish a new round of peace talks. But when my ships moved to establish a "neutral ground" SC gassed Singer Island and Nankin Nuked SC (the nuking of Nankin's capitol was someone else's work)

It is my understanding that Rukemia nuked the Nankinese capital.

Yep, but Rukemia wasn't involved in the thread...that was just a happenstance that turned out poorly for SC (Nankin's leader took it that SC had nuked the Nankinese capitol.
28-08-2003, 06:25
Name: United Indiastan Declares War on the Peoples Anthill
Archive: The Ideological Wars
Date: Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:20 am -
Cause: United Indiastan declares war citing 'human rights violations' in the Peoples Anthill
Plot: United Indiastan assembles international blockade in the area surrounding the Peoples' Anthill. Physical war averted by intervention by inspection conducted by Dr. Paulus of Snub Nose 38 and Lady Sirithil nos Feanor of Menelmacar. The tour was concluded after Sirithil and Paulus spent several hours inside the Hive examining the mechanisms of Anthill society. The after-effects and results of the investigation have not been conclusive. As of now an undeclared state of cold war exists between the Peoples Anthill and United Indiastan.
29-08-2003, 21:19
In the second part, my fleet (and Gradenks') sought to prevent major exchanges of fire...and to establish a new round of peace talks. But when my ships moved to establish a "neutral ground" SC gassed Singer Island and Nankin Nuked SC (the nuking of Nankin's capitol was someone else's work)

It is my understanding that Rukemia nuked the Nankinese capital.

Yep, but Rukemia wasn't involved in the thread...that was just a happenstance that turned out poorly for SC (Nankin's leader took it that SC had nuked the Nankinese capitol.

I know (I was on the judicial panel investigating.). I just wanted to note that fact.
12-10-2003, 22:12
ANZAC - Collectivist War
Date: Late September/Early October
Cause: The People's Anthill and allies lay claim to the South Pacific
Principle Combants: WesternAustralia, Ell, The People's Anthill, Arachs, ANZAC Allies.
Plot: TPA invades Australia, setting up a forward base in Sydney. Arachs invade Southern Ell (NZ) but are driven back quickly and sign a peace treaty. Ell launches pre-emptive strike against TPA's hive. TPA responds by gassing Dunedin in Ell. Scandavian States nukes the hive partially, ending the war.
Consequences: After peace negotations broke down, Altaran declared war on TPA.
New Genoa
12-10-2003, 22:16
Atlantian Outcasts
13-10-2003, 14:31
In the second part, my fleet (and Gradenks') sought to prevent major exchanges of fire...and to establish a new round of peace talks. But when my ships moved to establish a "neutral ground" SC gassed Singer Island and Nankin Nuked SC (the nuking of Nankin's capitol was someone else's work)

It is my understanding that Rukemia nuked the Nankinese capital.

Yep, but Rukemia wasn't involved in the thread...that was just a happenstance that turned out poorly for SC (Nankin's leader took it that SC had nuked the Nankinese capitol.

I know (I was on the judicial panel investigating.). I just wanted to note that fact.

Rukemia has a trend to do bad stuff, dosn't he?
02-11-2003, 18:44
My first war, five days after creation of Coreworlds. I'll remember this for all time!

Declaration of War on the Empire of Espario
Date:20XX, lasted at least several days.
Cause: Massive human rights violations by polynesian Empire.
Cause Link:
War Link:
Principle Combatants: Espario, defending nation; Cho-ko-ti, ally. Liberators: Bryn Shander, Crownguard, Coreworlds (that's me!), Pantocrateria, Excalbia, DeSavonia (supplies), Setian-Sebeceans, and Wyrmberg. Observers and neutral nations: Shildonia, East Islandia, Mushroomius, The Imperial Navy, Biel-Tan Eldar, Jerusalem.

A neo-Nazi terrorist group unsuccessful made a coup against the government and killed some women and children in the process. In response:

Therefore all white males above 16 have to collect registration card at the Esperi capital. After that they will be send to newly installed prison camps to protect them against their own hateful mind. Note: these camps can't be compared with concentration camps, every individual, however naturally Nazi will even receive human treatment: something they never gave to our Polynesian comrades.

That was a lie. They were concentration camps with a different name. They also were greedy in that they wanted $1,000 from their whites in order for them to leave the country, if they wished to escape the prison sentences. Later, a riot by the prisoners wishing to escape lead to thousands dead on both sides. The survivors were later executed. Their families were murdered or sent to hard labor. Embargoes were issued by many of the offended nations. Demands for the prisoners to be freed and inspectors to be let in were refused. A transcript:

Response to the ultimatum:

You are hereby required to:
- Cease the disgusting practices of forced labour and the sale of human beings.

These will not stop until the last white man is punished for what he has done.

- Release all detainees of your camps.

This clearly shows your only intention is to bring an anarchic situation in my country: I can’t free hundreds of thousands of criminals.

- Allow said released detainees the choice to return to normal Esperi society, or to leave the country free of charge should they so desire.

To allow white people to work normally in our society is against our constitution and the values of our culture.

- Return to the aforementioned all material wealth which has been confiscated from them, and pay reasonable restitution for the hardships they have endured.

Their private material has been sold to many Polynesians it is morally wrong to steal anything of an Polynesian in our society. We do not pay debts to criminals either.

- Pay extra reparations to the families of those executed by your brutal regime.

Giving financial/social support against any enemy of the state is against the Polynesian Esperi Constitution

-Allow UN and non-UN nations, including those currently engaged in an embargo on your nation to send a reasonable number of inspectors to investigate the practices in your camps -
nothing may be altered in said camps apart from the release of the detainees.

Sozy has been forced to move out none, including Sozy will be allowed to sent any inspectors. We can’t allow white people to land on our airfields that would spoil our holy soil and that is against the values of our culture.

- The current leaders of the regieme are also required to submit themselves to the mercy of an international court of law. We suggest that this court should be made up of judges from a variety of UN and non-UN states, and -to avoid claims of racism - should contain over 50% coloured members.

If this would be FORCED to happen AFTER you have brutaly invaded and murdered our people we will never send our leaders to a place where even in courts white minorities dominant the black people. We only accept Polynesian courts with ONLY Polynesian people.

- In addition, we require that the process of free elections - open to ALL Esperi citizens, including the ex-detainees - be re-instated (under UN supervision), and further that the current government be prevented from running for re-election this term.
As mentioned in our constitution the state is not allowed to let criminals or those who have been in prison camps, or those who have close relatives in prison camps the permission to vote.

As you can see, the Esparion goverment either skated over the demands, or outright defied them. We were much angrier than the rest, and as such, were more direct than the others. Crownguard was the first nation to declare war, then followed all the others. We joined the conflict when our destroyer attacked and sank a gunship harassing refugees. The war lasted for a couple weeks to a month, made longer by Cho-to-ki intervention. Read more to find out how it ends!
Atlantian Outcasts
02-11-2003, 19:14
awww.... The Rukemian Wars got purged :cry:
The Trojan Empire
18-11-2003, 04:35
Speed Bump.
New Genoa
30-11-2003, 04:33
Steel Butterfly
28-12-2003, 02:38
this needs updated 8)
New Genoa
28-12-2003, 02:44
this needs updated 8)

Bah, most of those threads have been purged. Maybe we can ask [violet] to resurrect them...
Atlantian Outcasts
28-12-2003, 02:47
this needs updated 8)

Bah, most of those threads have been purged. Maybe we can ask [violet] to resurrect them...

Rukemian wars
28-01-2004, 03:28
28-01-2004, 03:30
08-02-2004, 00:57

and a *Bump!* for a good reference. :D
08-02-2004, 01:07
good to know some of the history
08-02-2004, 01:07
08-02-2004, 01:43
11-04-2004, 04:42
The Triton War (War between the Elite Force, Alerica, and the USSR)

The Elite Force nukes or bombs Alerica (I don't remember which). The USSR moves in troops to help defend and rebuild the damage done to Alerica. Free Alericans assaults the USSR forces inside the border. Alerica declares the Free Alericans terrorists. After a few small battles the Free Alerican forces, which were poorly equipped, fell to the USSR forces. Around the time North Alerica was bombed and USSR moved into their territory, New York & Jersey left the region of North Alerica.

That's all I know of this conflict. Ask NY&J and maybe he can give you the added details I can't.

That was the first war we had with North Alerica, the region. It started out when Alerica and myself got mad at each other. USSR RP invaded North Alerica on the forums, which were deleted in time. The Elite Forces nuked Alerica, North Alerica surrended. USSR Forces helped rebuild North Alerica, and we became sore friends.

Marathon wrote:
WHAT?!? OK, firstly. The Amerigan Slave Crisis was not a World War. Secondly, add the Alerican Wars. They were the first true World War. Also, add the Kazikstan ((Spelling?)) War too. That was also defenitely World War worthy. Forthly, the GDODAD Wars sUx0red. Badly.

The Triton War was just the regions of North Alerica and USSR fighting each other with a few cheap shots from The Elite Force on both regions.

The Alerican Wars were not, in fact, the first NS World War. That I will add soon. In fact, the first NS World War was the USSR-Nazi war. Little info now is that it involved little under 300 UN nations, maybe reaching 500 nations if you count non-UN. Many regions were involved, the major ones are: USSR, Ireland, Germany, Axis, The Motherland, Poland, and a large part of the forces from AntiCapitalist Alliance unofficially. There were about 10 other smaller regions in the war as well. I will post that info later. I have been meaning to do a whole report for NS on the First NS World War.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 1:46 pm Post subject:


things are going well lately. RedCommunist is trying to find info on the Triton War and USSR-Nazi War, Steel Butterfly is working on the Midnight-Sunlight Civil War, and TDP is writing up WW5.

Little late I do say. Anyway I will post some info later tonight.
11-04-2004, 05:07
The Galahad Conflict

Date: Summer 2003 (?)

Cause: Tremalkianic Kaiser's proclamation of the Wars of Expansion causes declaration of war by Omz222

Major Combatants: Tremalkier and Hitler III vs. The Damned People, Omz222, and (?).

Plot: A small Tremalkianic battleforce takes advantage of the Omzian war declaration by grabbing a foothold in the Omzian colony of Galahad. Omz222, engaged in another war, is forced to call in allies The Damned People and (?) to fight in their stead. In the meantime Tremalkier secures a small island (Galahad=Great Britain, small island=Ireland) through quick incursions grabbing control of the strategic areas, and pacifying resistance. Further forces are then called in by the Tremalkiens, as the Galahad forces set up a major line of battle on the main island in the south. Hitler III forces set up two naval forces in an attempt to blockade the islands. Following the arrival of Tremalkianic reinforcements, a bombing campaign is started against Galahadian camps, resulting in minimal damage, as a counter-bombardment of missile strucks hits the Tremalkien forces. A stalemate ensues as neither force can strike the other, until a third nation (Western Asia maybe?) appears on the side of the Galahadian forces. Sending only a pair of ships forward, the new forces are spotted by a sensor sub, that quickly relays the information to a pack of T-Wolf submarines. An ambush laid, the newcoming ships are promptly destroyed by Harpoon and torpedo fire. Tremalkier, fearing further incursion orders the Devastator supersubmarine to land its marine group on the Southernmost beaches of Galahads main island. Airstrikes against the Galahadian line allow a small beachhead to be taken securely, allowing the Tremalkianic forces full access to Galahad. With further forces coming from the third ally (Western Asia?) the Tremalkianic Kaiser issues a final warning. Either the new forces will turn back, or the forces being assembled to take total control of Galahad would be redirected and reinforced in a direct assault on the third newcomer. The third allies forces prompty fell back, prompting a surrender by the now outnumbered, outgunned, and surrounded Galahadian forces.

Result: Tremalkianic annexation of Galahad, with Hitler III gaining economic priviliges.
11-04-2004, 05:09
and may I add how odd it looks to look at:
A) My "creation date", and see February 22 04 instead of Feb 09 03, my real creation date (temporary deletion).
B) Post count "16". What happened to the other thousand? Oh yeah :arrow: (temporary deletion)
11-04-2004, 06:05
Wall of Stars (
Date:Sun Nov 09, 2003 - Sat Feb 07, 2004
Cause: Vernii decided to conquer four neighboring star systems, and the nearby Star Empire of Valinon and Imperial Principality of Taka intervened.
Plot: Attacks are launched on the independent systems of Acler, Yalta, and Madras, and all three are quickly conquered. A ISSF convoy arrives in Madras and is warned off by Commodore Heathman's light cruiser squadron. The ISSSF return with a Valinor Armada group, and wipe out Heathman's cruisers in a short battle. Negotiations followed between Vernii and Valinon & Taka, and ended with Vernii refusing to withdraw from the conquered systems. A joint Valinor, Takan, and LRR fleet then attacked the Verniian fleet at Yalta, resulting in a major battle. The Verniian fleet withdrew from the system after suffering the loss of it's flagship and several battleships. Meanwhile, a squadron of four Verniian Q-ships snuck into Earth orbit and bombarded two Valinor treaty ports, resulting in a few thousand civilian deaths. Valinon's Sol system fleet intercepted the Q-ships and after a fierce battle destroyed each of them. All 8,000 Verniian crewmen on the four ships died. Admiral Forrest, the Valinor Admiral, then launched an attack on Gregor, Vernii's home system. A battle ensues between Forrest's fleet and Home Fleet, and ends in a stalemate. Due to the start of the Adamite War back in Alpha Centauri, Forrest proposed a cease fire, which was accepted.
Results: Acler remained in Verniian control, while Yalta, Madras, and Stocurm formed into a protectorate alliance of Valinon. The Verniian government was rather unsatisfied with their defeat, and began a rapid rebuilding of the navy, and a new low level conflict has started again in the new protectorate region.
11-04-2004, 07:10

Cause: The GLA were suspected of using the West African Nation of Gabon as a base, with the at least implicit consent of the Gabonaise Government. The Nation of United Elias felt that, as a near-victim of a terrorist attack perpetrated by the GLA with Uranium acquired from Gabon, they were entitled to take action against both the GLA and the Gabonaise Government to prevent further Terrorist Attacks, and thus launched an invasion of Gabon...

Plot: The GLA cell was very quickly destroyed, along with the corrput Socialist Government. However, Rebel Factions soon sprang up contesting the Invasion, and before long several other nations in Southern Africa (Rhodesia & Nyasaland, Lusaka, Roycelandia, and the African Commonwealth) became involved in the war, arming Counter-Revolutionary Forces, or supporting the Rebels.
Fighting quickly escalated, and before long the Forces were basically divided into two: The United Elian/Roycelandian/Rhodesian Imperialist Forces, intent on controlling Gabon and installing a puppet government, and the Free Gabonaise/Lusakan/African Commonwealth Anti-Imperialist Forces, intent on removing Imperialism from Gabon and assisting the Native Africans to run their own country.
Other, smaller nations have also become involved, most notably Middle Congo on the Imperialist side, and Cirdanistan on the Anti-Imperialist side, and so far the Gabonaise Civil War has devastated the country, led to the establishment of the African Imperial Alliance, and further cooled relationships between the Colonial Powers (Roycelandia and Rhodesia) and the Native African Nations (Lusaka and the African Commonwealth), subtly changing the Political Landscape of Southern Africa in ways that are still not yet fully apparent.

Results: Still in progress at this stage. However, it looks like the Imperialist Alliance and the Anti-Imperialist African forces will establish a permanent DMZ running down the centre of Gabon, with the East being African and the West being Imperialist. Gabon has been totally levelled, thousands have been killed, and the situation has almost escalated to a Nuclear Deployment level. More to come when the Cease-Fire is finalised and the Red Cross can do a Damage Assessment...

Date:January 10, 2004- Present
Western Asia
13-04-2004, 09:05
The Galahad Conflict

Date: Summer 2003 (?)

Cause: Tremalkianic Kaiser's proclamation of the Wars of Expansion causes declaration of war by Omz222

Major Combatants: Tremalkier and Hitler III vs. The Damned People, Omz222, and (?).

Plot: A small Tremalkianic battleforce takes advantage of the Omzian war declaration by grabbing a foothold in the Omzian colony of Galahad. Omz222, engaged in another war, is forced to call in allies The Damned People and (?) to fight in their stead. In the meantime Tremalkier secures a small island (Galahad=Great Britain, small island=Ireland) through quick incursions grabbing control of the strategic areas, and pacifying resistance. Further forces are then called in by the Tremalkiens, as the Galahad forces set up a major line of battle on the main island in the south. Hitler III forces set up two naval forces in an attempt to blockade the islands. Following the arrival of Tremalkianic reinforcements, a bombing campaign is started against Galahadian camps, resulting in minimal damage, as a counter-bombardment of missile strucks hits the Tremalkien forces. A stalemate ensues as neither force can strike the other, until a third nation (Western Asia maybe?) appears on the side of the Galahadian forces. Sending only a pair of ships forward, the new forces are spotted by a sensor sub, that quickly relays the information to a pack of T-Wolf submarines. An ambush laid, the newcoming ships are promptly destroyed by Harpoon and torpedo fire. Tremalkier, fearing further incursion orders the Devastator supersubmarine to land its marine group on the Southernmost beaches of Galahads main island. Airstrikes against the Galahadian line allow a small beachhead to be taken securely, allowing the Tremalkianic forces full access to Galahad. With further forces coming from the third ally (Western Asia?) the Tremalkianic Kaiser issues a final warning. Either the new forces will turn back, or the forces being assembled to take total control of Galahad would be redirected and reinforced in a direct assault on the third newcomer. The third allies forces prompty fell back, prompting a surrender by the now outnumbered, outgunned, and surrounded Galahadian forces.

Result: Tremalkianic annexation of Galahad, with Hitler III gaining economic priviliges.

I don't think that I ever supported Galahad...but then again I don't remember a lot of last summer... :)
New Genoa
10-05-2004, 02:03
does anyone think I should request this to be archived?
Sigma Octavus
10-05-2004, 02:38
Operation: Righteous Smackdown

Archive: N/A
Date: April 2, 2003 to April 4, 2003
Cause: Sigma Octavus declared war on every nation.
Plot: Many nations fought back against Sigma Octavus' war declarations. Several nations invaded, while the rest used missile strikes. Sigma Octavus fought as much as a nation of 6 million people could, and eventually surrendered.
Results: Entire nation turned to desert as result of missiles and other weapons. Sigma Octavus licked its wounds and quickly joined in the Midnight-Anti Ragnarok War

OOC: Thought I might add this. From what I've heard, this is what most older nations remember me from. I don't remember who titled it Operation: Righteous Smackdown, but it happened a few months later.
Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
21-05-2004, 15:50
OOC: Damn this is an old thread..... Hmm... the anniversary of my first war against RF is coming up soon... :lol: